When you think life is “hard” on you, maybe there’s a reason.

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)

Hi Steem-ians,

I am trying to write as fast as I can without using the Most Dangerous App as I have to quickly run off and resume work When inspiration comes, you got to write it down. I didn’t want to leave it till the end of the day in case I forgot.

Procrastination sometimes will lead to Dory’s memory loss (like @elizacheng likes to quote it haha)

So today I just want to write it down as a testimony and encouragement to those who had a very hard time wondering their tough journey in life especially as a Christian; a born-again believer more so!

I do not know how many times I have quoted this scripture (ever since my pastor prophesied over me):

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.
Psalm 37:23-24

But it is true, when you know you are instructed deep in your heart, in your gut you are to follow His instructions but yet you keep seeing road blocks or you feel isolated, you are like...


(What the heck? #$%^&*$@#$^)

... most of the time in your heart, your soul.

You see others enjoy their life as if they surf through life without a glitch, or you used to enjoy that very same life and now you are called out to something totally uncomfortable; and you felt you are imprisoned from being free.


Because a little off 2 years ago God convicted my heart that I MUST be debt free.

I wanted to be debt free but half of the time I slide back into spending because of sales or just enjoying a good time with friends.

But during that moment, through one of the sermons I heard, in my spirit I know I didn’t want to have anything to do with owing the bank too much unnecessary money (through credit card or hire purchase) anymore.

It was hard, to listen (from your heart) His instructions; and then be totally isolated, ridiculed being anti-social and gossiped about me by the people I trust (in or outside church).

Many times I want to give up and just run back to the flow of crowd.

But I held on.

I remember when I first became a Christian, the first verse that was blessed upon me by my fellow sister in Christ and fellow cell member was:

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Jeremiah 29:11

That kept me going on whenever I keep encountering mockery by others on how I chose to live my life.

And now, fast forward to this day:

I received my CCRIS (Central Credit Reference Information System) report to check whether I am clear to apply mortgage loan, and this is my result

Every single result is 0 (best result) and there is no outstanding banking summons at my end.
(before that, there were some “scratches” in previous years)

I have a totally clean record that is superb for me to apply mortgage (and other important applications)

Basically, the Central bank of Malaysia is super happy with my result.

Even my mortgage consultant was super happy and surprised.

I guess not many people these days could keep a 2 years strict discipline record.
Even though I have not started shopping for a housing loan, but this already represent half the battle won (to apply for a housing loan)

So right now, I need to get ready for a 3.5% earnest (non-refundable) deposit before I could actually start applying for the loan for the place I can finally call my own.

All the pain going through 2 years of discipline paid off to lead me to the need of acquiring my own place to house me and my parents.

So what’s the “lesson of the day” I have learned?

  • Sometimes, flowing with the crowd may not always be the best thing in your life, especially when you know you are pretty much wasting your life with it.

  • You don’t need a Starbucks daily when you can do good with your own little cheap coffee machine at home.

  • You don’t need to chase after the latest tech / fashion for the hype of it.

  • Fast food or eating luxuriously at a restaurant daily is not necessary, and home cooked food is sometimes healthier than outside food.

  • Weekly over the top expenses with friends are not necessary. If they think you are anti-social just because you want to save up a bit and refuse to eat something expensive with them to share the experience together weekly, you should really re-value your friendship with that person.

Last but not least,

- God will always provide

And all these painful restrictions, with God’s wisdom and instruction, even with occasionally extra expenses to help home and to repair my car, still enable me to save up some and be ready for this greater task at hand in my life.

So if you are going through a hard time right now (especially getting out of the toxic consumerism lifestyle), you might be in for a GREATER treat in the months (or years) to come!

And to end this with a bit of a different notch on how one sees a restriction as if it is a crisis here is something I just saw @kokuryo shared in our discord as a great reminder:

Every crisis is an opportunity

I hope you have enjoyed reading this sharing as much as I have enjoyed preparing them.

Thank You for Your Time


Please click on the logo to read why I have this project of 1000 SBD at the first place.


