Bitcoin Freefall continue, is there any chance that the world's top cryptocurrency recover?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

The market cap of Bitcoin has fallen from around $620 billion to $300.3 billion in less than two months. Bitcoin Down More Than 70% From All-Time High.


The three major reasons to the freefall:

  • Multiple attacks from governments and financial institutions that is reflected in media.

  • High transactions fees caused that many big societies like Microsoft, stripe, and Steam stopped or are planning to stop accepting bitcoin for payment.

  • Transaction speed, Bitcoin processes under 10 transactions per second.

Is it the end of bitcoin?

I don't think so, but the recovery may not be that easy. The community must be reactive to find solutions, Waiting until April for the lighting Fork could be very late.

What about ALT coins?

I think, due to the dominance of Bitcoin in the market cap, Altcoin are undergoing bitcoin issues, chances are high that 2018 will be the year when the market will accept that performing coins will surpass bitcoin.

And Steem then?

No worries just keep posting and having fun, we have one of the strongest technology out there and I believe that Steem is undervalued, you must be proud as we have already the solutions to bitcoin issues. Transactions are free and confirmed under 3 second while our blockchain use only 3% of its capacities :)



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You wanna talk or have questions we can connect on Discord, steemitchat or Facebook.

For both Discord & Steemichat you can find me as @tradewolf

Disclaimer: I'm not a financial adviser, I'm only sharing my troughs with you, please invest only what you can afford to lose and always do your own researches.



la panique s'empare d'un grand nombre de personnes depuis quelques jours!

Le marché est entrain de faire son cycle, la meilleurs approche a entreprendre est de ne pas vendre bas et de diversifier son portefeuile, j'avoue que ce n'est pas evident. c'est le business il faut avoir des nerfs d'acier et surtout ne pas se faire manipuler ;).

merci pour ton commentaire :)

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