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RE: Prompt of the day “Dividend” - I’ll Have To Buy In To Make This Happen

in #blocktrades5 years ago

So... that seems like an incredibly high price to pay for such a delegation. 40% Annual Interest Rate, essentially, yeah? If you'd be down, I'd do it for 160 SBI (so you'd benefit, too!) and 160 liquid steem. I have 3000 liquid steem and I was thinking about selling because I want to have more cash to buy up more steem if it goes back down from here, but since what I want is more steem anyways, this seems like it'd be a win-win!


That is a great offer!!

That it is!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I’ll have to see what I can muster up, I did already purchase that delegation just shortly before you commented 🤦‍♂️

Only have 1.06 LTC and a little SBD right now but if your willing to wait a week or so I should be able to round up the needed funds one way or another.... would also give me a week overlap on the 90 day delegations 😉

Very generous offer, I really like the SBI idea!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Excellent! I will be happy to wait a week! I love the idea of using @steembasicincome as a win win financial instrument. Especially when combined with liquid assets, it means that there are both long term and short term gains for everyone!

Perfect 👌

Do you use discord or twitter? We can arrange the details in DM

I am @onelovedtube on twitter and @d00k13#5396 on discord

Posted using Partiko iOS

I use both! I'll find you on Twitter

Posted using Partiko Android

Done an Done ✅

Posted using Partiko iOS

I want to delegate 1667 sp to @d00k13

Hi @improv! Special squad of highly trained hamsters prepared this delegation link for you:
steemconnect 1667.0 SP delegation to @d00k13.

Awww hamsters how cute 🤣 the rats take it away I suppose then?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I forgot about that trick!

Posted using Partiko iOS


Posted using Partiko Android

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