It's a small club, and you might be in it! Check out the list and see.....Enjoy!

in #blog4 years ago (edited)

Here we go.....

After much hard work (10 or 15 minutes worth), and much deliberation (less than 5 minutes), Here is how I'm throwing the 50% of the profit that I made in trades - instead of upvoting.

It really works out at significantly more than any voting power I have.


Not only that, I feel better about giving my own money away, rather than some 'commons' claptrap. (the reward pool).
I'm returning it voluntarily and quite freely, for all the support given to me and my posts. (and with a very big smile on my face while doing it).

While explanations as to 'why' are not necessary, I'm gonna give you some anyway for a couple of reasons.

1/ I can virtue signal away, without any actual signalling. This is real.
This ain't no Leonardo DiCaprio pontificating about climate change and carbon footprints, as he sails off around the Caribbean in 600 ft yacht.

2/ It's fun

3/ It might gain me more upvote for future profit taking opportunities for everyone.

A big shout out to @angryman who's given me 100 steem, to help expand and increase the potential rewards in this experiment.

****The 0.1 club
People I occasionally chat with, and autovoters.
While I appreciate any upvoting - automated or otherwise - the redistribution of profits in the way I'm doing this, feels like an organic exercise, a human en-devour, and automation has no place.

But that doesn't change the fact I appreciate the support.

IMAG0034 - Copy.JPG

My current upvote is worth 0.001 cent , on the steem ecosystem.

So, hundred votes would work out at 0.1 cent.
Wait! there's more....

Any up vote would also be subject to dividing out to others - 50% ish

SO......the 100 upvote to get the 10 cents, is actually closer to 200!

That's a lot of fucking voting for 10 cents, ain't it?

Based on my current up voting power, the '0.1 list' , is receiving the equivalent of 200 upvotes each from me.
(if my calculations are wrong, it's fine - please let me know - but I don't really care too much.)

I will be manually transferring the amounts into each persons account.
(Bollocks, that's gonna take ages)

I' ll do it this time, (and every time if I have to) but if anyone wants to help me out by re distributing the amounts (via a one transfer to you and then you sending it out to the various accounts), that's fine.

Honestly, I do not mind any one volunteering for

This is far more 'satisfying a feeling', than up voting on property I do not own...(the commons reward pool)

SO...............Lets get that list going, shall we?

So, the equivalent of 200 upvotes , each- to the following (2.3 cents value at time of writing this- ish.
If the value goes up or down before you receive the money - deal with it.
It's 0.1, ok? lol


@mamasitta finding correct addy to send t
@missivevibration finding correct addy
@lk666 -SENT
@drwom -SENT
@stevescoins -SENT
@j85063 -SENT
@apshamilton -SENT
@jaynie -SENT
@jrcornel -SENT
@revisesociology -SENT
@chelsea88 -SENT

= 1.1 steem in total


400 upvotes each - or 4.6 cents reward.

@way-truth-light -SENT
@commonlaw -SENT
@hone.heke -SENT
@debtfreein2 -SENT
@tubcat -SENT
@bil.prag -SENT
@builderofcastles -SENT
@empress-eremmy -SENT
@starworld -SENT
@paulag -SENT
@epic-fail -SENT
@gooddream -SENT
@anthonyadavisii -SENT
@logiczombie -SENT
@giantbear -SENT
@khaleelkazi -SENT
@starkerz -SENT
@glenalbrethsen -SENT
@trumpman -SENT

= 3.8 Steem in total


600 upvotes , or 7. 7 (or something), cents, in rewards

@battleaxe -SENT
@sunlit7 -SENT
@squirrelbait -SENT
@small1axe -SENT
@moderndayhippie -SENT
@oldtimer -SENT

= 1.8 Steem in total

800 upvotes, or 9.2 cents in rewards

@angryman - SENT
@denmarkguy - SENT
@whatsup - SENT
@valued-customer - SENT
@freebornangel - SENT
@bashadow - SENT
@richq11 - SENT
@frot - SENT

= 3.2 Steem


1000 upvotes or 11.5 cents
=0.5 Steem -SENT

2000 upvotes, or 23 cents

=1 Steem - SENT

The total is closer to 11.4 steem , (off the top of my head), so I'll throw in the extra steem from my 50% profit take.
'The bonus club!'

@mepatriot has been jumped on by 'big players' on this platform, and from a great height - in what I can only describe as authoritarian, left, sjw censorship, (on steroids). It stinks.
I will be supporting him if/when I can.
It's not about agreeing on content, but agreeing that the wanky lefty, mob are total bullies and complete arseholes.
And it only creates a resolve in people with ethics (and a spine) to push back against such tactics.

@fitinfun doesn't upvote or interract with me much anymore, but she's having a tough time of it, and every little helps, so I'm sending her a steem from my trading profits.


I'll do my best to get the rewards over to everyone's accounts, just as soon as I can!

#newparadigmsteem ?


