Update, Month 15: 🎣 "Still fishing ..." 😉

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

Continuing to blog on all the fascinating aspects of my experience on our Steem blockchain, here is my fifteenth monthly update.

Since posting my introduction on 14 May 2019, these updates represent my "log" of sorts, giving my readers a monthly window into my "journey" through the Steemisphere - a new "virtual world" based on the creation of our Steem blockchain.

A bit late this month, due to the time set aside on the first being interrupted by the significant downtime associated with HF 21/22 glitches. Today was my first real opportunity since then to get this finished.

So ... "What are you doing 'in there' @roleerob and how is it going?"

Status or "Executive Summary"

To begin, here is a brief overview to answer the "how is it going" question we should probably be "checking in" with ourselves and answering, from time to time.



There is an old saying, "numbers don't lie." Yes, well, there is also an old joke about the executive asking the accountant, "what do the numbers say about how we're doing?" to which the accountant replied, "what do you want them to say?" ... 😉

Required to issue a monthly report for most of my career, with numbers to quantify progress, here are a few:

To date on my Steem "journey," these numbers are the most important. The first three quantify our influence on adding value to the Steem blockchain. And the second two, the actual work we are putting in to add value ourselves. Given all of our rich diversity, I trust we all have one focused objective in common - adding value to the Steem blockchain.

We want the value to go up!

How is that working for us? Well, you see here the market numbers, i.e. the "bottom line" of how our investment is doing. Down significantly over last month. Not good, but the market overall was also down, right?

Yes, a little. But, not

For the fourth month in a row, I have been posting this "big picture" view of how STEEM is doing vs. the overall crypto market. We continue to see the first month's result was not an aberration. STEEM lags the market. Full stop. Period.

For the first time, this month I have elected to "spell out" exactly what the impact of this market reality is on this particular investor:

So ... In my decision to invest in the Steem blockchain in August 2017, I have lost almost $3,300 USD two years later.

Can the "blow" be softened by factoring in the ~ 1,750 SP earned via authoring and curating? Not in my book! I don't even want to know how many hours I have invested into this effort over these past two years, but the uhhh ... "pay" ... is lousy.

Only the value of interacting with others all over the world, which I do not profess to be wise enough to calculate, provides some consolation ...

Source: Tim Cliff Post - SBD Explained


🎣 "Still fishing ..." 😉

What? Still fishing roleerob?! Where's your commitment to the cause?

Not to worry, dear reader, I am still "committed to the cause." At least somewhat. But life "on the outside" has taken a higher priority now for some time. That will not change for the month of September. While the "dust settles" from the recent HF 21/22 changes, seems like as good a time as any to be "dialed back" ...

Beyond that? We'll see how it goes!


Engagement "Formula"

A steady work-in-progress, is attempting to maintain the following "rhythm" in the investment of my time:

  1. Engaging "down" with all of the many great Steemians steadily adding value and working hard, who have a smaller stake and doing what I can to encourage them.

  2. Engaging "up" and adding value, as much as I can manage, to the posts of those who may chose to ... uhhh ... increase my "influence" ... 😉 ... to help those in #1 ...

  3. Adding value by writing my own posts, so #1 and #2 have some idea of why they would want to hopefully "engage" with me ...

I don't have my stopwatch out or anything. I just try to be mindful of switching from one to the other. Part of the "flow," as I have written about elsewhere, is naturally regulated by your decline in voting power.

Awards and Accomplishments

In this section of my monthly update, I highlight anything which stood out to me in the way of an award or accomplishment. As much as anything, it's for my reference, when I look back over time and ask myself,

"Are you really accomplishing anything meaningful 'in there' @roleerob?" So ... Let's see about this past month ...

The only real items of importance to me, in a quiet month, has been the steady progress made on my upvoting of others efforts. And I am still commenting / replying. I recently crossed over the 13,000 upvotes and 2,500 comments line!

  • Note: At the time, I failed to capture the image and comment on my post showing these accomplishments. But they can be found here on @steemitboard's website, if there is any question.

dandesign86 Artwork

Source: Steem Artwork contributed by talented Steemian @dandesign86!


Those are the highlights of my main contributions to adding value to the Steem blockchain over this last month.

What about the contributions of others? I cover that next ...

Monthly Highlights

Beginning with my first monthly update post, in this section I was inspired to try to capture "the good, the bad, and the ugly" every month. Specifically focused on my interactions with others on this "social network."

So ... What do we have this month:


👍 👍 Two Thumbs Up 👍 👍

Working with ”systems,” as well as managing the work of others, for much of my career, I have always emphasized ”people” over ”process” believing that is the right priority. From a lot of experience, I know the best systems are greatly diminished, if not ”manned” by competent, engaged people. A great team will always solve the problem of less-than-ideal systems. I have never experienced the reverse to be true ...

This section, then, will always be about the people I “meet” in our Community. Specifically, those who have had the greatest impact on my "journey."

