"Life In The Spirit..." - Daily Word #39

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)

We continue from yesterday and look now in Romans 8:1-6, where God wants us to progress from our old ways to His New Ways.

"So now there is NO Condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus." Source

That's the first reassurance God wants to give us. Why? Because He knows very well that we will constantly allow our mind to be bombarded by old thoughts of "I'm not worthy", "Woe is me, a sinner", "God, can never accept my past", etc. No more condemning yourself.

Sadly, some still think they have to earn their salvation through good works alone, or earn the acceptance and love of God, which actually points us back to the Law.

"...and because you belong to Him, the Power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death" Source

Yup, it is the LIFE that has been freely given to ALL who believe and accept Jesus as Lord. And as we are FREE, we should live this life with Fullness Joy and Gratitude!!


"...the just requirement of the Law would be fully satisfied for us, who no longer follow our sinful nature but instead follow the Spirit. Source

Jesus had to fulfil the requirement of the Law. When we sin it will lead to death. Jesus had to pay the price. And so when He took our place, He took our death upon Himself. And best of all, what flowed out from His New Life henceforth will also be ours. The Spirit that raised Jesus up will also raise us up from our miry life situations and death itself.

YES, we have LIFE in the Spirit!!!

"...those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that PLEASE the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit Control Your Mind leads to Life and Peace." Source

Our response today is about moving forward, it's about that ONE Focus on doing things that PLEASE the Spirt! And the result of that is, when we make room for the Spirit to Control our Mind, our Thoughts, our Patterns, our Planning, our Next Steps...this will lead to the Abundant Life that God Promises and His Shalom.

Isn't that what everyone wants in the whole wide world? (Promises in our Life and Peace over our Life). And yet, they are cautious in turning to Him.

We know that His Word is Truth. His Word will never go void, because He Stands for His Word... He is the Word!

Will you put your whole life in the Comforting and Leading Hands of His Spirit today?

Over to you!

Blessings & Shalom.



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