Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/20/18 > Maybe I need to burn one today….

in #blog6 years ago

Oh, I didn’t just type that title did I? Yes, I did and there are plenty of days that I would love to twist one up and just get a blanket and lay outside under the old pecan tree and relax, maybe with a cold Corona and slice a lime just to keep me from getting to thirsty. Today is 420 Day, all over the world, 420. It seems like everybody and their brother has a special day and weed smokers are no different, so April 20 is weed smokers day.

Why is it that some people in government want to regulate everything? Personally if I could regulate some plants and make it illegal to grow them and consume them in some fashion I would start with broccoli, I can’t stand the taste of broccoli. I also hate that it has after effects that tend to smell to high heaven after the digestive process. It is a myth that women don’t pass gas, I have three female vegetarians that share the house with me and the two boys, so I know of what I write.

I think second on my list would be sauerkraut, there may be some folks that like it, like my mother, but you can keep it and she has passed on so I think she is over it now, I think it might have killed her now that I think about. I would probably add squash and beans next to the list. Then to round out the list I would add every other vegetable grown in the United States with the exception of sweet corn and potatoes.

The corn and potatoes are okay in my book, but only corn on the cob, cooking it in a pan with butter just ruins it. Corn was meant to be roasted, that is why each ear of corn has its own protective wrapper, so you won’t burn the kernels. As far as the potatoes go, I can’t think of a bad way too have potatoes except for potato salad. Too much crap in it for me, it is like they are using the potatoes just to add bulk to the dish because you can’t even taste the potatoes.

Here in the USA federal statutes prohibit the sale and use of marijuana and the growing of it as well. The thing is marijuana doesn’t even exist, try and find it in a plant book. How can you make something illegal that doesn’t even exist? I will tell you how; you just make it up and say it is illegal. The other thing that is really funny is that the government calls it a drug.

I can tell you that I would much rather have someone driving who has smoked a joint than who has a blood level alcohol content that is well above the legal limit. Drunk drivers are way more dangerous in my opinion than a driver who has copped a little buzz from a joint. You never see a buzzed driver wanting to fight with the cops on those TV shows like “COPS”, but I guarantee you’ll sure see the drunken ones trying to mix it up with popo.

Don’t get me wrong, sober driving is the way it should be, I am just saying that I think the alcohol is more dangerous as far as public safety goes.

I never have really looked at the exact wording of the statutes that ban marijuana and make it illegal but I think I need too. I used to believe that speed limit signs applied to me, until I actually read the transportation code here in Texas that contains the speed regulations. I have a feeling that I could very well discover something similar with regard to marijuana.

If that were not the case then why wouldn’t they charge you with possession of hemp? Hemp is the plant, and hemp is a very useful plant. There are several things from yesteryear that hemp was used for including fabric; the old cowboys of the 1800’s were wearing jeans made of fabric from the hemp plant.

Rope was another item that was made from hemp, I think that is where the saying came from, “What you smoking, an old rope?” when a joint was being passed around.

Now we even have the oils from hemp plants being used to help with epileptic seizures and some cancers have shown signs of cure using hemp oils. I think government just needs to go back to being ruled by the people, not the rulers of the people, somewhere along the line the people stopped paying attention and let the monster gain strength and power. That was a big mistake on the part of the people.

So today is 420 day, but the reality is everyday should be 420 here in the USA.
Until next time,



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I may need to find another one to burn to celebrate this being included in this Whistle Stops. Thanks for the inclusion.

Sultnpapper for president!!!!

I would only run for the Presidency of the Republic of Texas, the other president jobs have just become puppets on strings, not a puppet.

Brussels Sprouts are the #1 offender in my book. Far and away. I've been using a 'more plant based' diet for a while, and I actually like some vegetables, the newest being Eggplant. Who knew?

I wish I could burn one under the Pecan tree with you. I can't. You see, I've been sober for a while and I'm afraid the herbal answer would make me thirsty enough to start that cycle again, so I just don't. The world is a better place when I don't drink. Trust me on this.

I do agree completely with the rest of the assessment. Stupidest thing going is the prohibition against pot and hemp. The story of why and how that came about is pretty bizarre.

I'm glad to see some states legalizing pot. Colorado's (the first) public safety numbers seem to show less problems than before legalization. It's probably too early to tell. Sample size just isn't big enough yet.

Thanks for another great post. It's 4 20 and I'm guessing there will be more smiles generally and more pizza sold than normal today.

There is just to much government interference in our lives, more states need to defy the fed's and legalize. To many people are sitting on jails and prisons over pot charges which is just asinine. Good that you know your limitations and steer clear of things that cause you issues.
The numbers in Colorado on public safety do reflect less problems , and more than likely will continue to show that as time goes on.
Thanks for dropping in today.

