Prompt of the day “Dividend” - I’ll Have To Buy In To Make This Happen

in #blocktrades5 years ago (edited)

Today I awoke to a notification from @blocktrades, I need to pay! My delegation from @nathanmars is about to run up but do I have the option to keep my delegation of 3333SP going? Another 90 days with that delegation and I should have over 5k of my own SP!

Yes I see the option, only visibility in my wallet from


I feel like a business owner having to look at profits and paying out dividends to keep investors happy, investment in my ability to pay with my vote relates to my success here on the platform as it generates the needed engagement for consumers.

So I need to pay my dividends accounting to 334.813 Steem for another 90 days but this investment did not account for it as I tend not to keep my rewards liquid!

So what do I do?

Can I get a Steem loan?

Will someone pay it for me?

Is someone out there willing to help me?

I never bank on expecting a handout, I’ll gladly accept a hand-up though!

I’ll have to buy in to make this happen, as I did not save my rewards to pay out for this quarterly dividend.

I have 48 hours, I know a few people that could help will browse my posts from time to time so I ask you, those of you that could solve the problem for me...

Should I make that investment in myself?

Does it make that much of a difference to you?

Will you continue to invest in me if I allow this delegation to expire?

I know many you guys hide from the spot light thus I don’t actually expect a response, just want you to know I try think of all aspects even what our unrecognized curators want to see!

PS Thank You Nathan you may have started something big for me, I will never forget the investment you made in my journey here on the platform.

Check Out The @FreeWriteHouse Prompt Of The Day By @MarianneWest

New Too Partiko? Get A SP Bonus!!!

Start Using Partiko and Get 15 Steem Power Delegation

If you haven’t tried Partiko out yet and your struggling with RC limitations check that post above it will help you greatly 👍 or just check it out anyways and support them in supporting newbies!

I love the Partiko Mobile App for two simple reasons, function and appeal. It works as it should with speed and looks great while adding its own level of gamification to interaction through in-app points collection plus redemptions for perks.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!!!

Thats it @d00k13 OUT

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Wallet of a Minnow, Heart of a Whale

Posted using Partiko iOS


So... that seems like an incredibly high price to pay for such a delegation. 40% Annual Interest Rate, essentially, yeah? If you'd be down, I'd do it for 160 SBI (so you'd benefit, too!) and 160 liquid steem. I have 3000 liquid steem and I was thinking about selling because I want to have more cash to buy up more steem if it goes back down from here, but since what I want is more steem anyways, this seems like it'd be a win-win!

That is a great offer!!

That it is!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I’ll have to see what I can muster up, I did already purchase that delegation just shortly before you commented 🤦‍♂️

Only have 1.06 LTC and a little SBD right now but if your willing to wait a week or so I should be able to round up the needed funds one way or another.... would also give me a week overlap on the 90 day delegations 😉

Very generous offer, I really like the SBI idea!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Excellent! I will be happy to wait a week! I love the idea of using @steembasicincome as a win win financial instrument. Especially when combined with liquid assets, it means that there are both long term and short term gains for everyone!

Perfect 👌

Do you use discord or twitter? We can arrange the details in DM

I am @onelovedtube on twitter and @d00k13#5396 on discord

Posted using Partiko iOS

I use both! I'll find you on Twitter

Posted using Partiko Android

Done an Done ✅

Posted using Partiko iOS

I want to delegate 1667 sp to @d00k13

Hi @improv! Special squad of highly trained hamsters prepared this delegation link for you:
steemconnect 1667.0 SP delegation to @d00k13.

I forgot about that trick!

Posted using Partiko iOS

You can do it buddy!

Today's prompt brought to you by Bruni 😻

Posted using Partiko Android

Ahaha I was first to enter 💪

Posted using Partiko iOS

I don't know what the answer is to that once upon a time I did get a month of 10000 SP it was a great month! That was back in October of 2017 from minnow support. I look back on those days and although I did a lot to try to help other people I'd never cashed out or invested in in the other crypto because I didn't know what I was doing LOL I think you have a little more grasp on the value of things and you're pretty active out here. I resteemed, upvoted and I will say a prayer for you. I really enjoy your articles in your videos and your attitude. Good luck

Posted using Partiko Android

Yea it make a huge difference on the impact you can have on someone else’s creation!

Thank You my dear, it does look like I’m going for it despite not being prepared for it 💪

Posted using Partiko iOS

I can give you my appreciation, some encouragement and my nearly worthless vote.

Thank you my friend a little acknowledgement for my efforts is all I ever wanted 🤙

Posted using Partiko iOS

I've been told not to vote on comments (I don't understand why not), but I just had to.

It basically just drains your RC meaning takes away from your ability to vote content, I am big on engagement so I reward it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

To be honest NathanMars have really made the journey of many Steemians to reach to a certain position which really made many steemians feel like a user who has some value over the platform and come to think of it it was a really a great journey for me as well (Thanks to the support of him through delegation as well) I have to say these 3 months must have been amazing for myself and all the users who got the support from him.

No matter what, you got my support (Though they will be considerably less lol) keep your good work going and love the project of OneLoveDtube which is indeed helping many Dtubers along the way.

While if possible you can get it renewed or in a way the way you are doing reinvesting does also sounds good I must say.

Yeah man he really has done his part to change lives on the block chain!

Your support is always appreciated, no matter the monetary value behind it 💪

All just ideas right, can’t get a rresponse unless-you put the ideas out there! Pretty certain I’ll end up doing it and then for the next reinvestment time I will attempt to save my rewards enough to cover the expenses. This allows me to continue delegating out my power as iI earn it

Posted using Partiko iOS

My dear @d00k13, my comment is also very same that of @owasco and what more can I do to support a prolific, beatific and a brilliant writer and a great poet like you... I don't really understand, my dear friend. The only thing I can do is to pray to the God to send His choicest blessings at this moment and fill your life with "success"

Posted using Partiko Android

Well to put it to you straight in this one I am expressing my concern for it running out while stating I plan to pay for it from my own pocket, hinting to those behind the scenes curators I recognize they appreciate self investment also. So I have now paid for the delegation from blocktrades for another 90 days. This time around I plan to save some of my rewards to continue that delegation long enough so I can continue to claim accounts while also increasing my delegations to those I support.

Your support as is plenty my friend 👌

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for this information. Really good

Your welcome what did you find the most helpful?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Your whole article. That I will not do it.
Invest in yourself. :-) Good info

Calling @originalworks :)
img credz:
Nice, you got an awesome upgoat, thanks to @d00k13
BuildTeam wishes everyone a bullish new Year!
Want a boost? Minnowbooster's got your back!

I prefer the doggy pics 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

I can give you my appreciation, some encouragement and my nearly worthless vote.

Look a third 😎

Posted using Partiko iOS

I can give you my appreciation, some encouragement and my nearly worthless vote.

Don’t you love the Partiko multiple comment bug 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

I have no idea why this happened! I don't even know what Partiko is.

Partiko is a mobile app, I have noticed sometimes when people comment on my posts from Partiko they get multiple comments, I have been trying to figure out why myself.

It does seem to only happen on my Partiko posts no matter what they comment with or if someone is commenting with the Partiko app.

I think it has to do with the RPC nodes and nothing we can control 😉

Posted using Partiko iOS

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