Roziere Balloon Altitude Test Flight (Video by @schamangerbert)

in #ballooning7 years ago

Scharmorton Roziere Balloon flight for altitude test

by @schamangerbert

Tools for the live flight / Hilfsseiten für Live Verfolgung

Live Map:,11.115835052002021&z=8&t=s&fg_server=mpserver01:5000,,5001&update_interval=5&pilot_label=always&icon_mode=normal
Live weather map:,37.91,697/loc=8.506,48.356


Your Free Flight: You choose your airplane, location and task!

Suggestions in the comments please!

Dein Frei Flug: Du wählst Dein Flugzeug, Standort und die Aufgabe!

Vorschläge bitte in den Kommentaren!


The globe around flight in the Roziere Ballon is imminent. All systems have to be tested for this. Today's flight is scheduled for the altitude test and will take a few more hours, you can watch it live through the links above. All explanations in the video starting at about minute 20. In my earlier post you will find all the background to this hot air and helium balloon.

Have fun watching the 31 minutes HD Video!


Die Weltumrundung im Roziere Ballon steht unmittelbar bevor. Dazu müssen aber noch alle Systeme getestet werden. Der heutige Flug ist für den Höhentest vorgesehen und wird noch ein paar Stunden dauern, du kannst ihn live mittels der obigen Links verfolgen. Alle Erklärungen dazu im Video ab der 20.Minute. In meinem früheren Post findest du des weiteren alle Hintergründe zu diesem Heißluft und Helium Ballon.

Viel Spaß beim Betrachten des 31 Minuten HD Videos!

Video (HD 31 minutes)

Update: now we have reached 40.000 ft.
Aktuell: Wir sind nun auf 40.000 ft = 11.9 km Höhe.

Posts on my FlightGear developments so far:

Tu-160 Blackjack Krim to Volgograd Intercepting B-1B Video
ASK21 Duo Glider Flight at Mont Blanc Video
Antonov-22A Airdrops of tanks and parachute jumpers Video
Antonov-22A Instrument approach Innsbruck Video
Hang Glider from Goldeck in Kärnten Video
Landing the Mi-6 on an aircraft carrier Video
Hot dance on the Volcano Mayon in the Mil-Mi-6 Video
ASK21 soaring up to Mont Blanc Video
Tu-160-Blackjack (White Swan) Munich - Hamburg Video
Polikarpow I-16 in Friesland Video
Dornier Do-J Flying Boat (Whale) in the Alps Video
Catapillar CAT 793 D heavy off highway mining truck Video
Il-76-MD Landing in Paro (Butan) Video
Space Shuttle Flight Test: Florida to Yakutia Video
Glider Alpin Soaring with Ask 21 in Kufstein Video
Ask 21 Soaring Technique in the alps Video
Tupolev-160 Blackjack (White Swan) Bratsk Video
An-225-Mrija landing in Las Vegas Video
Mil-Mi-6PS Ecuador Quito Volcano Antisana Video
Tupolev Tu-95 MR (Bear) Irkutsk - Belaya Video
Tupolev Tu-95 MR (Bear) Landing with 2 engines Video
Tupolev Tu-95 MR (Bear) Video
Berijew Be-200 Altair Video
Hot Air Balloon Simulation Basel - Biel Video
Test flight with the Scharmorton Roziere Balloon Video
Free flight weekend: Crossing the Alps in a Hot air Balloon Video
Free flight weekend: Moscow with Antonov 22A Video
Free flight weekend: Zadar in Croatia with Antonov 12BK Video
Free flight weekend: An-12BK - Maastricht Aachen Airport Video
Ilyushin Il-76MD Zurich Video
Ilyushin Il-76MD
Roziere Balloon
Hot Air Balloon Series
Tupolev Tu-95 Tu-160
Antonov An-12 An-22 An-225
Mil-Mi-6PS fire fighting Video
Mil-Mi-6PS water loading Video
Mil-Mi-6PS fuel truck and ice systems Video
Mil-Mi-6PS startup and ILS landing Video
Mil-Mi-6PS autorotation Video
HowTo make aircrafts

You may download all models for free from my github
The simulator is also free for win, mac and linux:

Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

Original content by @schamangerbert

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG



15:40 We just entering 41000 ft and now enter the jet-stream to the east.

15:53 42000 ft speed is now 94 kt to the north-east

16:10 44000 ft = 12950 m Speed: 130 kt

End of flight: FlightGear has crashed!

16:30 I have now restarted the flight and let it fly with autopilot, I am back in 2 hours

18:39 Altitude 45300 ft = 13.3km Speed 122 kt in 30 Grad, Position Chemnitz

18:48 Altitude is now 46500 ft!

19:20 Maximal Altitude is now 48000 ft! Position south-east Berlin, starting to descent now.

amigo #resteemia at your service

'15:53 42000 ft speed is now 94 kt to the north-east' oh dude you kidding me. i never thought it's a powerful flight. impressive work @schamangerbert

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

I am not kidding :)

nice video sir, i really enjoy watching it, thanks for sharing

Personally I hate to flight on a balloon :D But this is great! Great experience you have shared! Really appreciate your effort and thank you very much for sharing with us!


The flight is live now! I will report news.

@schamangerbert - I just read your comment Sire. This balloon reached 41000 ft. It's impressed me Sire. Love your experience & video Sire. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post Sire.

+W+ [ReSteemed & UpVoted]

Just passed 43600 ft, and climbing :)

Haha du ziehst das echt durch oder ? Starke Leistung ! Da zieh ich meinen Hut vor! Wie lange wird die weltumrundung nochmal dauern ?

Das ist nur ein Testflug, wird noch ein paar Stunden dauern bis ich die maximale Höhe erreicht habe. Im ersten Kommentar werde ich Neuigkeiten aus der oberen Atmosphäre bringen. Die Landung werde ich dann in einem weitern Video festhalten.

dass man erst mal die Luft einblasen muss, wusste ich gar nicht. ich hätte gedacht dass man gleich loslegen kann, aber das überrascht mich sehr positiv. wirklich Manuel alles machen und starten. mein upvote dafür

I like testings! Many thanks dear @schamangerbert for sharing! Best wishes to you!

So cool!!

wow some new experience today so much technical stuff included too :D

Some easier post will follow :)

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