May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Nine: Where Do You See Steemit In 5 Years?

in #challenge30days6 years ago (edited)

This is the nineth day of the May 30 days writing challenge proposed by @dragosroua. And here's my answer to today's question.

Thinking ahead of time trying to picture how Steemit will be like in 5 years I foresee a whole universe pivoting in the community. As Ned explains at the end of his presentation in Korea last week (minute 45:25), Smart Media Tokens will be introduced and they will for sure act as a catalyzer. I expect a lot of communities and organizations just experimenting with this new tokens as it will be very easy to create them. The more organizations and communities join, the more experiences, apps, users and eventually value will be created on Steem and the growth will be exponential. I compare it with the explosion of ERC20 tokens on Ethereum last year but with a much much lower creation and launching technical barrier. Offering many more organizations and individuals to launch and test. 

Overall, the fact that Steemit has two years of existence and almost 1 Milion user accounts gives it a great competitive position to be the leader in this new generation decentralized social media world.


Here are my previous day's challenges.


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