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RE: Change is always there...But now for real!

in #change6 years ago

Congrats to another chapter of your exciting adventure! We live like this too, for us the nomadic life is simply the best way to be. In tune with our hearts and intuition. Knowing that Life is for living and moving with your flow not going against it! Even our son knows this way already seeing 3 continents in his year and half.

We feel in many ways those old constants also trap passion for life. There is less growth living in comfort zones and learning balance in the wave is much more empowering than stability in any place less than joy full.

Our new world is boundless and free. We expand our family to include the greater whole, our relationships connect loved ones across the world and we take our work with us everywhere we go.

Enjoy your remaining month, making space for what’s new and exciting! We look forward to read whenever the story picks up again! ❤️💯


It might pick up fast! It might take some time. I have to do whatever feels right and that is different every day.

I also like the nomadic lifestyle but my job and paperwork with that makes me less flexible in just picking up and going.

The last couple years have been a huge learning journey but having some constant factors around in there would also be nice hahaha.

Thx for you guys' support!

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