The only constant in life is change.

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

Change is the only constant in life. Once you learn that then so many things about life will become better for you.

Human beings have a habit of getting into a routine.

A routine is good. It's peaceful. We get used to doing the same things over and over again. It's easy for us to do those things because we already know what's going to happen when we do them.

However, we oftentimes become too used to those things. It's very likely that something could come up that will change our plans dramatically.


For example, business has been very slow in the restaurant where I work.

Waiters don't get paid an hourly wage in the same way that the rest of the world does. We make tips.

Aside from the tips we don't actually make any money at all because the couple of dollars that we actually do make goes to pay taxes and other things. No money per hour, just tips.

Sometimes that means standing around all day waiting for a table to come in and not getting any business.

Sometimes a table will come in and not tip you well which really hurts because how else are you going to pay your rent?

So how does this relate to change?

Well, it's very easy to get used to a certain amount of money.

It's possible you could do well for several months and assume that you will continue to do well.

You may get involved in paying several bills that require large amounts of money.

Several of my workmates are now having great difficulty paying the rent. I am also not doing very well.

I wish we were making as much money as we were before, but everyone should have understood that the only constant is change.

When the money rolls in....... there's every possibility that things will change.

Of course change works in the opposite direction too.

If you stub your toe you might want to scream and cry because it hurts really bad.

However, that pain will eventually go away. The moment of pain that you're in will change to something better. So change works in both directions.

The world can be great and the world can be difficult. We are at times on top of the world, and at other times trapped in a dark hole that we can't climb out of.

Or so it seems.

However, no matter where you are you need to be prepared for one eventuality.....



Change is a constant thing in life which we can escape from, it can either be a good or bad change. It's inevitable. Lovely read 👍

Agreed. You can either embrace it or you can let it over take you but either way change is around the corner more than likely.

I like your post dude. The wind of change is always lurking around the corner. If I look at myself I am way better in dealing with change than when I was younger. Back then I even couldnt get used to the change of a next color table or something non important.

No I am dealing okay with those things, adapting. Making major steps in whole routines, new countries to live in, new people. It has make me a very rich person in open spirit I find

I think everyone struggles with it. You're right though, as we get older we get better at dealing with it.

I was only thinking about changing +vely before reading your post but I agree with you that changing -vely is also part of life even though we don't always like this.

Change can be a good thing even if it's uncomfortable.

Yeah.....that is true because I remember when I was trying to change my bad standing posture it wasn't comfortable at all but it good.

Sometimes we don't notice the negative change process till its done

Great post there @jeezzle Hopefully things will pick up soon for you in the restaurant, it is not easy when paying bills is a struggle, and like your post outlines, change will come and things will improve for you and your workmates..

Your post brought up something about the US (where I think you are from?), which I struggle with. I have been to your great country numerous times, 4 holidays and twice for full summers during Uni - 2 great summers in California!! So, the thing I struggle to understand is tipping culture.

Firstly, all waiters and waitresses should be paid a minimum wage in line with other industries. They are pulling the wool over your eyes big time, it is a disgrace that you have to live on tips, which are completely at the discretion of the paying public. If that means putting the price of food and drink up 15 - 20%, so be it. The system as it stands is just not fair on workers like you. The second point is kind of the opposite, the system is also unfair on the paying customer. For example, here in Ireland, tipping is not expected, but I still often tip waiters, my barber, my taxi driver if the service is very good, and for the waiters, it is also important that I enjoyed the meal. Good service deserves to be rewarded, but if my food is just not good, or the waiter is ignorant or unfriendly, I don't see why I should tip..

Now, just to be clear, on each and every trip to the states, I have tipped generously. As with all of international trips, I respect the local customs, but this tipping culture is something I don't agree with for those 2 reasons. Pay the waiters a proper wage, and let people tip based on quality, not to subsidise the waiters wages.. The restaurant is surely responsible for that...

Rant over :o)

I've always wanted to visit Ireland. I have a feeling that it would be a very peaceful experience. Everyone that I have ever met or talked to from there seems to have a great attitude.

We do get several people from different countries around the world but most of them don't tip well simply because in those countries waiters are given a high hourly wage and so they aren't used to tipping there.

Tipping really is an interesting thing. I don't think most people know that waiters get such a low hourly wage. It's interesting but we have our good days and our bad days like anyone else. The only difference is that our bad days are probably a bit lower paying than the ones that others might have.

Ya, I think you'd like Ireland. For the most part we are very chilled out, and don't take ourselves to seriously... We are hard working, but know how to enjoy ourselves as well.. I'm so glad that the Irish people you've met have given you such a positive outlook on our little country..

As for the people who don't tip well, I think if you visit a country, you should read about the local customs, and act accordingly.. To do otherwise is a little ignorant in my book... Having said that, it was tough tipping the barman in New York in the Meatpackers district, who was charging me $44 for 2 Captain Morgans + dash of coke... :o)

I do think the fact that you and your co-workers rely on tips is grossly unfair, and the onus should be on the restaurants to pay you a proper wage.. Any tips should be a bonus, shared between the staff..

A few months ago, I quoted Heraclitus, the pre-Socractic Greek philosopher, who said that “Change is the only constant in life” to highlight the need for.

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If one understands that change is the only constant in life then one will more easily recognize what Heraclitus is saying in his 'obscure' writings when he claims such things as, “The way up and the way down are one and the same. Living and dead, waking and sleeping, young and old, are the same.

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