Daily Journal: Forget The Past

in #christian6 years ago

He Speaks

Several years ago, I began journaling during my time spent with God, usually in the morning as a great start to my day. I believe God is a very Present God, concerned with the intricacies of our day-to-day life. I believe He's a good, good Father--far better than any early father. I believe He speaks to us through His Word and through His Holy Spirit living within. As I journal, He speaks to me as if He's right there in front of me, and I write down what he says. This series contains excerpts from my journal. Even with differences in beliefs, I believe anyone can find some inspiration and insight. Read this as if these words are being spoken to YOU, and let them elevate and motivate you.


Forget the past

The past only exists in your memories. Let those memories go, and your past and your pain will go with them.

I am your Today. I will meet your needs today. Then, turn your eyes to the Eternal. The things of this world--the people of this world, the emotions of this world, the pleasures of this world, the distractions of this world are all dissipating--they don't last.

So think about, meditate on, take pleasure in, take action on things that are Eternal--Faith, Hope and Love.

Don't try to be pleasing to the people of this world. Don't seek acceptance from the people of your past. Please Me. Build up treasure in Heaven--a place that IS Eternal!

Do this by loving, trusting and obeying Me AND by loving your brothers and loving the world. Not with your love, but by showing them My Love--Yeshua.

The Spirit and Nature and Power of Yeshua is in you. Once you take hold of that belief, you will be amazed by what you can do--through Me, with Me, for Me.


Daily Journal: Cultivate My Presence

Daily Journal: In His Presence
In The Night
Why Am I Here?

Hi Friends! Thanks For Reading!


Hi! My name is Coach JJ and I've been coaching and inspiring athletes to better health and fitness for over five years! I'm a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer at CrossFit Edwardsville in Edwardsville, IL, USA. But, my vision is to bring together the Fitness Community on Steemit in order to have a greater impact on improving the health and fitness of our fellow Steemians.

I'm also a mother of two teens and a self-defined “spicy, sassy Christ-follower” who posts about my personal journey, but loves all those on any journey. Feel free to check out my intro post, get inspired on your fitness journey, or ponder on my faith-based posts. If any of this connects with you, follow me and say Hello!

Happy Steeming,
Coach JJ

The STEEM Engine


Thanks for sharing your story! I really love reading peoples journals. It connects us in the most human way. We begin to see each other as individuals.

You're welcome! Thanks for reading it and commenting. Although I'm an introvert, I have always been an open book, and I love connecting with people in a deep way. It's sometimes difficult when we're behind computer screens, world's away, but with persistence it's possible. Thanks for allowing me to share within your forum 😄

I hope you found posting via ChainBB useful and not too confusing.

I was able to figure it out easily enough. I definitely need to spend some time exploring it more.

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