"Intimacy..." - Daily Word #32

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)

Over the next 3 days, I am impressed to share on Paul's "Prayer for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation" for the Ephesians.

Today, let's dive a little into verse 17 of Chapter 1...

"I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation to know Him through your Deepening INTIMACY with Him".


INTIMACY is defined as having a close familiarity or friendship, example: "the intimacy between a husband and wife". Of course the world has taken Intimacy (just like it has taken Love & Relationships) and brandished it with different layers of other meaning that is superficial and somewhat sexual in nature.

Intimacy is what we experience of really knowing and being known by another person or being. And it goes beyond the physical. For example with my constant overseas travels, my relationship with my spouse has actually strengthened not weakened.

One common ingredient to an intimate relationship is Trust. The more we can Trust someone, the closer we allow them to get into our zone.

There was a comedy movie called "Meet the Parents" where Robert De Niro plays the father who was very against Ben Stiller's character, warning him that he had to earn to get into the "Circle of Trust". LOL.

What does this mean?

Paul's prayer was so that the Ephesians would firstly get Closer to God in their Walk, Relationship, Trust and ultimately... Intimacy. God will never reveal His Plans without you desiring to Know Him better.

Just like in John 15:15, it reads...

I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you".

And if you and I don't spend time to Know Him, we may not be able to Trust Him!

I guess the question "How much do you Trust Him?" will reveal the level of your Intimacy (and Walk) you have with God.

- Will you Trust Him in Good Times? (I love my job/business)
- Will you Trust Him in OK Times? (I still have a job/business)
- Will you Trust Him when things go South? (I hate my job/business)
- Will you Trust Him when you are in Dire Straits? (I lost my job/business)
- Will you Trust Him in Major Calamities or Challenges? (Death, Divorce, Disease)

"Intimacy with God often occurs in the places where we must Trust Him most."

Will you draw near to Him today?

He is waiting to impart His Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to you.
He is waiting for you.

Blessings & Shalom.



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