Another inspirational post... I am a minimalist and I concur to your points above... I am less into materialism and more into relationships and living life as a general

Learning so much just reading this comment alone. I am still working towards minimalism n decluterring. The hardest thing about parting with stuff is because of the memories attached to them. But i do not buy things for the purpose of getting a free gift, if i get one and i know i am
Not using it, rather decline the gift. The can save if for the next person who really wants it

If you fear of discarding material items because of memories attached to it, then take my basic concepts about photos.
I am a photographer and I take a lot of photos. But the total photos I have over the past 10 years is less than selfies taking by a younger girl in 1 year.
Fast forward to when we are 80 years old and I catch up with old friends and family and we reminisce about a particular event or moment and I say "hey~! I have that photo". Even if you are super organised like me, if you have a few hundred thousand photos, it will take me maybe more than half an hour to search the said photo. And by that time, my friends will have lost interest or the atmosphere of excitement is already gone. Also, as a photographer, I know that less is definitely more because say for the gathering we attended last Sat, I have only 28 photos. If I were to take photos the first minute to the very end. I may have 50 photos. Participants would be much interested to go over all those 50 photos. Imagine I have 300 photos for the 4 hour event, I guarantee you that less than 5% will scroll through all 300 photos, most will stop by around 100 photos... Then you multiple that by 300 events and imagine how many photos I have and me and others will only go over 5% of the photos if I were to have maybe 20 thousand photos from those 300 events.
Now let's get back to memories attached materials, yes, there will be a lot of stuff that means a lot, but if you have so much, by the time you are 80, you won't remember the story behind a whole room full of memorable items. Personally, I will keep some especially from a old friend or close family or relatives. All others, pain is the discard, after that, there is less than 1% chance of regret.

Free gifts that are junk are not only a waste of space and useless to me, but it very much harm the environment we live in. Also, the more junk we have, the harder it is to look for the more important items. Hence it is very easy for me to say no to junk items.

Yes i agree with you on the minimal amount of photos. I don’t take good ones but if i have to i try to remind myself those days we only have 36 shots in a row of film, so make each shot count.

Ah taking photos of the stuff is a good idea. Especially kids crafts from school. Just too much to keep.

As a photographer, I can tell you that ALL photographers do not take good photos. We just choose a few of the very best, then crop and do some minor editing and our photo album will look marvellous.

Idea is not to take less, but to take at the right angle and right moment.. Practice makes perfection. Usually, I only need to take a few hundred photos and choose the very best 200 or less for a full day event.

As for your children's crafts, there are a few you can keep, just be selective..
I have seen a clip of a mother making a quilt out of small pieces of their kid's clothing.. and it is an amazing idea

Grateful for the kind words @orangila , I used to be quite a consumerism myself as I was quite a tech chasing person (although I don't simply buy off something blindly) and love to try different kinds of food; but yes I too am inspired with minimalism that is why I am trying to de-clutter my current place especially my future unit is only 1/3 of the current size and more responsibilities to take on.

(Hence it is really good to discover Steemit last year)

Thanks for stopping by with your valuable comment!

I have been a minimalist for 2 decades already, I can share a few things with you:

  1. Say No to things you'll never need or won't be able to give away. Especially free gifts that are of low quality and is solely for collecting dust.
  2. 30 day rule. If it is something you want but don't need. Wait for 30 days before you purchase it. If you are still interested in it after 30 days, go ahead and get it. Chances are very very high that you are no longer interested or too lazy to purchase it.
  3. If it is something you'll use for frequently, invest in a premium item even if it is more expensive.
  4. Multipurpose items like baking soda, duct tape, vinegar, salt, .... are must have items
  5. What ever you do, challenge your creativity before going the easy way to buy something even if it is cheap. For example, you BBQ only once a year and you BBQ with fire, but you don't smoke or do anything that requires fire. Instead of spending money to buy a lighter (easy way and is cheap), think of alternatives. You'll be amaze at what you can achieve with what ever you already have and what you can do. Or you'll have a friend who smokes who has lighter:)
  6. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. Examples: Reuse - old clothes can be used as cloths for cleaning and wiping. Reduce - turn off lights and electronics when not in used, especially when away for an extended period of time. Recycle - water used to clean rice or vegetables can be used to water plants. Composting is also good way to fertilise your plants and reduce waste.
  7. Borrow - there are things which you'll use only only once very few years, borrow whenever you can.
  8. Ask - there are things which your close friends no longer use and you have good use of them, don't be shy to ask or even offer to pay them for it. Most of the time, they will be happy to get rid of it for free or sell you at a price much much lower than if you were to buy original

There are many more examples...