This made me smile! I LOVE sauerkraut, and even make my own, from red cabbage (though it's so sour I can only eat a small amount at a time). And I used to smoke pot as a student - it made me feel so rebellious (lol). But it also made me feel lethargic and I wanted to get on the career ladder (what a fool I was...) so I decided to stop.
You have to have a licence to grow hemp seeds in the UK. Presumably that's all part of controlling illegal drugs. Hemp seeds were illegal in Australia until recently.
If I was going to smoke weed, I'd probably grow my own, so that I'd have the certainty that it was pure. When I was travelling in Asia I met a heroin dealer who said that's how he got people into heroin - by adding it to a joint. Nice man. I suppose that's another good reason to deregulate it - if you buy it from an established retailer it's pretty unlikely to have other drugs added to it (although now I'm starting to think about how Coke got its name...)

Yes, there has been many a person "laced" into other drugs as you mentioned. I use to grow my own when I was younger and self employed. Working for a company that tests made me give it up years ago, I still have a nice size container of seeds for when I retire. also have a good recollection on how to grow them.

I agree with you it needs to be legalized, its good some states already have

that said I have only ever tried it once myself, and its not that I didnt enjoy the feeling I did I just never really have got around to trying it again, maybe when I retire and most likely move to a state where it is legal and easy to buy I may more often

You make me smile reading this, reminded me of president Clinton, except you left out the,"I didn't inhale" part, but I'll take you at your word.
More states need to step up and legalize it, you can get high on plenty of other "legal" substances that are far more dangerous than pot yet those are still legal.

LOL :)
I had to give up alcohol a few years back when I started in blood thinners, I do occasionally miss an evening beer, pot would be a good option I know.

LIke I said maybe when I retire I will change my habits

I am not like the President at all, but I did share an elevator with him once :)

Really, an elevator? Could you elaborate on that sometime in a post?

Yes indeed I was surprised it was just me him and one I guess security guy, I just said hi and beautiful day or something like that I was lost for what to say I guess lOL

I may slip it into a post sometime

I would have asked him if he's seen Monica lately or did you ever get the true definition of the word "is" , those would have been my elevator chit chat with him.

That did come to my mind I have to admit LOL

My mind works differently, I'm left handed.

I've seen too many people who use it responsibly that it's been helping -- that I'm convinced it should be legalized. Those that use it irresponsibly -- they get sooooo high they start doing stupid things with dangerous objects (on a regular basis outside of their home!)--- well, they aren't really respected.

I agree with another posters here. Brussel Sprouts should be the first to go. Hands down. Followed by beets.

Yes, responsibility is a key to just about anything. We may have to do a survey on what vegetable should be banned here in the USA and why. But your selection is duly noted for the record.

We use to plant 2 rows of hemp on the outside of the corn fields... and it was for fabrics purposes... that's how I grew up,it was a normal thing, no one got HI, no one even though of doing it... For 17 yrs. I leaved in Romania, it was just a plant, for fabrics... Demoncracy came.. now is illegal to plant it,while everyone gets Fckt on all kind of chemicals ...

Exactly, the hemp plant could replace a bunch a trees being cut down for paper products as well. That demoncrazy was probably from the US, fooling around with other cultures where they have no need too.

You misspelled Demoncracy...

Your right, I put a "c" where the "z" goes, but I fixed it now, Thanks.


Haha that's the first I've heard that version but I love it. Clever.

Kind of like the word guzbuck, we just make them up as we go along.

I picked a good time to start following you! Happy 420. I can't start ranting on 420....my mouth is full. Have a good one!

You too, and thanks for the follow, this is an equal opportunity ranting zone; just ask @abbak7, he will tell you. So come back anytime and blast away.

I know, I'm a follower.. But I don't follow ....
(Sry. I don't get it) what should I tell him... :))

That anyone is welcome to say what ever they want on my posts.

Come July, MJ is going to be legal in Canada. It will be sold through government outlets though. I think they have just found another way to make money since of course, they will tax it...

Of course they will make money, that is the business of government, to make money. I can't remember what state it was that recently passed some sort of legalization on marijuana, but they had the taxes so high on it that it no effect on the illegal transactions with the drug dealers, and some reports were that the illegal drug dealers were actually doing more business because the criminal penalties had gone away if you got caught with it.
So what they thought would reduce drug trafficking, actually had the opposite effect.


I adore your title, overview of what you would burn first, second and third! LOL
Hilarious about veget experience and women.
I wrote a huge post on Hemp, I need to write another one and laws. Laws are redic and especially for an ancient herb.
Hemp is separate in its bases, however, it would still call for an arrest without same permits and state approval. Because its a part of the same plant. So far, only legal in Colorado for distribution.US has previously imported from
China and Canada.

Sending a good Burn and Pass to you,


Thanks for the comment, I like to study law and I have looked at those concerning this subject, I have relied on what I have been "told" from authorities like social actors, er... I mean news reporters.
I'm glad the title got your approval and drew you in. I think titles are really important in steemit, I try and make the titles to do just that.
Thanks and thanks for that 420 link for @eonwarped , I will even take a gander at it myself.

social actors mauahahahahhah
so true! yes, titles are important -- my eye normally just catches the "Daily Dose" part but since I saw you say happy 420 in the group i figured i'd go take a look at your blog. glad i did!!
i have to look more towards the end of your title ...

yes i meant that link for you both for sure, let me know what you think its pretty cool, i especially like the original 420 flag they made. :)

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