An-225-Mrija landing in Las Vegas / Video 45 minutes (development by @schamangerbert)

in #aviation7 years ago (edited)

An-225-Mrija landing in Las Vegas

for FlightGear by @schamangerbert

This video shows the largest aircraft in the world, the Antonov 225 Mrija (dream). Our starting point is a secret to be ventilated: 1 SBD for the first correct answer waving as a prize. With the space shuttle on our backs we fly to the Las Vegas airport and then prepare the transport of 4 antique railroad cars to Moscow. The short flight over the mountains to the desert town is as always commented in detail. You can find some details about the plane here.
An older post from @richman:


Have fun watching the 45 minutes HD Video!

Dieses Video zeigt das größte Flugzeug der Welt, die Antonov 225 Mrija (Traum). Unser Startpunkt ist ein Geheimniss, das es zu lüften gilt: 1 SBD für die erste richtige Antwort winken als Preis. Mit dem Space Shuttle auf dem Rücken fliegen wir den Flugplatz in Las Vegas an und bereiten dann den Weitertransport von 4 antiken Eisenbahnwagons nach Moskau vor. Der kurze Flug über die Berge in die Wüstenstadt wird wie immer ausführlich domumentiert. Einige Einzelheiten zum Flugzeug findest Du hier.
Hier ist ein älterer Artikel von @richman:


Viel Spaß beim Betrachten des 45 Minuten HD Videos!

Video (HD 45 minutes)

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Mil-Mi-6PS startup and ILS landing Video
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HowTo make aircrafts

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Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

Original content by @schamangerbert

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Antonov 225 Mriya COCKPIT fantastic time lapse from startup till lift-off!

Upvoted and resteemed sir, its real fun watching the biggest aircraft.

Your support is great!

fantastic double plane and today also first resteem and after coment

Thank you so much!

Upvoted and resteemed sir, might be my followers guess the starting point.

Thanks for your ongoing support!

I've never been in Las Vegas, thank you for this experience :)))

Neither do I :) Thanks!

Actually I didn't know Mrija is the largest aircraft in the world. It has 6 engines... that would be a good thing, but while landing little bit uncomfortable isn't it?
Thanks for sharing and appreciate your effort as well


didn't watched it completely but that was cool thanks for sharing

I try to get the future videos shorter, as it is too much to watch :) Or making a text with the important time stamps.

It is always feast day for aiplane fonds when Mrija or Ruslan appears at the Vaclav Havel's airport. It is also mentioned on TV as a sensation.

i love ur this series post mann

Nice video @schamangerbert sir, i really enjoy watching the biggest aircraft i don't exactly know the starting point it might be some where in holland i guess.

Holland is not right :)

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