"Illuminate..." - Daily Word #33

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)

Today, I'm continuing from where I left off yesterday with Paul's prayer for the Ephesians in Chapter 1...

"I pray that the Light of God will Illuminate the Eyes of your Imagination, flooding you with Light, until you experience the Full Revelation of the Hope of His Calling — that is, the wealth of God’s Glorious Inheritances that He finds in us, His holy ones!".

ILLUMINATION is defined as the action of illuminating or state of being illuminated: such as spiritual or intellectual enlightenment.

As we Draw Close to God, the Light of God will begin to Illuminate in and through our lives. It's only natural for this to happen. You can't be white and fair after being in the Sun for 3 hours (even if you have SPF50+ applied on your skin). You will definitely be a little Rosy if not Light Brown by then.


Sometimes we complain that God is so far away from us. And yet in our other breath, say that our problems seem a lot more real as it bears heavily upon our shoulders. Truth be told, God didn't move. The Light didn't move. His Presence will always be with us. It's us that made that shift to move away.

Just like when you and I choose (in seasons) to just get away from it all. All the pressures, all the responsibilities, all the reality that may be a little too difficult to face. We made that decision to walk on. And at times, walk on without the Lord.

God will always be God. He never lies and His Word will always be true. His Light will always shine through if and when we choose to allow Him to come in and shine in those places again -- the places of darkness, which is just a place absent of Light. And as we do that, the Light will reveal bits of our stubbornness, pride, ego and even self-righteousness.

What does this mean?

You see, God wants to let us experience His Full Revelation, not just in part but everything!

And when we allow His Light to permeate into ALL of our spaces and places in our lives, it will reveal a whole lot more of His Calling - the clarity, the certainty, the possibility and the ultimate reality.

I believe He has given us ALL and more beyond what we can fathom or think. It's just that we have not allowed Him Full Access. We sometimes think we need to ADD in our own smarts, our own ways, our own abilities, our own 2 cents worth as we negotiate the terms with Him.

He said in His Word above, "the Wealth of God’s Glorious Inheritances that He finds in us"...which means that it is already DONE. The Inheritance or Will has been written, it is just us STEPPING INTO our season with Faith and Walking Holy and acceptable in His Sight and His Light.


It's like being the Moon, completely Obedient to the time that it is supposed to ILLUMINATE and not try to by ourself illuminate the light from within.

There is only one Sun... and one SON!

Will you choose to allow yourself to reflect and Illuminate His Light to your world?

Blessings & Shalom.



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