Cervantes Magazine Number 25: Videogames

Hello, Steemit community! This week we have the peculiarity of talking about the what ifs, two words that we often raise when we don’t make the best decisions at a certain time and an endless number of possibilities come to mind. "If you had done what you didn’t do in the past."

The normal thing in this section would be to talk about expressions like: If I had known X Videogame my life would be different or If I had played X Videogame during my childhood things would be different or something like that, BUT, today I’m going to tell a story about it.

Several years ago there was a young man of approximately 12 or 15 years old, who loved all types of video games. He spent hours and hours on the PC and consoles consuming all kinds of content about it, to the point that sometimes this hobby became an obsession.

It turns out that the grandmother of this young man was sick, she had a serious condition for several months. At that time the young man didn’t understand the reality of the situation, so, although he heard from his family that the grandmother was in a critical situation, in his mind, the problem only meant something temporary that could be cured.

The young man lived in another city, so he could not visit his grandmother periodically. He had two opportunities where he could have visited and in those two situations he didn’t make the decision because of his love for playing play Video games and thought to himself I have all the time in the world to visit.

One day this young man had the opportunity to travel with his mother to the city where his grandmother was, BUT, he preferred to play the Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos campaign and wait for the weekend to visit. A day before the trip, he received some unexpected news, the family was informed that: The grandmother had passed way .

Since then that young man, every time he remembers the experience, asks himself the same questions: If I had traveled on time could I have said goodbye to her?, If I had stopped playing at that moment, could I have listened to her for the last time?.

None of these things makes sense because of the simple fact that you can’t go back in time. Painful memories are an evil that human beings must face when they recognize that they stopped doing something truly meaningful by dedicating energy to less important things.

This story is not intended for people to have a bad concept of video games, what I want to leave as an anecdote is that sometimes we don’t understand that there are certain situations that must be prioritized. We have to be aware of our sick family members since we don’t know how their illness will evolve and above all we must avoid these situations that only generate us an endless guilt that can accompany you to the grave.

Today that young man is an adult, he still loves video games, BUT, he learned in a bad way that sometimes it is better to spend half an hour with a loved one than an eternity with the doubt that he could have done something more for that person simply by his own decision, but he didn’t do it and since then, lives with an irreparable guilt.

This story was told to you thanks to the tips and life stories that were shared in the Podcast held on Monday, March 6, 2018 by the user @unicornia.

The magazine thanks you for taking the time to read this Post, we hope that this information has been useful and we suggest you keep an eye on the following publications, since there is still more material to be cut about the World of Videogames.

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