In spite of my limited time on our Steem blockchain recently, I am still "around" literally almost every day. I have three of my fellow Steemians who I would like to recognize for this past month:

  • @nextgen622: In my efforts to "branch out" a bit and find new Steemians to support, I found this gentleman from Australia. Soon after meeting him, he responded to my request for more info by supplying me a link to his memoirs - "Living in Between Two Worlds."

    His life story is one of the most compelling I have read in a long time. I won't say too much here, as a "spoiler check," but trust me. It is very well worth your time to read his memoirs. You will be glad you did!

    While still a new account to me, I am looking forward to "getting to know" this Steemian better in the weeks and months ahead.

  • @rawutah: While I have featured this gentleman from southern Utah before, I wanted to feature him again, given the influence he is having on me, in this chapter of my life.

    How so? By answering a simple question I put to him awhile back - "What is a 'food forest'?" His answer "opened doors" into a world I never knew existed. Which, in turn, inspired me in ways which I have not experienced in years.

    Already in the beginning stages of putting some of these ideas to work, I will be writing future posts about it, which will most certainly cover what I am talking about here in more detail. 😉

  • @brittandjosie: This energetic and passionate lady from the Netherlands is a real dynamo in support of all that is happening on our Steem blockchain. Sometime ago, she elected to place me on a special map she had created of acquaintances she had made with others from all over the world. I was very honored. A little slow here, but I want to acknowledge who she is and what she did.

    In addition to being an "Ambassador" for the Netherlands witness, the BlockBrothers (@exyle and team), she also cohosts a great account focused on finding and encouraging our Steem blockchain's newcomers - @heyhaveyamet!

    If not familiar with these, please seriously consider voting for @blockbrothers for one of our all important Steem Witnesses and check out the @heyhaveyamet account!

In the marvel and wonder of how diverse we are as people, each of these fellow Steemians is unique in their own special way. If they are not already familiar to you, I would encourage you to "get to know" each of them. And then seriously consider following them and supporting their work.


So, overall a quiet month for @roleerob. For the sake of us all, dear reader, I hope along with many of you that the recent changes to our blockchain are for the better. I certainly believe a very sincere effort has been put in to make it so. We'll see!

Thank you for reading my monthly update. I trust you have found something of value in it and hopefully even some encouragement.

Until "next time," all the best to you for a better tomorrow, as we all work together to build up our Steem Communities and increase the value of the Steem blockchain! 👍 😊

Steemian @roleerob

Posted using SteemPeak and “immutably enshrined in the blockchain” on Thursday, 5 September 2019!

divider 123.png

Interested to read more of my monthly updates on my Steem "journey"? Great!

SteemPeak: An awesome interface for our Steem blockchain.

Check it out!

graphic designed by @katysavage

This account is protected by @dustsweeper


Hello Friend how are you?
Your recommendations are very good. I have time following @ nextgen622 and @brittandjosie, I visit them from time to time, I like his posts. I will be visiting the other recommendations.

God bless you.

Very nice to "see you" this morning, my dear friend @blessed-girl. All is well here with us. We continue on with all of our latest adventures in "living simply." Someday, I will hopefully get around to writing some posts about it. Right now, I am living it and taking pictures ... 😉

That cool, enjoy a lot. :)

Still great to see these updates from you! I think things are starting to change as users shift their approach after the implications of the Hard Fork(s) become more apparent.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well @newageinv ...

"I think things are starting to change ..."

... we can only hope and "keep on keeping on!" 👍

I am

And we have a new project do i take advantage of this reply to show you.


Thank you and you just Made my day

Have just returned from visiting the link you have provided here @brittandjosie. You'll see my supporting comments there.

Very happy to know I had a small part to play in making your day! I hope it is a memorable one in many ways! 👍

@brittandjosie is a powerhouse in many ways! Nice to see her on your list. Thanks again for popping by to show some support. I tend not to look too much into stats on here, but I enjoy reading when others take the time to do some analysis. As someone who needs to keep her day job, I can also appreciate having to spend more time in the "real world". ;)

Yes @plantstoplanks ...

"As someone who needs to keep her day job, I can also appreciate having to spend more time in the "real world". ;)"

... it is true for many of us. I do not spend the time on our Steem blockchain, as I once did, as the time commitment I was making was simply unsustainable. At least for me and my desire to have a healthy rhythm to my life ...

I do appreciate, though, interacting with others all over the world. So ... I am not going anywhere. And, who knows, I may be able to resume a greater level of activity, once the summer is over and I get some other important projects completed ...

Glad to have had another opportunity to interact with you. Have a great day and "keep on keeping on!" 👍

Yeah, Steem took a much bigger beating than the rest of the market. Even coins without a project or team managed to fare better...

I'm also in the red with my investment but not that much. However, it starts to feel like I'll never get that money back...

Oh well, I'll just keep on growing without buying anything else. There's not much else I can do, at this point. 🤔

We have the same approach @trincowski ...

"Oh well, I'll just keep on growing without buying anything else."

... as I could buy more, but have no reason to do that ... I have learned to appreciate the engagement though, so I am still here!

Thanks for stopping by! 😊

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @sbi-booster.

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