Cervantes Magazine number 25

in #cervantes6 years ago

“would”, simple past tense and past participle of will, which means, an imperfect past. However, although the Royal Academy of the Spanish language warns us of its imperfection, we usually go back in our memories and complain about what could have happened if we had done a certain act or not.

"If I had mined Bitcoin when they told me" a very popular phrase.

But here we want to explain two truths that history and our own Cervantes reveal to us: A life with setbacks and effort is more interesting than those without obstacles.

We can look at the life of Miguel de Cervantes himself, who could not study medicine because of his deafness, was kidnapped in Algiers and then imprisoned for his own debts. That same man wrote a collection of poems (which did not get published), plays that were ignored at the time and had a relationship with the court and the king thanks to his participation in the battle of Lepanto, where he almost lost an arm.

That is to say, the well-known writer of the most famous work of Hispanic literature had a tortuous life, full of ups and downs, traveling through Spain and observing his surroundings.

Without all these experiences, could Don Miguel de Cervantes have described with such acuteness the way of life at the time? **and so, could you be yourself, the person you are now , without those moments of failure?

Stop thinking about what you would do if you could go back to the past, think about what you want to say to your "future self" and collect from your experiences those sensations that you can only transmit.

Ladies and gentleman,today @cervantes faces the ghost of:

Humans have many capacities that differentiate us from the rest of the living beings of the planet and, of all of them, today we’ll be focusing on one: imagination. And if we add some humor to our imagination we can have a fun time reviewing what would have been some movies if the first choices of directors and producers had accepted those roles.
Today we’ll have, Cinephile Dystopias!

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What if time didn’t exist? What if that invention we call time was not a part of our lives? What if everything we have believed until today was revealed to us as wrong?

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Would, one of the saddest words of the dictionary, which is full of nostalgia and sighs. That word that when we say it denotes a void that we could have avoided, because it degrades the spirit, and any internal value that lies within us.

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As you may have noticed, this is the second article by the same author that we are forced to publish. The aforementioned user in just over a week has used a series of emotional blackmails and threats, accordingly and to avoid unforeseen events, we decided to publish his nonsense while we seek a way to deal with this type of people.

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To make a literary work have quality, usually requires time and effort. There are works that did not become what the author wanted, not for lack of effort or interest, but because they ran out of time, and in literature, time is synonymous with life.

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This week we will focus on the "what ifs." Sometimes thinking a lot about what ... "could be have been" may hurt us, or lead us to infinite tunnels of sadness for things that don’t exist, a bad habit without a doubt. But it can also be fun, like imagining what would happen to music if John Lennon were still alive.

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The construction of an image, as a method of artistic communication, allows me to take my personal point of view of the reality I perceive to you as spectators.

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To delve a little into the concept, this week we have the verbal form "would" as our theme. Its meaning can be quite abstract since it alludes to a past action, in which, we wonder what it would have been like if we had taken a different attitude to the situation or if important and historical facts had developed in a different way. A very recurring question is what would have happened if Germany had won the Second World War? It could be that they dominated the world or maybe not, each one could draw their own conclusions.

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Hello everyone, in this edition of Cervantes magazine where the subject is the “What ifs” I’m going to be in charge of the Sainetes section.

In the chat this subject comes up everytime. Since the value of the Steem is going up we always see the typical expression “If I had bought Steem when it was low, my account would be worth so much more”.

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The power of the actor's imagination is immense. It is a great resource that we all use when creating a character. For example, if you play a young man who is forced by an assassin to choose between killing his mother or his girlfriend, _ what would You choose in real life? _ That is a great uncertainty, which sometimes we don’t answer, but in the acting world, it is our daily bread …

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10 years from now, if the STEEM reaches more than $8,000, we will say: "if only i had valued those 0.01 SBD from the minnows".

At the time of this publication, the BITCOIN value (BTC) exceeds $ 8,689. 10 years ago, a Social Network based on BTC would have seemed like a crazy adventure of young dreamers playing to win satoshis, with the hope of someday watching those cents become real money. Today those young people would be rich!

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Hello, Steemit community! This week we have the peculiarity of talking about the what ifs, two words that we often raise when we don’t make the best decisions at a certain time and an endless number of possibilities come to mind. "If you had done what you didn’t do in the past”.

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You are wondering about the second truth we mentioned, right? The past can’t be changed and the longer you take to realize that, the longer you won’t live in the present.

Yesterday, March 14th, Stephen Hawking died. From here we pay homage to a Don Quixote of our time who helped us to understand a little more about the universe in which we live. With his departure, the travels to the past have gone further from our reach.

So expect our next issue, which inspired by this scientist, we will dedicate to:


Thank you for letting yourself be invaded by existential doubt this week!

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Cervantes Magazine Team:





@Enric68 (@senoralonchafina)

Chief Editor:


[Cervantes Magazine - Vol 25]


I am looking forward to reading! Good job!

Oh si... GENIAL!!

Nice post and dear upvote me

Perfect post. thank you


Excelente, escribir sobre un gran personaje como Cervantes, el escritor de la obra maestra "Don Quijote de la Mancha".

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