A Dollar A Day charitable giving project - over US$ 500 per month already pledged

in #charity6 years ago

Wow! The numbers soon stack up.

Just 3 days ago I announced that I am restarting the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Without hesitation three people who joined the project when I ran it last year have all jumped straight back in.

My massive thanks to @gmuxx, @mother2chicks and @HopeHuggs. Your generosity has really made me see the potential of this project.

As I have earnt some rewards from the posts about the project I am going to double up to 2 SBD a day. So between the four us, on the current SBD value, we will be donating over US$ 500 each month to good causes.

This is a truly amazing demonstration of the power of steem.

Imagine how the numbers could really climb on this.

If just five more people joined we would be up to US$ 1000 per month.

And what if 100 people joined in, that would be US$ 10,000 per month.

An impossible dream? Maybe, but think of the impact this sort of money could have in countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, Venezuela or Nigeria.

Or even in 'developed countries' like the USA, Canada or Britain for projects like @tarc or @familyprotection.

I do find this a really exciting prospect.

If anyone is interested in joining in with this initiative do let me know.

I will be starting the daily donations on 1 May.

I will be handling the donations for @gmuxx and @mother2chicks. @HopeHuggs will be donating directly herself I believe.

All transactions will be done via the blockchain so anyone can track them but I will be doing regular reports on how the project is going with details of donations etc.

Initially I will be picking up where I left off last year and donating to many of the same good causes including :

I will also be looking for new groups and individuals to donate to like @bigdude and @steemhelpinghand (run by @phunke, @stevenmosoes, @stevendion and @thomasgift).

If you know of any other good causes on steemit that we might donate to please let me know.

You might also be interested in some of my other posts :

[ money image from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0 ]


I have sort of been inspired by you and YouAreHope and what I plan for the month of May at least is to create a list of people from Venezuela who don't get many upvotes yet and give one person from the list an upvote and a 1 SBD donation each day. I hope that still qualifies. I will write up a post on the 1st May about it and a dollar a day.

Hi @hopehuggs, that is a great idea.

I am keen on getting the donations as directly as possible to the benefactors, so this works for me.

Maybe you can share your list with me and I might be able to send some extra votes as well.

Excelente iniciativa @hopehuggs, esa virtud de poder ayudar a los demas es realmente la esencia de esta gran plataforma, muchas bendiciones en tu proyecto y espero logres calificar,un abrazo fraternal.
Ajz naka logo post final - copia.jpg

I would like to help and pay it forward if I can afford it.

That will be great if you would like to join in. I will be starting on 1 May. Let me know if you would you like me to manage the daily donations for you.

how much will i need to do this and also your friend can get some sbd from me as I now have another issue and am needing to get other prescriptions

Hi Brian, people participating in the project usually send me the SBD once a week or once a month to distribute.

I will be in touch in the UK morning (+ c 7 hrs) to arrange the exchange. How much do you want to exchange this time?

I can send you 30 now and you can pay pal tomorrow. can we still do 3.30

you got the 30 i sent........

Hi Brian, sorry I've been tied up with clients at work.

Is the 30 SBD for exchange or the A Dollar A Day project?

i have 25 more for your friend.........

Hey My friend I have to get rid of 50 more as soon as possible. My new meds are needed and I am having trouble getting around so trying to figure that one out

Hey. Thank you for crytocurator friend. I have 20 actual steem too as its the balance from the fundraiser. he said to give you dibs lol

I was sure hoping to get some big donors to contribute here. 5 people would make a big difference. Thanks for allowing us to contribute through you. It makes it easier for us. 🐓🐓

It would be great if we could get to 10 donors at least to make it US$1000 per month.

I just put up a post trying to drive home the point. 5 more would be great. 🐓🐓

While I don't have a specific cause that is coming to mind at the moment, I would like to contribute and make a donation for a future week.

In my travels this week for curating, I will keep my eyes and ears open for a cause or organization to relay to you.

Thank you for joining in on this @goldendawne. I am making the first donation today.

@intrepidsurfer is planting a Steem forest in Peru!

Hi @phoenixwren, that looks like a good project. I have left a message there.

I want to be able to help in my own small way. I am just a minnow but would like to help out.

That would be great if you would like to join in. There is no minimum period to participate.

Just send me the appropriate number of SBD for the number of days you want to join and I will add it to the donation for those days. You can then decide at the end of those days if you want to continue further.

I will be making the first donation in the next couple of hours so if you want to join in from Day 1 do send over the SBD as soon as possible.

I am not sure if this counts as a worthy cause but someone called @vanessav who has a Crypto Airdrop initiative where she educates on alt coins and distributes them for free to STEEMit users. The drops have been from her wallets and small as she raises funds so far.

Kinda nice to educate and distribute wealth exclusively on STEEMit. You can find posts on her blog.

Not sure I am doing this right but now you know.

Hi Zeke, I will check out @vanessav - probably not quite what we are looking for though, but thank you.

@thegreens is here and we will be glad to work with you.

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