Cervantes Magazine Number 25: Photography

in #cervantes6 years ago

The construction of an image, as a method of artistic communication, allows me to take my personal point of view of the reality I perceive to you as spectators.

Being able to influence the perception of the things I see and observe is directly related to the position of the camera and its focus.

It is part of my experience as an observer, but also, it is part of you as active subjects, because every time a photograph is seen, that singular moment comes alive again with different meanings, ways of seeing and understanding.

There is a lot of similarity between a camera and our iris, which has a pupil in its center, functioning as a communicator for the different parts located in the eye and allowing us to have an immediate response to changes in light, shadows and other situations in the eye. The world around us.

This dilates or contracts to get the right amount of light, depending on the time and conditions. In a way, our cameras copy this behavior.

The operation of a camera is relatively similar to the vision process in us, especially with regard to the shutter speed, since it allows more or less light to enter the sensor that collects this information coming from outside, in digital form.

A certain trigger speed, according to the time we set, together with the opening of the diaphragm, shapes and determines the so-called exposure of the image.

In this way, playing with these two elements, our camera works like an eyeball.

An eyeball that we dominate.

When speaking from the photographic perspective of focus, we usually refer to make sure that the rays of light, coming from the outside, are concentrated in a point called focus, hence its name, at the same time the achievement of this is consolidated when the Camera sensor collects this match, converts it and processes it into image.

To understand it in a more simple way, it is to try and find the maximum clarity of what we want to capture in the photographic shot according to the distance to which the object or situation portrayed is located.

When focusing, in reality what we do is to focus a distance, which is why there are concepts such as depth of field, focal distance or hyperfocal distance.

In our cameras we can do two types of focus:

Punctual, manual or automatic, both require practice since they are different approach methods and each one has its considerations and characteristics.

One of the basic and elementary rules to focus is that when you achieve it you should not modify or vary the position of the camera at the time of making the shot.

There are many tricks that one learns with experience, by studying how to focus and with suggestions from people experienced in photography.

You always learn from others and even from our own mistakes.
I also learn from situations that are presented to me and cause my focusing method to vary, for example:

Focus on automatic and once the sharpness of the object is achieved, fix the focus or switch to manual mode to avoid losing the reference of what I want to photograph.

I also use the focus in still, as in standby mode.
I set a focus point, for example a road, when the vehicle is going to pass, i have previously focused the distance, so I just wait and make the shot. There are many more tricks and ways to focus and they require practice and experimentation.

I have compiled a series of photographic images that you have shared in the previous issue of the Magazine with the help of my friend and collaborator @pits7, music producer and a lover of photography, illustration and design, We have assembled a great presentation with your work.

Cervantes Magazine Fotografia N°25 --- Óscar Pérez

We appreciate the contribution, your images have allowed us to elaborate this wonderful presentation: @carlagonz - @crisangel - @gence - @leomolina - @leyargoz - @oizaguirres - @sol25 - @soledadjc - @txatxy - @juliolezama - @kirvic-aguilera - @pits7

Without your collaboration, this would have been impossible to make, we hope you continue to encourage us and share your photo with the image link in the comments of this post, and don’t forget to vote and share it in order to continue developing this community participatory project. Cheers.

Image © oscarps. All Rights Reserved.

Original content by @oscarps

Montaje y música original de @pits7

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Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)

Thanks @pixresteemer , thanks for the support unknown amigo.Lol.

Hello friend @oscarps, this topic of focus has been one of the most problematic for me, since I do not know it and I do not know when it is well focused, but I keep practicing and asking, to improve, since I really like it Much to observe and appreciate things that sometimes we can not do. The video was brutal. I also want to thank for that important mention that you just made me, THANKS . Also, I will share with you a photo and hope you like it. I will continue reading and learning. Greets and a hug.

No problem neither small nor big for you, moustruo, Lol, a hug @crisangel

Comparto tu opinion con respecto a que la camara tiene similitud con el ojo, ya que cuando quiero cactar alguna toma que me guste ya sea una flor o un paisaje, la uso para poder llevar me ese recuerdo y ese instante. Buenas fotos y buen video.

Muchas gracias por tus amables palabras, me alegro que te haya gustado este trabajo en su conjunto. saludos @swagb

You are a master! These photos are fabulous.

Thank so much my friend, regards @melinda010100

Excelente Trabajo Hermano, como siempre impecable, por acá te dejo una fotillo. Saludos y un abrazo.


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