It's Astro-Logical -- practical advice for conscious living -- Issue #24

in #astrology6 years ago

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Mercury in Libra
Square Pluto in Capricorn
Through mid-October

Mercury is all about handling data ... and using that to make sense of the world. It is present in every activity that involves thought, speech, study, research, teaching and learning, reading and writing. It shows how you share what you know -- and learn what others know that you don't ... yet.

Pluto is about power, transformation and deep fundamental change. It is the primal archetype of death and resurrection, dissolution and renewal, destruction and rebirth. It forces evolution and progress ... whether you're ready or not. Where it exists in your horoscope, you work with these themes constantly. Where it is transiting now -- in current time, in the sky -- shows where you are rebuilding a fundamental life area, virtually from the ground up.


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Mercury Square Pluto

So Mercury / Pluto aspects are about changing your ideas, absorbing new information and taking on a radically different perspective -- based on what you think now ... and where you want to go from here. Because all energy flows on a two-way street -- constantly -- your new beliefs / opinions / perceptions / knowledge will change the direction you take with your life. You'll make different decisions based on what you know and what you think now.

And this new life direction -- because you've adjusted your course onto a different path -- will bring you even more new ideas, new data and facts to work with, new things to learn, new options to consider and perhaps act on. Depending on what you do with them, these will further alter your attitudes, your views, your mind set, the things you believe are desirable and true, etc. And the circle continues.


This is what it looks like to an Astrologer.

The theme of this pattern

A pushy, almost resentful attitude -- because you have very fixed ideas
about what's happening around you ... and where you want to go next.


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What to expect

  • A watchful, somewhat paranoid perspective ---> because you're not sure where the next "bad surprise" will come from. But you're pretty sure it's out there somewhere ... just waiting to pounce.

  • Determination to know the truth about certain puzzling situations -- and the will to keep digging until you're sure you've found it

  • Solid convictions about your opinions, ideas, beliefs and views -- which may be justified since they're based on considerable thought and research. (But this means it's hard for other points of view to be heard.)

  • Uncovering new information because of recent course corrections you've made in your life's focus and direction -- and having to fit these new data points into your understanding of yourself, your life, your future, your purpose, etc.

  • And ... (broken record time) ... because energy flows both directions, this new understanding of what you want and what you're about will bring further options to consider and further adjustments to keep up with "ongoing developments"


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A word of advice?

This is a time of adjusting the way you think and modifying things you believe because your life requires you to see things differently now. This may not be one bit comfortable.

In fact, it's natural to resist changing your mind on fundamental issues. But this needs to happen, particularly regarding the way your partnerships and life goals accommodate one another. (And expect partners and "other people" to have a few choice words to say about what you decide.)


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Who are the players?

Mercury in Libra is devoted to reaching consensus between you and your important people -- including sometimes, the general public, if you feel you need to maintain a "public persona" most people can accept.

When Mercury is in Libra you are more apt to take others' opinions into account when making decisions. (You at least want to know what these other people think.) Sometimes you even feel you need to take a vote to decide what you believe -- which is taking things to an extreme, if you ask me. But it happens.


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Who else?

Pluto in Capricorn brings a literal revolution to the structures in your life. Things you've depended on all your life may suddenly be up for review -- and replacement.

Old ideas that have served their purpose must be discarded and new ones ... better ones ... called into service. Your relationship to the concept of authority (especially things like government) and status will change.


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Tell me more.

This is the little possum responsible for all this "change in life's direction" I keep writing about. Where you were headed when all this began is not where you're going to end up.

This new path will be better ... and far more authentically you ... but it's going to take some more trauma and time to get all the kinks straightened out.

This process began very late in 2008 ---> call it 2009 essentially. What were you doing, and where did you think you were heading then?


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What are the complications?

Mercury squares show an energized mind, but trouble communicating clearly ... and resistance to incoming facts. (It may take you a while to decide just what you think ... and how to proceed from here.)

Pluto squares show problems and situations where you may cause yourself trouble by being too unwilling to compromise. It may be necessary for you to stand your ground with such resolve and purpose ... but each occurrence is one you'll have to judge carefully. Are you really just standing your ground? Or are you being rigid and impossible to work with?


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What's the plot?
Mercury Square Pluto

Mercury / Pluto Squares show revolutionary ideas that are pretty obsessive. You and your important partners need to change your minds about something important ... and reaching agreement (with more than one person involved) is always a challenge. When you come out the other side of this time, you'll have a clearer perspective on the future. But there may be some moments of intense communication -- if you get what I mean -- before you arrive here.

