My Steemit Blog Directory

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

After a month of blogging, experimenting, taking on adventures, reading and discovering STEEMIT I think it's time for some organization and structure. 

When looking through my blog and the posts I made, I realized that I in very short period of time dove into a diverse range of categories and topics. All of my posts are authentic and related to me and if they aren’t particularly about me and my life, they have to do with what’s on my mind.  

BUT  I think it would be nice to outline and share with you my plan or vision for my blog on Steemit, which is why I decided to make a...


---------------------------------------------*loving my STEEMIT gear*---------------------------------------------


  • Get to know me
  • DailyLife
  • Experiences; FunStories
  • What's on my mind


  • InterestingTopics
  • BusinessTalk
  • Imagination, WhatIf...
  • Science


  • SteemFit, Health
  • Personal Development; LifeHacks
  • Time Management; Motivation; Coaching
  • SteemitSupport, AdCampaigns


  • Travel
  • Interior Design; Home Decor
  • „My favorite“ places, food, books...
  • Female Things

Now I'm sure over time the categories and content will change at least slightly, just like I'm changing and growing day by day, but for the most part these are the categories I try to cover here on my blog. Also I'm planning on supporting the german community more and translate more of my posts into my first language, german. Besides that...

there is one other part that I didn't mention, because it's still a secret project that is currently in process and I don't want to spoil it already, BUT I am going to say this... There is much more to come and I'm looking forward to a fun journey of writing, hosting, keeping you updated, meet-ups, collabs and a lot of fun ;)

If you have any suggestions you think I forgot to include or should include in my blog directory, let me know. I hope this helps and inspires some to as well find a thread, even if it's just for yourself and you don't share it with a specific post. 

I think in order to build a following and a relationship with your audience you need to either SHOW what content they can expect from your blog, the kind of value you are giving and topics you are covering, or TELL your vision and share a guideline. 

By identifying your blog, you don't just help your audience understand you better, but you also give yourself a focus and inspiration to come back to whenever you need it. You don't have to to use it as a checklist and go through each topic in the right order (I won't do that either), but it's a description of your blog as a whole. 

This is not necessary, but just like with any book, I personally like to skim over the summary and directory before I decide to read the book. It makes it much easier to decide if you want to read the book, and yes we're still talking about a blog, but why not offer the option here as well ...

How cool would it be to have a description/directory box as a feature on your Steemit profile, so when you come across an interesting account you can view the topics they cover (it might be just one but it could be several) and you don't have to scroll through the blog to get an idea and find out yourself...

What do you think?

Follow my journey, stay updated and let's make this revolution extend worldwide!

- Mrs. Steemit


Absolutely this idea should be an essential feature to Steemit. I have so many topics I'd like to eventually write about - even blog style or mailing list style - that I know i will get lost on my own profile eventually, haha! I sincerely wish this had been built into the platform from the ground up.

Awesome! Yes I agree another good reason is that you can list things you want to write about in the future and because you put it in your directory you at some point have to write about it, great way to force yourself into achieving your vision :)

And congrats on grabbing such a cool user name. That'll serve you well in the long run! Well played mrs,steemit, well plated indeed ;)

I love how you categorized everything you've done into an easy format for future reference. I guess maybe "inventions" could be a category (might fit into imagination/whatif).

Also maybe you could offer non-tangible (no shipping) skills for a fair amount of steem dollars. Whether that is helping people make better posts, editing, etc.

Thank you Ben! :)
Great ideas, especially the last one I'll definitely consider doing

No problem! Glad to help someone who already brings a lot of value to steemit :)

Nice article and beautiful pictures! -upvoted

Upvote! Love your idea, I've been thinking of creating some kind of topics' list myself. I do most of the time just write what comes to my mind - except for a series I am writing in German about languages and some special (and sometimes funny) aspects. Further topics for this series are always written into my bullet journal (actually a plain notebook I am carrying around everywhere I am), it's my brainstorming book.
I have not decided yet how to keep on writing here, but creating a post with topics and plans is definitely worth thinking about. It surely helps get a good overview and get a clearer vision of what you want to provide your audience with.
Nice inspiration, as usual ;)

That sounds awesome! I'll check out your series later. Thank you very much :)

Saw your interview with @piedpiper. You have a new follower, thanks

Awesome! Glad you liked it:)

For someone who writes in two very different genres I would LOVE if there was a directory drop down associated with my blog. Then the folks who only want my financial education can go directly to it and those that want my poetry/stories can do the same. Wonderful idea!

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