Scharmorton Roziere Balloon for Flightgear (all technics inside)

in #aviation7 years ago

Inspired by Fedor Konyukhov and his around the world flight last year I made this project. If you do not know about it, here you may find the basics:

A roziere balloon is a combination of hot air and gas balloonets, in this case 2 gas balloonets and one hot air balloonet.

In FlightGear we have a special flightdynamics model for gas balloonets, but it was quite tricky to get all chemical and physical variants in the right place and set the balloon up.

Now it has all important things on board to make a world around flight in the simulator! Some details:

  • Pressurized capsule with 36 gas tanks outside




  • Full animation of hot air filling, changing of shape depending on pressure of altitude, rip-valve for after landing




  • Holding lines and landing anchor with sand bags


  • Panel with lots of stuff
    clock, vertical speed indicator, burner control switches, Altitude indicators, groundspeed, autopilot logic control lamps, outside temperature, emergency vertical speed indicator, helium control, blower control, parachute valve, left and right turn valves, flight compass with capsule direction, decision height indicator, signal pistol, light switch, 3 volume indicators for balloonets, anchor out, rip-valve, start-up control panel, autopilot for everything (self programmed with over 40 different logics), control lamps for everything.


My posts on FlightGear so far:

Tupolev Tu-95 Tu-160
Antonov An-12 An-22 An-225
Mil-Mi-6PS fire fighting Video
Mil-Mi-6PS water loading Video
Mil-Mi-6PS fuel truck and ice systems Video
Mil-Mi-6PS startup and ILS landing Video
Mil-Mi-6PS autorotation Video
HowTo make aircrafts

You may download all models for free from my github
The simulator is also free for win, mac and linux:

See you next time!

Thank you for your attention!

original content by @schamangerbert



Great post I love a bit of stimulator

Thank you for stimulating the simulator :) :)

thank you for sharing

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