Change is always there...But now for real!

in #change6 years ago (edited)

As we all are aware in life change is a constant factor always on the hunt for all of us. Often its a good thing and we are looking forward to it, and often it sneaks around the corner and you do not know if you should be happy about it or not. Inevitably the change will happen or you just cope with the consequences and shut up about it. I saw a nice post earlier in the week from @jeezle also talking about change.

Fact is; when I think about when I was younger, I was not good in dealing with change at all. Even the slightest change inside the house or in somebodies behavior would knock me off guard. I just couldnt deal with it very well. Also in the beginning when I started with crypto it felt like I was not dealing very well with the changes going so fast. I wasnt sure if it was something for me and if I could take the insecurities. Now I let these dips pass by easily or even consider buying stuff in these dips if it is an option for me. Im coping better I guess.

Change in personal life

A couple years ago I decided to move from steady Holland to turbulent Sint Martin, a little island in the Caribbean. That is one of the biggest changes you can do in you life. As one of my smart friends said: you have constant factors in a life

  • house
  • job
  • relationship
  • family
  • surroundings

When dealing with change of 1 of these can already be challenging.People would have issues with dealing with just of them. I would consider myself one of those people having difficulties with dealing with 1 all ready. But start living abroad and changing all 5 of them is a big, huge, monstrous thing and I just did that back then. Taking 2 suitcases, have a new job and leave to a totally different country.

Scary? Hell yeah!
Stupid? Who knows


So by now...

I have been living there ever since for 3,5 years now. But also here change keeps creeping up on you. Friends come and go, cat 5 hurricane Irma came and messed up everything as we knew it and we all dealt with it. It does not necessarily mean that when you deal with stuff that you also like it. I didnt like how my life was going the last couple of months. Life is different after the hurricane, the vibe as when I moved to here is not here anymore. I was feeling island fever as in being locked up here, with not many (affordable) options to get out for a bit, and only losing skills at my job. Also personally stuff had changed and I was seeing myself weighing out my options again.

I decided to take a new path

I resigned and I dont have a new job as yet. I bought a ticket to my family but I will not stay there for long, just a pass through to say hi to the loved ones. I dont have a new place to live as yet. Yeah I know, you are hearing a lot of not, not, not. So what do I have?


I have the certainty that it is time I should change stuff

I am applying for a job in Switzerland. Mountains and cheese fondue. That kind of Switzerland. 180 degrees opposite from everything I know in the Caribbean.

Punctuality? Island time or on the second.

Warmness? Everybody is welcome or your home is only for family

Temperature? Bikini or ski suit

Surroundings? Azur seas or white mountains

Language? Caribbean broken English or SwissGerman

Fawk, could this be any more apart from how you live now???

I guess not to be honest. Every kind of way that I am living now will change, and my 3,5 years here might feel like a very alive dream in my memory.

Stupid? Who knows, time will tell

Big change is lurking around my corner and I do not feel ready because my back up plan is not secured as yet but in process. Making the change of all steady factors is so scary. Starting all over again, can I pull it off as that I did it here?

Im sure I can actually, because change is something that is a part of us. It wont be easy at all times, but in the end I will look back and be proud.

Until then?

I have a month of Caribbean left before I leave. This will include a lot of language training, getting my immigration paperwork ready to leave the country, and saying goodbye to my favorite places in this place I also can call home now. Then I will pack my 2 suitcases again and leave.

So if I am not posting consistent or not replying to you? Do not feel offended-> Ive got bigger fishes to catch as this moment. I know you will all forgive me ;)


Wat een durf!

En dat voor iemand die moeite heeft met veranderingen....

Zwitserland is trouwens heel mooi, maar sommige mensen houden er niet van; te netjes, te aangeharkt, te truttig....:

Ooit zei ik tegen een bekende dat ik graag naar Zwitserland ging.

Ze reageerde als volgt: "Ooo, ik doe altijd de gordijntjes dicht als ik door Zwitserland kom op weg naar Italië"
Waarmee ze duidelijk wilde maken dat Italië echt veel beter en hipper is dan dat "truttige", burgerlijke Zwitserland.

Jammer genoeg was ik toen niet alert genoeg om te reageren met: "Gôh. heb jij gordijntjes in je auto?" ...

Veel succes in Zwitserland.

Hehehe inderdaad het is veel stijver en dat zou een reden kunnen zijn voor mij om het wat lastiger te hebben. In de caribbean kan alles en is niks geregeld. Dat is soms irritant maar soms ook heel fijn.

Dank je voor je succes wensing. We gaan het allemaal zien!

Congrats to another chapter of your exciting adventure! We live like this too, for us the nomadic life is simply the best way to be. In tune with our hearts and intuition. Knowing that Life is for living and moving with your flow not going against it! Even our son knows this way already seeing 3 continents in his year and half.

We feel in many ways those old constants also trap passion for life. There is less growth living in comfort zones and learning balance in the wave is much more empowering than stability in any place less than joy full.

Our new world is boundless and free. We expand our family to include the greater whole, our relationships connect loved ones across the world and we take our work with us everywhere we go.

Enjoy your remaining month, making space for what’s new and exciting! We look forward to read whenever the story picks up again! ❤️💯

It might pick up fast! It might take some time. I have to do whatever feels right and that is different every day.

