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RE: Change is always there...But now for real!

in #change6 years ago

Wow, this sounds very cool and exciting. Curious to hear how you will continue in the coming months!

Enjoy your last weeks on the island. I've been born to sint Martin and Switzerland and both are really beautiful. But indeed very different. I do think both countries do have something in common.

And I'm just guessing, but I think you don't have a lover in your life? That makes things a bit more simple of you haven't. Although it's probably a bit more easy of you have.

Anyways I'm married and have 2 very small children. We did not think longer than 2 seconds about a chance to go to the States.

Last but not least, can you already ski?


Im curious what you think the countries have in common, because I havent found this as yet :D

Yeah all these big moving things I did by myself, although the initial idea of going to Switzerland was a two people thought (but stuff happens).

It makes decisions easier to make them by yourself but mentally it isnt, since you have to do EVERYTHING by yourself. Its a two way thing I guess.

Hell yeah I know how to ski :D
I know where I will be in wintertime, on the mountain :D

Both countries have beautiful nature. And they are both very expensive 😩

Hahahahaha. You are very right actually!

Damn expensive both of them, but swiss salary will help compared to sint martin salary.

I will be shocked when I enter a country with 'normal' supermarket prices hahah. Albert Heijn is like a party to me!

Would be nice if you post an economic story about Swiss one day. I would love to read that.

I would also love to go there on wintersport. But those prices will probably prevent me from doing that.

When I am more familiar with the economy there, I certainly will!

Yeah the euro/franc rate is not the best..but euro seems to be steady so better options of visiting ;)

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