A revelation from across the ages - Ramblings on Life #13

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


Study as if you have not reached your goal as if you are afraid to lose what you have.
~ Confucius


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I have recently been listening to a brilliant philosophy podcast called Philisophize This which I highly recommend to anyone who finds interest in philosophy or likes to ponder on thoughts and ideas like me.

While listening to one of the episodes, I came across the above quote by Confucius. The profoundness of its meaning got me thinking.



Confucius was born into abject poverty and neglect and had to go through a lot of difficulty in his childhood. His growing up years were also a time of great political upheaval in China. However, his socio-economic and political situation could not stop him from the pursuit of knowledge and learning. It was his knowledge and education which later on helped him to find a stable job and formed the groundwork of his philosophy.

Coming from his background, it is easy to understand why he said what he said. He wanted to make use of the opportunity when it lasted because he never could know what may happen tomorrow or the day after.


How is it applicable now?

Most societies today, barring a few scarred by tyranny, civil war, economic decline or religious fundamentalism, provide people with the opportunity to pursue knowledge and education. However, I thought about it and I realized that this simple idea holds good even in today's world as well.

In places where there is socio-economic uncertainty, it's easy to see why acquiring knowledge whenever the opportunity presents itself is the wise thing to do. By knowledge, I do not mean just formal education but any learning which may help in the betterment of one's life and society.


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However, this urgency for learning should drive everyone even in relatively affluent societies. The reason I say this is because each day not learning something is a day lost. The world is moving so fast that today's jobs will become obsolete tomorrow. What is a niche skill today may either become common knowledge or something not required at all.

It's not only about your job but the satisfaction of learning itself. Isn't it great when you learn something new, something useful which you can use to build something, create something? Learning gives you the power to create. It gives you the power to think, to sharpen your mind's eye.



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A gift to yourself

So I think educating yourself, at least a little each day is arguably the best gift you can give to a future you. I say arguably only to mention something else which is equally important, a healthy lifestyle.

Each day I don't learn something is a day when I do a disservice to a future me.

When I was a kid in the nineties when India had just opened up to the world of satellite television, there used to be an advert from Discovery Channel which said something like this:

Entertainment is that which helps you.

I connected with that line from the very first time I heard it. Now I realize how profound it's meaning is.



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But maintain balance

Confucius also said this:

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

This quote sounds to me to be in contradiction to what I started my post with, but it reminds me of how forward movement is necessary each day even if it's a little.

I think one should strive for what the first quote requires but when such kind of effort is not possible or a break is needed even then one should try that at least what the second quote says is achieved each day.

I do not preach that there is no room for enjoyment and carefree fun in life. Absolutely there is. Only thing is that there needs to be constant progress and improvement.

What do you think of my ponderings and ramblings? Please leave a comment while leaving. I love conversations.


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Interesting, I'll need to check out that podcast. I also like to bring in a bit of Confucius occasionally to my writing - he had some wise words! I'm often reminded of the last 'not stopping' quote when I'm out running as I find there are many philosophies that apply to running, that also apply to life! Progress is key…

Yes Confucius has many very simple yet deep quotes. You may like that podcast, but not everyone likes it.

It's like a game. If you don't progress you lose interest. This might be a slightly different line of thinking though. Applies to any form of improvement really. Measurable improvement.

It's like a game. If you don't progress you lose interest.

This goes well with steemit too. And that's why gamification is a winning strategy when launching a product.

@spiritualmax would definitely agree to this :)

hmm, interesting way to think about it. It really is a game after all :)

Totally agree on this one too

This post has been rewarded with 100 % upvote from @indiaunited bot.

learning something new is really interesting....

please visit my blog @mahabub007 if u have some spare time

It always seems so hard to remember to thank yourself almost in a modern society.

A book by the Dalai Lama really brought a lot of it home to me.

A learning gift is also such a important thing to do, you can never get bored of learning so to speak!

You reflect my own thoughts. I am never tired of learning but there are people who don't like to learn at all, strange.

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

I like that line. Some days I am a snail and others a cheetah, but I think I learn something new everyday.
I'm not stoppin'!

Most days I am a snail, lolz...
You know @amymya, you are my 200th follower??

well I am happy to be! and sorry that I didn't earlier, I'm so bad at thinking I'm following people that I talk to on discord when I'm not... I think I started following Dawn last week haha

Lolz, someone unfollowed and I am back at 199... But in my mind... You are my special 200th follower :)

Very well written Souvik. :)

thank you :)

I agree very much with your ponderings and ramblings @svkrulze! Learning is a lifetime process and is part of our most authentic human nature.. i like also when it's not necessarily linked to a future wealth but just done because it help us being free through our culture.

yes, future wealth, satisfaction, even just the joy of knowledge :)

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Requested by @svkrulze

😟 ★good post!!; 😟

hi, I am sure you didn't even read the post, lolz

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