Homestead Beetle Rescue - anyone know what it is?

in #nature6 years ago

I found this beetle in the waterbutt yesterday frantically trying to swim for safety.

I hoisted it out and set it on my hand to dry out.

The beetle was just under an 0.75 inch (2 cm) long.

Does anyone know its name?

It doesn't show so well in the photograph but the tips of the antenna had very strong orange 'balls' on them.

As a side point when I was preparing the photo in Adobe Photoshop Elements I pressed the Auto Haze Removal button and I got this :

Arrggghh, I've been bitten. I think I am infected...

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[ images by @pennsif ]


hey my friend can you help me today with dave

Nice specimen, I think it's a Nicrophorus nigrita from the carrion beetles family (Silphidae). Hope it didn't hurt too much.

Thanks for finding this - that does to be the one - Black Burying Beetle :

I would call him Bob! He looks like a Bob to me ;)
Nice one on saving little critter, you are awesome.
xx Lucy

If I see him again, I'll call him Bob.

If he gives me a strange look I'll know we got it wrong ... 😊

Is this a contest? My guess is Blister Beetle!

Alas, not a contest. And I think it is the Black Burying Beetle.

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