Daily Writing Routine: (1/3) Increase Consistency, Decrease Procrastination

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

How do I manage to produce content every day? I publish content regularly and daily on different social media accounts, for different niches with different content, purpose and intention.
For many people it’s a struggle to produce content, especially valuable, high quality content consistently and I believe for a lot of Steemians that is the case too. 

The true key to growing an audience, building a brand, drawing attention to your published work requires the skill of:


The other important key to creating great work daily: being PROLIFIC! (I used to say productive, because in german you say „produktiv“ so just slightly different, but I learned this new english term and like it better)
If you try to set up a system that involves your creativity, you have to find a method that enables you to write a lot every single day. Here are some tips that I personally use and hope you will find helpful:


I have asked some blogger friends of mine and this is what most of them tell me:  They get up early in the morning before most people wake up (between 5 and 7 AM), grab a coffee, sometimes get a quick workout in and start writing immediately. They say that only in that time span they can get the writing done that they need to, also they feel the most clear-headed and creative in the morning. 

If that’s you.. great! If not… me either.  
In the morning I like to do everything else, be active, but not sit down and write. I’ve noticed that my brain always needs a warm-up, so yes it is possible for me to start writing half way into the day, but since I’m busy during the day that doesn’t work. I found out that I can actually write best right after everyone goes to bed at night, right after 8 PM that’s when my brain is fully charged, not to have intense meetings or talk a lot (that would be mid-day like for most people), but simply to write.  
When it’s dark outside, everything is silent, I take my laptop, sit on my bed or a comfortable chair, sometimes when I feel like it play music in the background, a tea or hot chocolate and I get in my writing zone. 

I write for as long as I can, go to bed and with a clear head go through my writing the next morning, do corrections, add or change formatting and publish it later during the day. That way I can do everything else during the day and still publish mid-day, by just hitting the „submit button“. If you write in advance it also takes away that pressure you might feel. Sometimes I write at night and publish it right away (like right now), but then I still write a prep-post for the next day (just like some do prep-meals you can do prep-writing). This writing habit includes all kinds of content, such as blogposts or social media captions and hashtags for online businesses, clients, and my own things.

You might be a morning person who likes to get stuff right before the day starts and the sun rises, or you’re more like me and focused at night when everyone is asleep and only do a touch-up/ final draft in the morning. Notice that the two options of time I’m giving you have one thing in common, they are either before or after a day, instead of during. Why? Because 1.) No distractions, which means less excuses; 2.) No people asking requests; 3.) The great feeling of starting or ending your day right.


Whatever time you find yourself to be most productive at, stick with that time and don’t try to force yourself to work at someone else’s time. For quite a while I thought that because most people get their writing done early in the morning that I had to adapt to that until I realized that you can’t copy anyone’s schedule, just like you can’t copy someone’s brain, spirit, motivation and comfort. There is no one-fits-all solution or one perfect daily routine, but whatever works for you best is the perfect routine.

I hope you by now agree that finding your creative time of the day is important.. just like creating a system that keeps you accountable! Some people are naturally self-disciplined and accountable, others (like me) are happy that there are tools that help you spark your flow of creativity and keeps you consistent:


Tool such as the Calmly Writer APP can be very helpful when it comes to getting in your zone. This application helps you focus and makes the process of writing more fun. Take a look:

Also it’s important to have your notifications turned OFF and only your screen ON. All tempting distractions you put out of sight and reach (even though there shouldn’t be many if you know your productive time is when most people are asleep), position yourself in the right environment and start writing!


It’s good to have an approximation of length of text in mind before you start to write as a „goal“, because once you have that in mind you automatically work more efficiently, knowing that you’re working towards something. It’s up to you how much you want to write, for a blogpost that could be somewhere around 450-700 or maybe 550-1000 words. 

Also it’s a great idea to have neat folders with dates on your desktop so that you can look back on the structure of all your writing, see where you’re going with your blog, articles, writing and based on that decide what you’re going to write on next.