I also like the nomadic lifestyle but my job and paperwork with that makes me less flexible in just picking up and going.

The last couple years have been a huge learning journey but having some constant factors around in there would also be nice hahaha.

Thx for you guys' support!

You have been Tweeted by my account here:

How cool is that!!!

I dont have any twitter so Ive never been mentioned anywhere actually hahaha.

Thx Madame! <3

(ps: If you big into twitter, check out the tokens-4-tweets options that @steempowerpics and @officialfuzzy are always hosting. Spreading the message and earn crypto with it (Eos/whaleshares/ etc)

Yeah I was trying to learn about that as well as the other thing you were talking about (cross posting to golos.) I feel I have a lot doing here already lololol. I wish there was an easier way to keep track of all the things I'm involved in. :) How is your golos mission going?

I think I got the golden hint about just using google translate when it suggests (but its not suggesting by me), but Im gonna do that after I leave here..Because then new computer, new settings so new options.

Im not in a rush .


nice point a view of the way of life. Good point to give your personal experience. I try to read carefully :)

Yeah Im kind of a personal blogger. I dont really have a niche but I only write about my life.

Change is scary but always inevitable in the end. Thank you for dropping by all the way from Indonesia ;)

What a change of life indeed... funny that I was just replying to your comment earlyer, talking about life adapts to it's environment. I didn't realize you were about to go through such big change.

It's scary every time. But you already know how it goes, eventually you learn to love the place and find good friends (even if some of them come and go). And it's a adventure!

You could benefit from this thing called the 8 forms of capital. I just learned about it and applied it to our move coming up in the next couple months. Preparing to Build our Honestead

Good luck and Happy travels... I wish all I had were two suit cases!

Ej you guys are doing for an even bigger plan than I am.. wooooow what an amount of work is there aheas of you but boy, it sounds appealing!

I have to say it is kind of gratifying to have all you stuff in two suitcases, but on the other hand it is kind of sad.

Like..damn after all this time the only things I own are 2 suitcases and a container full of memories ;)

Good luck to you guys! June 1st is right around the corner! I will be following what you guys are doing

Thank you so much, what a compliment!

Yep we have a couple lifetimes worth of work on our hands... but I traveled the world and with all the ideas of thinhs I want to recreate, I picked up along the way... it won't fit into two suit cases!

Owning property makes me feel a little chained down though!

WOW YES! I remember you telling me only recently how much you missed snow... Guess you'll really start hunting those snow flakes :D

I'm glad for you that you were able to make such a huge decision and just go for it. Yes it's scary but it will almost always turn out right - YOU GO! Good luck and no worries about your activity levels here :-) We'll still be here in a few weeks ;-)

Yeah snow time!! That will also take a couple of months still but thats okay!

Life changing Im gonna call this decision again! New everything and it will turn out fine in the end, but wooooowww overwhelming what I have to do now to get it done :)

And take some time for all goodbyes, because 3,5 yeara is worth a damn goodbye!

Thx chicka!

Best of luck with your new path . :)

Thx bro! We will see how it goes. It still feels scary for now but in the end it will all be fine.

Serious language learning journey as well!

I am sure you're gonna make it :)

Wow! Congratulations on your big move! You know, I have found that if you put things in the hands of God, He will help you cope with change much better than on your own. I have no doubt that you will find that perfect job and you’ll be back here, sharing more of your adventures! 😉

Oow I will be here all the time, maybe just not as consistent as normally :)

I wasnt raised religious but in these kinds of situations and also with after the hurricane sometimes I wished I would have some faith.. it would give some support.

Now I am creating my own support haha!
Regardless it will be fine in the end :)

It will work out great - no doubt.

Wow, this sounds very cool and exciting. Curious to hear how you will continue in the coming months!

Enjoy your last weeks on the island. I've been born to sint Martin and Switzerland and both are really beautiful. But indeed very different. I do think both countries do have something in common.

And I'm just guessing, but I think you don't have a lover in your life? That makes things a bit more simple of you haven't. Although it's probably a bit more easy of you have.

Anyways I'm married and have 2 very small children. We did not think longer than 2 seconds about a chance to go to the States.

Last but not least, can you already ski?

Im curious what you think the countries have in common, because I havent found this as yet :D

Yeah all these big moving things I did by myself, although the initial idea of going to Switzerland was a two people thought (but stuff happens).

It makes decisions easier to make them by yourself but mentally it isnt, since you have to do EVERYTHING by yourself. Its a two way thing I guess.

Hell yeah I know how to ski :D
I know where I will be in wintertime, on the mountain :D

Both countries have beautiful nature. And they are both very expensive 😩

Hahahahaha. You are very right actually!

Damn expensive both of them, but swiss salary will help compared to sint martin salary.

I will be shocked when I enter a country with 'normal' supermarket prices hahah. Albert Heijn is like a party to me!

Would be nice if you post an economic story about Swiss one day. I would love to read that.

I would also love to go there on wintersport. But those prices will probably prevent me from doing that.

When I am more familiar with the economy there, I certainly will!

Yeah the euro/franc rate is not the best..but euro seems to be steady so better options of visiting ;)

I've learned in my lifetime, "change is the only constant." Despite how rooted we believe we are, living is growing. I wish you well with your adventures and transitions.

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