
Nope - you do misunderstand

I use the upvotes for given for my posts , to make massively more profit from buying selling steem, LTC BTC pairs, and then return 50% of the profit to the people who've upvoted and supported me.

(my upvote is worth 0.001 cent . A 0.4 steem reward ( 8 cents give or take) - is over 800 hundred of my upvotes.
(well, 16 upvotes actually, if you take the 50% curation into account - the math isnt accurate - but I'm sure you get the drift)

It's a much bigger payout.

I hope that makes it clearer for ya's.

PLUS im still giving out upvotes!

@lucylin I got the picture. Thanks for explaining. 👍💕 problemo

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