Hm. I have already start to reduce a lot in that manner, except 7.
For 8, it is a no brainer to the point that I have too many things that I am starting to give away instead haha.

The only challenging part is because I love to craft, there will eventually a lot of junk kept aside to re-use / transform into something different; that's why I am doing the de-clutter raffle contest so that it pushes me to get rid of all the junk and quickly re-produce good stuffs to give away for #teammalaysia members.

For the junks, there must be YouTube clips or forum on what to do with your "junk", there must be good use for it.. you can take photo of your junk and I may be able to give you suggestions...

I am going to tell you in advance that I may have to politely decline your gifts because last thing I want is to be too shy to say no only to take something which I'll never use.. something like key chains or bracelets etc are things I have too much of it... what I value is your friendship and advice on Steemit.. and digital photography is the best... it is intangible, and can be stored on cloud, and is priceless in value forever..

Oh you can always win it (if you win it) and send it to someone who you think might find it useful.

Do check out my Junk to Glamour series in my old steemit account (which I found my master password again after one year)

I will show you here and see if you think you might be able to bless someone else.

I changed the "junk" cough metal boxes to a container that is re-usable. :)

This is the one that is for the raffle contest + fund raising for my mom's surgical fee too.

which means you might / might not win it. Because it is a raffle.
(by chance)

Very nice.... I hope your mom is all okay~!!!

I know what raffles are:)

I hope she will be ok too. Just that her cornea is weaker than normal so a simple eye surgery will become more complicated.
(and cost more)

These containers are very nice btw @littlenewthings. I hope it finds a new home with someone who will treasure this

Love what you wrote here @orangila and I totally agree. Minimalism is the way to go! Investing in building relationships and collecting memories are way better than accumulating debts and junk at home.

Yes... I am so used to saying no things and giving and way free gifts... I also have the habit to recycle and donate my unneeded stuffs. Photos, memories, friendships and family are more valuable than any money (real life or cryptocurrency) or material goods..

Well, I have another thing that I have hard to let go, really good books to always refer back to lol....

So I guess you must have tons of albums at home, or you have resulted into keeping all of them in digital format @orangila ?

Hm. Except fridge magnets on the places I visited. haha.

I am being summoned to this post... :D
Dory's memory... LOL... Yup
If remember something that is important, then must quickly do it NOW!
Take Action is very important... Coz if we just sit there and DREAM BIG, doing nothing, the BIG DREAM will be forever a dream.
It's great to hear that you are finally free from the debts... and squeaky clean in your CCRIS!
Wish your bank loan shopping is a smooth one, and abundance of wealth and health are finding ways from all directions to you and family!

Amen on that @elizacheng ! Thank you!
Now I need to prepare documents and start bank shopping!

💕💖 💓 💗

ps: by the way @elizacheng , do check the raffle contest rules again. ;)

paiseh... re-upvoted with 100% liao

okok I make sure you are validated haha

Thank you Thank you Thank you!

Keeping you in prayers kaima. Praying that as you go for your bank shopping may you be guided by the Lord’s wisdom , that every step and every deicison that you take is only guided by the Lord and not men (: Praying that everything will go smoothly till the day you move in. Can’t wait to see your new house and swim swim there 😆 Happy that you are debt free! God is good 💪🏻. Press on dear kaima. @littlenewthings

haha I know you'll like the pool. The water overflows all the time keeping it clean. Very well maintained the last time I was there.

Thank you girl girl for your prayers. You also press on.

Debt free wise, I am almost there, but now I am taking on an even bigger loan lol. (but at least I am clear of other outstandings and concentrate on this one only plus the Hebrew studies loan... speaking of that.... argh! Ok need to speak to the course consultant)

Well , the fact that God has brought you this far in life despite all the challenges , He never shortchange anyone! And i'm sure more and more overflow of goodness and provision over your life!

I am way much better, pressing on , taking each day ,slowly day by day. Prepping stuff for BCM. Other than that i think am good in the Lord! Growing wiser & fatter each day!

haha you are fasting like during Ramadan is it?

