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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/20/18 > Maybe I need to burn one today….

in #blog6 years ago

This made me smile! I LOVE sauerkraut, and even make my own, from red cabbage (though it's so sour I can only eat a small amount at a time). And I used to smoke pot as a student - it made me feel so rebellious (lol). But it also made me feel lethargic and I wanted to get on the career ladder (what a fool I was...) so I decided to stop.
You have to have a licence to grow hemp seeds in the UK. Presumably that's all part of controlling illegal drugs. Hemp seeds were illegal in Australia until recently.
If I was going to smoke weed, I'd probably grow my own, so that I'd have the certainty that it was pure. When I was travelling in Asia I met a heroin dealer who said that's how he got people into heroin - by adding it to a joint. Nice man. I suppose that's another good reason to deregulate it - if you buy it from an established retailer it's pretty unlikely to have other drugs added to it (although now I'm starting to think about how Coke got its name...)


Yes, there has been many a person "laced" into other drugs as you mentioned. I use to grow my own when I was younger and self employed. Working for a company that tests made me give it up years ago, I still have a nice size container of seeds for when I retire. also have a good recollection on how to grow them.

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