Thanks for making me a member of the club... appreciate the initiative, and the windfall! I'm slowly moving towards rewarding comments again... just about have gotten to where I can do so and not having my votes fall prey to the "dust" threshold.

Keeping a good bit (about 25%) in liquid Steem these days, though.

Thank you, I am not sure what else to say, but maybe, just maybe steem will survive tron, and if not, there is always room for a new monopoly coin/token. It is taking me a bit to get use to steempeak, I like change, but that does not mean change sucks, because it does at times. You need to get someone to automate the payout part for you, it can take a long time to do it manually.

I do appreciate the wit and humor, to many take change to seriously, change is life, why take it so serious.

I've sent 90% now - only took 20 mins once I got going.

And I'm sure some people will be stepping up to the plate to help me out in the future (wink wink).

I send 3 steem- and a list of 10 recipients, and then some nice person 'in the club' sends 10 payments of 0.3, out for me. Simples.

Many hands, light work, and all that.

Many thanks for being in/on the list . For mostly i think my comments are annoying worthless mind farts , just me having some fun ,.. interacting in this digital magazine . Feels good i must say . Happy indeed about this particular list.
As a list makes me a bit nervous , most detective spy movies always go about a list , like we must protect the list ,.. if the list , and so on , list's end in drama in Hollywood . Personally i don't like list's , so static to , but this listing ,.. makes me happy :-)

I was gonna call it 'Al Qaeda 2.0', (the database 2.0), but thought people might freak

the idea and logic behind it sounds reasonable. but if i tried to do that i would probably lose all my steem in a month or so :D i did not trade a lot, but i think every time i bought steem it crashed a bit :D

wish you all the luck

All my steem came from support and upvotes - the worst that can happen is you lose - hardly a crisis.

BUT the rewards coming back to my upvoter/supporters, are enormous (when compared to the rewards received from Sp upvoting).

Seems like a good gamble to me. (And I seem to very lucky when it comes to trading).
So....fuck it, lets give it a go!

as i said, from you standpoint and with current prices it sounds like a sound thing to do.

Thank you for including me and hope the trading goes well👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Holy crap - many thanks for putting me in the exclusive club.

Not being of a mathematical bent it's all a bit over my head, but all appreciation is much appreciated.

With all the flagging and negativity we had last year I have turned into a positive little fucker, all for supporting people - so I've stopped calling people numpties and asking them how their arses are!

Your vids are a crack up and that is something coming from me - I'm just writing a post about how vids are a waste of time :)

I'm chilling out in the sounds with very slow internet but I just logged into Steemit and saw some changes - and I had 995 notifications!

Steemit hasn't had any updates for years so I was pretty surprised.

This is the view when I look up from my laptop:


Nice. Nothing like a gorgeous pussy and sea views.

take that numpties and arses thing with a grain of salt

A did - in about the time it took me to finish reading the original

sweet, thanks! No clue what the future holds on any of this but I appreciate it and I just saw this after I swept my dust away , those S.E. tokens add up afterall

....well since you had to work up some semblance of a sweat, I still haven't figured out what the "catch 22" is going to be but you've worked hard for your penny today.

lol - here's a bizarre concept...
Imagine there's no catch 22, and what you see is what you get?
Weird uh? lol

Well I guess I can hang. Money for nothing and the clicks are free. lol.

I try to understand it. You do not like to use the pool but do not mind using the 100 Steem given to you from the... pool?

I guess you do not accept upvotes or burn it? 🤔

Posted using Partiko Android

Nope - you do misunderstand

I use the upvotes for given for my posts , to make massively more profit from buying selling steem, LTC BTC pairs, and then return 50% of the profit to the people who've upvoted and supported me.

(my upvote is worth 0.001 cent . A 0.4 steem reward ( 8 cents give or take) - is over 800 hundred of my upvotes.
(well, 16 upvotes actually, if you take the 50% curation into account - the math isnt accurate - but I'm sure you get the drift)

It's a much bigger payout.

I hope that makes it clearer for ya's.

PLUS im still giving out upvotes!

@lucylin I got the picture. Thanks for explaining. 👍💕 problemo

Hello @lucylin, I just logged in and saw this post.

Thanks for the shout-out and mention of inclusion within your little, independent experiment here on the Blockchain. I'm happy to help in spreading the wealth (lol) This may actually start a growing trend by others who either participate with some loaned or donated funds, or begin independent, benevolent projects themselves (To help others)

I didn't expect to be included as direct beneficiary (on the list) through donating, but it made me smile. I'm thinking of passing along at least half of any reward sent/earned, randomly to others (directly to wallets)

Anywayzzzzz… I'll be keeping in touch (as long as I don't kick the bucket) Maybe I'll keep in touch either way…???


Yeah, it feels like I'm cutting the legs out from under all of the virtue signalling, empty vessels. lololol

Actually doing something, and giving it away to other people - does not compute in the VS world.
Selfish bastards, wrapped up in nice fluffy words.

Hard to challenge someone who's actually doing something.
(imagine bigger accounts spreading the wealth like this?)

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