My Advent Calendar – 6 Dec – Are we all set for the Xmas game?

in #christmas6 years ago

You’re probably wondering, What on earth is the Xmas game? And what does being set for it involve? The Xmas game transformed our family Xmas and made it less stressful.


Imagine a family Christmas with 20+ people, and imagine you’re the kind of person who feels that need to have a gift for everyone. Feeling stressed yet?

And then add a dynamic where some people want to buy for everybody, and some only want to buy for the kids. Someone always ends up feeling offended.

Enter the Xmas game. I was introduced to it at a work Xmas lunch, and it was such a hoot that I suggested it for the family Xmas.

How it works

Everybody just buys one gift, for a pre determined value. At the work lunch, it was $5; for family Xmas it’s $20. And we put two in each, instead of just one.

This game is for the adults. Everybody takes a playing card from a deck of cards, and whoever has the highest card goes first. You might think that would be a good thing, but it’s actually not.

Person 1 picks a present from the pile in the middle of the floor, and opens it. Everybody gets to have a look. Going clockwise round the circle, person 2 has a choice. If they love what person 1 picked, they can nab that, and person 1 picks again. Otherwise, they pick from the centre. Now person 3 can nab either of the previous two gifts or pick from the centre. And so it goes on. Some gifts get nabbed more than once, and a lot of hilarity usually ensues. So the later you get to pick, the better your chances of getting a goodie.


To make it a bit fairer, we then go round the other way, with the previous last person being the first to pick. That’s why we each put it two. You can only nab something from the current round. When round 1 is over, those gifts are then safe.

Once it’s all over, there is sometimes some negotiation involving swaps.

Lots less gift buying

So now for family Xmas, all we buy is:

• Presents for the kids / teens – which is now only 1 of our nieces, and @andysantics48’s three grandchildren
• Four x $20 presents (2 each)
• And maybe a little extra something for Mum

Isn’t that easy as pie?

If you have a large family and Xmas costs a fortune in time, money and stress, I can highly recommend this as a fun alternative.

So are we set for it?

Yes, 3 of them are already in a box in the wardrobe, and as long as all our online purchases turn up in time, we’ve got #4 sorted too. I can’t tell you what they are though, cos Miss @andysantics48 will be reading this ;-) I’m guessing her two will be lovely packs of her gorgeous products.

I think my all time favourite $20 pick is the Xmas owl, who has graced our living room every Xmas since.


Alcohol is usually popular. Though surprisingly, not chocolate. I think by that time on Xmas Day, everybody is full of food, feeling guilty and thinking about how they need to start dieting tomorrow. A $20 collection of scratchies aka Instant Kiwi tickets (don’t know what they’re called in other countries) always goes down well.

Possibly our most popular contribution was the $40 kitchen knife set, that we got on special for $20. Everybody was fighting over that one!

Does anyone else have similar family traditions?


Day 1 – Carol singing with the NZ Symphony Orchestra
Day 2 – Kilbirnie Santa Parade
Day 3 – Posting overseas Xmas cards & a Xmas themed exercise class
Day 4 – Last minute book buying
Day 5 – Last choir rehearsal for the year

What is Day 7’s little surprise??

Thanks for reading and listening

Top pic from Pixabay (photoshopped by me), others from our family archives.

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What a great game and the way to take the stress out of trying to buy tons of presents when you have a large family.
I don’t have many to buy for anymore..Hubby ..and if we go over to my sister’s place in Nova Scotia, I take presents for her, her hubby and son. Also I take homemade fruitcake, gumdrop cake and their favorite, gingermen cookies.
No exchange now with my two brothers and their families as they live in different provinces. It costs more to mail a present than the present is worth. We just phone/ video chat each other greetings over Christmas.

I always make homemade fruit cake, and have sometimes made gluten free gingerbread cookies. I wondered if gumdrop cake was similar to what we might call lolly cake, but ours is made from crushed up malt biscuits and sweetened condensed milk, so isn't actually cake.

The Lolly Cake looks yummy and festive for the season, Deb. I don’t think I’ve seen malt biscuits in the store...will have to check. Maybe a different name for them here.
I made a dark and light fruitcake...homemade always seems to taste so much better.

Having a look around, it seems like the dark malt biscuits we have here and Australia are not made anywhere else. But you could probably make it similar with any plain biscuit, like the ones we call Arrowroot, or Wine biscuits. You could always add a spoonful or malt, or maybe molasses.

When @andyaantics48 makes the roll, I think she might also put glace cherries in to make it even more Xmassy. It is extremely sweet though - just a thin slice is usually enough!

I saw your recipe for a white xmas cake (I think it was you) with coconut. At some stage, I might have a go at seeing if I can convert it to starch free. It would probably work fine with ground almonds and coconut flour, like my other one. I agree homemade is better. Bought cakes seem a bit dry to me.

We have arrowroot biscuits here. Yes the white fruitcake with coconut turned out nicely. It was one my mother used to make, I think it would turn out great with the ground almonds and coconut flour. Here is recipe : It filled an angel food (funnel) pan.
Coconut White Fruitcake
Soak in 1/2 C. Brandy overnight
1 pkg dark raisins
1 pkg golden raisins
1 cup red cherries (glazed)
1 cup green cherries (glazed)
1 cup mixed fruit
2 cups flaked coconut
The next day in large mixing bowl,
Cream: 1 cup soft butter with 1 1/2 cup of white sugar
Add: 4 eggs...beating one at a time
1 cup milk
1/2 lb. of slivered blanched almonds
Beat well and add:
2 and 3/4 cups of flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking Soda
2 tsp vanilla
Mix well with the brandy drenched ingredients.
Bake at low oven temperature 200 F-225 F (110C) for approximately 2 hrs.
Let cake cool completely before removing from pan.

I hope your X-mas doesn't turn out to be a Donnybrook. :-)

No, mostly we manage to be well behaved, with no fisticuffs ;-)

A good way to sort out family " discussions" at Christmas.

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This really does work much better than buying dozens of presents that nobody wants - it makes Xmas into a fun game!

And that's what we want - a fun Xmas!

Awww I bought that owl and I'm glad you love it :) Nope not giving away my products - I actually didn't even think about it lol

Couldn't you tell by the way I clutched it to my chest and wouldn't let anyone else have it?

Oh you're not, huh? Hmm, you're being all secret squirrel too, then.

Sounds like a lot of fun, i would get angry if someone took a good present from me LOL i would be gutted :)

That is the risk, but what the hell, what's life without a little risk ;-)

Very true, would be a good laugh LOL

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