How to stay productive, stress-free and get shit done - #2 procrastination

in #procrastination8 years ago (edited)

If you haven't read part 1 of the series please do so:

A quick recap: In the first part I talked about setting priorities  and went through the process of narrowing down your priority list. In the end I was left with 2 main tasks for the next day #2 and #3.

Now to figure out the very first task of work I will do in the morning, before checking mails, doing tasks I enjoy doing, going online, answering phone calls etc. I do the one thing that is the least one on my preference list. We all have those tasks we really need to want to get done but for some reason we keep pushing it away, procrastinate on it and find a million reasons, why not right now. 

-----------------------2. STOP procrastination!-----------------------




Procrastination does nothing but waste your time, decrease your willingness to do whatever you need to do, soaks you deeper and deeper into a feeling bad about yourself spiral that gets more difficult to escape from with every second you continue it. 

When I was in school doing the IB (International Baccalaureate) besides my german high school diploma, I was the queen of procrastination, facing this problem for two years. I remember when I had to write a 40000 word essay and told myself I would do it on forward to Sunday morning, where I would convince myself that of course I first need breakfast, a coffee AND THEN I can do it.. After I was done I all of sudden found that my messy room was a distraction so after I cleaned up I would really get started. In between I called several friends to complain about the work I had to get done...excuse after excuse.. long story short, I was forced to finish the essay all night long until 7 AM, sleep for 1 hour...

And all this torture for what? 

That was when I decided that I needed to stop. If I would have put half of the time, energy and effort I put into writing my essay instead of procrastinating, I would have been done before the weekend even started, relax for two days, have fun without all the stress. Alright enough procrastination and let's get to the real issue. The task itself is not as bad as it seems, in fact the ONLY hurdle you have to overcome is taking that first step, getting started, because once you're in the process all your built up anxiety will disappear and all of a sudden you're done with it and would laugh at how much energy you put into avoiding that task.  

So the quickest way is: JUST DO IT RIGHT NOW! 

Get it done and over with. If you're strong enough to interrupt your mind and start doing, great! If not that's ok, because for me it wasn't until I started to develop a certain habit that truly made my life easier, just imagine how much time and energy you would have if you didn't spend it on procrastination. 

As far as I know there are two types of procrastination:  


  • You tell yourself “I really need to get started on this.”
  • You feel stressed.
  • You feel an urge to do something else, so you tell yourself “I’ll get started soon, but I can afford another 5 minutes doing this one other thing.”

The first exercise is on: NOT GETTING STARTED 

For this exercise I want you to get out a piece of paper and again I like to do this at night before I go to bed, plan the next day, so I can sleep well, get a fresh start the next morning and know exactly what I have to do, so this is what you need to do: 

  1. Write down that one task you really need to do but keep pushing away, the one thing you try your hardest to avoid and just don't like doing. Once you've found that, write it down on a piece of paper in fat letters and put it somewhere you will see it when you make up. I usually pin it to my closet door.  
  2. Next (same step as with the previous tasks), write down on another piece of paper or in your phone schedule how long it will take you to complete that task. Be realistic and if it's a creative task give yourself more time. 

To find out how much time you need ask yourself this question..

  • Complete the task in 30 minutes. Is it possible? If yes, then write down 40 minutes. If not, ask yourself...
  • Complete the task in 1 hour. Is it possible? If yes, then write down 70 minutes, and so on until you know how much time you need to complete the task.  

Now that task is your NUMBER 1! It's going to be the first task you have to complete in the morning, before checking your mails, accepting calls, logging into Social Media etc. See it like a game, the challenge of completing the task is what brings you to the next level. In a game you can't just skip levels and in life you have to firstly get the things done that are most important even if they're not fun. Why do it as the first thing in the morning? Because if you train doing that it automatically stops you from slipping into procrastination and once completed, your mind will feel lighter and you save a lot of energy.

Note: Always give yourself 10 minutes extra time, but not more! You now have a time limit. If you're a procrastination king or queen, tell other people about it, until when you have to have what done and make a deal with them, including a consequence if you don't do it. That way it will be easier for you to get started and stay away from distractions later on.

Once complete, check off that task in your planner and you can now move on to task NUMBER 2, your goal of the day, then NUMBER 3. Complete one after the other and what you do with the rest of your day, work more, work out or spend time with your friends and family, that's up to you. 

The second exercise is on: GETTING DISTRACTED 

(laughing way too hard at this edit)

It’s no wonder we can’t get things done when there are so many tempting distractions around us, like our phones, social media, people..Let's start by whenever you're starting your task and your timer is on, turn off notifications on your phone. Set specific times that you’re allowed to check social media.

Also don't even try to have distractions around you, telling yourself "but I won't use it until.."

Did you know that willpower is a limited resource that can be used up like any other form of energy? The more energy you spend resisting temptation, the less energy you’ll have to focus on what's important. So here is my advice:


Shut everything off, even your mind that tries to escape with other thoughts. Always stop yourself, before drifting away, bring back that focus, THINK FOCUS! and get in your zone!

Lastly, I have one more thought to share with you... Maybe you don’t have a procrastination problem and rather a work problem. If you find yourself procrastinating day in and day out, week after week, month after month, year after year, maybe you’re not doing what you're meant to do. It might be your job that makes you unhappy and you should consider pursuing a passion of yours, because when you truly love what you do you don't procrastinate. This case is very different from the usual small things most people including myself like to procrastinate on, as we all have those unpleasant tasks we sometimes need to do in order to achieve our goals, but that just on a side note.

At the end of the day: Just do it! You are likely to find out that the task doesn't take as long as you expected and you'll feel much better for getting it out of the way.


As always feel free to comment!


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Much love,



I was going to procrastinate today but I kept putting it off

I was waiting for this comment, seriously made me laugh!

I'm your 11th upvote :)

You are on a roll Girl :) I wrote a similar motivational topic yesterday asking myself what I like about myself to keep on moving and stay on top of my world. Wirklich toll Deine Posts !

Sounds interesting, will try to read yours later:)
Vielen lieben Dank!

Great post. Thank you for the reminders!

Glad you enjoyed the read.

thanks for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much

That's sweet of you, thanks! :)

Good content, thank you for sharing this article!

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