"Immeasurable..." - Daily Word #34

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)

Today, I'm concluding this 3-part sharing with verse 19 of Paul's prayer in Ephesians Chapter 1, and it reads...

"I pray that you will continually experience the Immeasurable Greatness of God’s POWER made available to you through Faith. Then your lives will be an Advertisement of this Immense Power as it works through you!

IMMEASURABLE is defined as something that is incapable of being measured; broadly : indefinitely extensive.

WOW. Can you imagine something that is so extensive that it cannot be measured? Just like the cosmos which is filled with millions of stars... it can't even compared to the Creator of it all.


And just from the the verse above, we understand that the Depth and Breadth of God's Great Power IS MADE AVAILABLE to each one of us. It's like this unquenchable source of water coming from a waterfall, and we are just right smack at the bottom of it, receiving it's full might into our lives -- as it is being released!

What does this mean?

God's Great Power is there to TAP ON.

But doesn't mean that something is available to you and I, it immediately warrants us to use it. Some might, whilst majority may just wait and see, or use it sparingly (when required).

"...God's Power can be likened to the Electricity Socket".

We have to PLUG IN, Turn On the Power before anything can be Powered-Up. Sometimes, we could be Plugged In but the Power Switch is Off. And at times, the Power Switch is On but we are Not Plugged In. And in both ways, nothing (No Power) flows out!!

Another portion of that equation is, it requires your FAITH. If you don't have the Faith to Practice it, and to Turn On and Use the Power, then it will be like putting anything valuable in the hands of fools.

You see without Faith, it is Impossible to Please God.


And only when we ACTIVATE / TAP into the Continuous Flow of God's Extensive Power in our Lives with Faith, then Our Lives will become a Billboard, a Commercial, a Display, a Product, a Fruit of this Immense Power as it WORKS through our everyday LIVING.

God desires to pour out His Immeasurable Power onto ALL His Children!

Will you allow Him to do so today?

Blessings & Shalom.



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