Have a calender on your wall or your notebook, somewhere where you see it every day and make a big cross every day you get this feeling of satisfaction, you can see how far you’ve come which is a great reward to start or end your day. Your system should be encouraging! If you don’t feel encouraged to continue the process that’s when consistency starts lacking. makes you feel good about continuing the process, good feeling of seeing work get done.

Well there is a solution for that as well, but that’s for Part 2.
I hope you enjoyed the read. Let me know what topics you mostly enjoy to read about.

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"How-to-stay-productive-stress-free-and-get-shit-done: 1. priorities"

"How-to-stay-productive-stress-free-and-get-shit-done: 2. procrastination"

"How-to-stay-productive-stress-free-and-get-shit-done: 3. deadlines"


Much love,  

- Mrs.Steemit



I'm 100% on board with this post. I also have to produce content on a daily basis. I know my creative times of day. I write down every idea for content I have and look for distraction free writing tools.

I also spend a lot of time reading and chatting with friends about what I've read. I feel that conversation is mental alchemy. You can absorb all the information you want, but if you don't put it to use, test it out, or swirl it around in conversation, then what's the point? Personally, I like to set a goal: If I'm learning something new, then I have to talk about it at least once a day. That may mean, chatting with my girlfriend, it might mean calling an old friend, or starting a conversation with a stranger. Whatever the case, at the end of the day I feel like I've planted the seed of a future piece of content.

Great work --followed-- thanks for sharing!

Great additional tips, thanks! Goal setting is definitely important and speaking might be a way to help some people with accountability. You have some interesting content as well, followed back :)

Very nice post, thanks for sharing this!
I am currently thinking a lot about how to move on here. What topics to cover etc. Unless you have already written about that (I might have overlooked that), I'd be happy to read a few hints on that.

Thank you! The second part of this is going to be about creativity and how to write when you're not feeling creative so that might help, posting it very soon. Also you might want to take a look at my blog directory I wrote a while ago: https://steemit.com/blog/@mrs.steemit/my-steemit-blog-directory
And maybe you can start by writing out a similar structure, generally I suggest to write down topics you are really interested in and you enjoy covering. Then from there think of sub-topics, then you have a list already that you can use as pure inspiration or strictly work through it :)

Cool, I absolutely look forward to reading the second part you mentioned.
Thanks a lot for your extensive answer, much appreciated and very helpful!

If I don't have a decent chunk of free time I almost mentally debilitate myself. I almost feel like if I can't finish a blog on here in one sitting and be able to promote it on Steemit.chat then I won't go forward with it. I really need to change my thinking though with that.

You are not alone with that issue and I used to have it as well. Sometimes it's good to force yourself to do something and sometimes you need to let go, because it's the worst thing when you sit for hours trying to get something done and you're wasting half a day just sitting and being angry. Also it gets harder and harder with every minute you sit in front of your writing, angry at yourself that you can't finish it or produce the content you wish to produce. What's helped me a lot when I got the feeling of being stuck, to just stop right away and force myself to do something else productive, could be a workout or responding to mails and afterwards you find yourself in a more positive mood which allows your brain to function properly again. Might be worth a try :)

Yeah it is really good advice. Time is the only commodity we can't buy more of. Unfortunately it is really hard to use it wisely.

A great guide

Your posts on the subject are better than mine; looking forward to part 3!

I also like the Satisfaction Calendar idea, thank you.

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Hello @mrs.steemit, thanks for the useful tips.
I think I'm a bit of an oddball writer really. I work whenever I feel like it.
For me writing is a creative passion. I get my 'fix' in my day job writing software. So I tend to write more creatively when my workload is light.

I like a good challenge, like NaNoWriMo, or being given a topic to write something about being spontaneous.
I'd suggest to anyone looking for inspiration, try out some challenges, just for a laugh. Create a post with no 'i's in it. Can you do it?

I find this really helps you focus when the time comes to get stuck in and really get serious about writing something.

So thanks for the tips, and keep 'em coming. ;-) I'll follow along and see what I can learn.

Interesting article. In addition to what you have mentioned, I usually make small notes about some of the things I think about. That's what I do, so my idea of ​​writing is maintained.

Some time ago, I have also made a post about an easy way to become a writer.

If you have time, try to visit, maybe we can share and complete about this.


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