Right now I have to eat cold stuff for example like ice cream etc etc. Because my wisdom tooth is growing and it’s very pain. Just started. Even when I chew it’s pain. So I can’t take solid food. Have to eat soft soft food.. :(( any of you know any other way to get rid of the pain or just let it grow naturally? @littlenewthings @elizacheng

Gargle with wheat grass powder . it treat inflammation. If you drink it, it treat your gastric; but cannot drink too much otherwise it will happen like pastor Ruth (she drank too much wheat grass neat juice)

So gargle

another way you can use salt water.

Ice-cream is going to make it worse. You will rot your wisdom tooth before it is out, and you will end up having to spend thousands just to extract it and unable to eat anything after surgery for 4 days.

Solid advice. Living debt free is freedom. My wife and I are close to retirement and have one debt left. A portion of our mortgage we have strapped down to try and pay that off as well

Good luck. Great discipline.

Yes, well, I am about to take on a 29 years of "debt" (let's call it investment) and if I do not have my old baggages (debt) removed I will not be able to take on this next level of commitment.

I too hope and pray that I will keep my mind focus as what I am guided to be discipline; including posting here in Steemit (as an alternative stream of provision lol)

Thank you so much for stopping by with your encouraging and affirming words. I wish you all the best that you will settle your final debt in no time.

That's awesome, congratulations Jessicca, that must be an amazing feeling knowing that you are financially free. Glad to see that all your hard work and perseverance has paid off

Actually I have MYR 700 left of debt. But that's like peanuts for the bank. It's really odd, in Malaysia, if you are TOO CLEAN (no debt at all) they are worried that I have extra curriculum that is not being declared; but at the same time if I have a bad track record of debts then the bank will not have confidence in me either.

And now with next week I am stepping on a totally new journey of the biggest debt I have taken in my life, this initial training will do good to keep me going for the next 29 years haha.

Just like going to the gym I guess. You just can't slack it.

Thanks so much for your visit @jasonshick and your valuable comment.

You said it, like the Gym, you can’t slack, gotta keep moving forward. Good luck on your next life journey, I’m Shen exit will be a great experience

Many thanks @jasonshick for your encouragement!

God doesn't give us anything we can't handle and most of the time it is harder than we think.

Most of the time it is harder than we think because we are not confident; but yet in the Bible God will always call out those who think things are hard because they do not realise the potential they have that God has placed in them.
It is a little like pruning stage when we have to put aside the things we love (easy things) and accept the things we find it hard but not realising God is taking us into the next level of greatness in His glory and His love for us.
And most of the time, is always after the entire journey, we see its fruition.

Thank you so much for stopping by with your valuable input @coffeetime

This is such an encouraging post @littlenewthings. A good reminder for me to thank Him for His faithfulness and His goodness for carrying me through difficult times.

Glad you find this post encouraging @karinzdailygrind .
Yes we tend to be forgetful especially in terms of thanksgiving haha..

Thank you for stopping by!

Sure. Will uphold you in prayer as well, that you will be able to raise the sum that is required for the downpayment of the house. God bless

God speaks in many ways. Thank you very much for the post. It's nice to get the encouragement, even if not needed at the exact moment. We can bottle it up for latter. God bless you, and your family. Congratulations on knocking out your goal, too. Well done all around. I'll be getting around to some house cleaning of my own here soon. Can't wait to see pictures of the new house, when it happens, no rush, lol.

Yes I totally agree with you @mental-extract . And I am glad that it can be used as a reference in life when you (ever) step into such a season that needs that.

Well, I am currently trying to create a creative way to send off my unused items, and right now I am praying for my bank transfer done so that I can make my booking fee while shopping for banks at the same time.

Praying with that record, the approval should be quick and easy. If that's the house God wants me to have, He'll make it happen. I just need to stay close to His instructions. lol.

Thanks again for your time and your encouraging comment!

My pleasure! Thank you, again, and best of luck. Sounds like you've go this.

Well, one challenge after another still. I am praying that the LORD's favour is upon my credit score tomorrow.

You can click on the link I have replied here to read more about @mental-extract

He's got you! Thank you.

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