My Civil Service #11: I May Have Discovered My God

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Half a year of work service. And only now did I feel again I had a purpose.

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Let me explain:

You might know I'm doing my service in an A-clinic facility that gives treatment for clients with drug problems, mainly with alcohol (hence the name; A-clinic).

So, the people in administration who manage different facilities, including the A-clinic, were familiar with me before so they asked if I wanted to help with the intoxicant prevention -program which is kept to 12-13 year old 6th graders.

Discussing intoxicants with kids using a story

So, there is a fictional story about upper comprehensive schoolers and their encounters with alcohol and tobacco in a house party which was supposed to be just a fun night hanging out (it's only us ruined adults who can't have fun without alcohol).

First, the premise of the story was introduced by a video and then further continued by the tutors in small groups. While progressing with the story we discussed the motives and feelings of the characters with the children. And some general themes present in the story.
This is actually a really smart way of discussing such topics because we get the children engaged and thinking to themselves by getting them to relate to some one else's situation.

My job was to be there as a tutor reading the story and being part of the discussion. I really liked it; I was able to capture their attention and even amuse them when I got familiar with the story and got to tell it with my own words. And the kids are smart: they definitely have the ability to understand the characters on a deeper level beyond the surface of their actions.

One muslim girl (judging by the scarf she was wearing) was peculiarly curious and after the session she came to me and spout out bunch a questions: "How old are you?" "Do you live with your parents." "Are you married?" "Do you have kids?" "What's your home address?"

"Wow, hold on."

Gotta say, I got little off guarded by that, I mean, asking one's home address is quite personal information, you know. I only told her I'm over 18 since I had already introduced myself as civil servant (over 18-year-old males are obligued to military or civil service in Finland) so that's pretty much public knowledge. She had already thrown an off beat comment during the session that I looked like a teenager and the same like one of the characters in the story. Well, apparently I look young so I'll take that as a compliment I guess, haha (not sure if I agree with the stance).

Though I can appreciate the direct communication since that is quite rare among Finns. At least I'm now prepared for the future sessions.

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Anyway, it's real nice to get something useful and purposeful to do instead of filling the time card's daily 7 hours 51 minutes sitting on my ass "just because". I'm having real hard time understanding why do time cards exist in a qualitive job where there isn't necessary extra tasks that you can fill your hours with if there are no clients for example. Furthermore, 6 hours would be much better and more efficient when all the necessary tasks could be complited in a smaller time frame without any struggle. I got used to such rhythm since highschool when a typical day was 6 hours or less and that was something I was able to live with. So, why do we have longer days on our jobs?

And I got experience on tutoring and working with kids (haven't done that pretty much ever) and I got more confidence in my social abilities (I've experienced some social anxiety or uncertainty, in the past). And I was actually needed so that there were enough tutors for all the small groups that classes were divided; two for each.

I was bit anxious on the second day even though the first day went great. It's always like that when I encounter new situations. But on the farside, it tunes me in and gets me to my sharpest when I want to perform as good as I can. And my worries were pointless anyway; the other tutors were great: teachers, school curators, and youth workers - real nice people - so I got to work with solid crew.

But until I get to help with future sessions, my life is still being controlled by this stupid paddle.

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This (the electric time card) is pretty much the closest thing to God I have in my life at the moment. If I ever reach the afterlife, I hope this is not what I'm going to be faced with.

Btw, nice accidental symbolism with the backpack I bring to work everyday, in the background.

Here's bunch of other posts about my civil service:


What's with the paddle?
I think you make many reasonable points. Especially about reevaluating the amount of work hours (and sleep hours) and adjusting them to everybody's individual capacity. If your bio-rhythm doesn't suit 7.51hrs of work then it's better to get 6 top hours done and knock off happy, than wear yourself thin. But all this is too advanced for our modern economy (aparently even the Finnish).
I hope you get to use your talents again soon (I sort of gather that this paddle relates to the fact you won't be teaching again tomorrow?)

What's with the paddle?

Oh, that's the electric time card i need to stamp when I get in and out of the work place.

But all this is too advanced for our modern economy (aparently even the Finnish).

It seems we are still valuing work based on the conveyer model where more time brings more return. But it obviously can't be applied to every type of work but I guess politicians have hard time understanding it.

The clock cards are used in the public sector but jobs in private sector might have different practices. Although I feel majority of jobs are still following the 8-hour-day regardless.

I hope you get to use your talents again soon

Yeah, I have few more sessions this and next month!

I haven't read any of your civil service posts before but I'll be doing that soon because I am interested in what it is like. I will most likely go to the army myself but I still want to know

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