As much as Mercury in Libra loves negotiation, diplomacy and compromise ... the intensity of this energy (and the importance of your subsequent decisions) may have that in short supply for a while. This energy does not promote an open mind ... but you sure could use one.


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Getting personal

Mercury in this pattern is at 19° of Libra. Where is that in your horoscope? It's an area of life deeply influenced by your connections to other people, your partnerships and close relationships.

It's where you feel you are required to take other people into account -- and where events or successes or problems are often contingent on the behavior of these other people. This is were your mind, ideas, research and attention are centered now.

Pluto is at 19° of Capricorn. Where is that in your horoscope? It's a life area where where you want structure, organization and status. Your attitudes here are traditionally disciplined and self-controlled. You value permanence and continuity. You want to know today what you can count on tomorrow.

But this is also the life area that is undergoing from the ground up renovation. You are totally rebuilding -- and redirecting -- what exists here (and you have been for the last ten years ... with several more to go before you're finished.)

These are the two life areas in conflict now. And here is where you'll need to come to some accord. The Sun will be crossing this point in another couple of weeks ... and the personal nature of the changes coming on board will become very clear to you when that happens. So ... stay tuned.


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How long does this last?

A week or so.


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Final thoughts

Mercury is now void-of-course. (Just like the v/c Moon ... planets go void-of-course, too.) It won't form another aspect until it leaves Libra and makes another connection from Scorpio. So, the energy I just described ^^^ will be in effect until then.

Mercury moves into Scorpio on October 9 ... around 6:45 in the evening (MT.) About 18 hours later it forms an opposition with Uranus in Taurus. This is an energy of explosive insights and inspiration -- often based on super-charged ingenuity and unexpected information.

It indicates sudden changes, fast-moving events, quick decisions -- and possibly very surprising news and material to consider. It can also show chaos and disruption in your relationships ... possibly over money, investments or assets -- something of value may be subject to abrupt change / different perspectives.

But there are two superb celestial citizens in Scorpio now -- Venus (who is about to retrograde -- like tomorrow) and Jupiter who is rushing pell-mell toward his home-ground in Sagittarius. The weeks before and after Halloween could be very eventful and exciting.

Again, it will be terrific when all the dust settles and we get a new lay of the land. In the meantime though ... maybe not so much. Keep your wits about you.


Thank you for stopping by!

If you've always known there was more to Astrology than Sun Sign material and the three line daily horoscope in the newspaper, climb aboard and follow this blog. You'll find a world of wisdom detailing how you were designed to work with life ... and why you are the way you are -- all in quick-to-read, easy-to-digest-and-remember, written-in-plain-English essays that offer plenty of food for thought.

Little by little, I'm doing a set of articles that talks about all the elements in your horoscope and what they have to say about you. If you "know something" about Astrology -- or know something about your chart placements, that will help you get more from this material.

If you don't ... well, this is one place you can learn. We all have to start somewhere ... because we aren't born knowing this stuff. Meanwhile, if you've never seen your horoscope ... and don't have a clue how to work with it, maybe it's time to find out. There are lots of "chart services" on the internet -- some of whom produce decent, readable charts "for free" and some are so awful and confusing that even I can't read them easily -- and I've worked with charts for decades.

One extremely user-friendly chart site is here: AstroLabe. I recommend them if you want a simple, easy-to-read chart. I think they even give a reasonable little interpretive reading of your horoscope as part of the package. You'll need to know your birth information -- day, month, year, time and geographical place. Without all that your chart will have limited accuracy.

Or, if you want to get serious and really talk about this, upvote this post and start a conversation in the comments section sometime in the next six days from the time of publication. We'll go from there depending on what you want to know.


Questions about any of this? -- Upvote this post and talk to me in comments. It's a terrific way to build value for yourself and the community ... and it will give me ideas of what to write about in future posts. Believe me there is lots to say about the way The Sun, The Moon -- and all the other elements in a horoscope, all the other components of Astrology -- work together to interpret you and your story -- and what it all means to the person you've become.

This is who I am.


About the art in our visual essays ...

Although sometimes the background pictures in our visual essays support the topic and text, they don't always. Sometimes the connection is clear. Sometimes it's symbolic and subtle. Sometimes, there's no connection at all.

The scenes depict landscapes and natural features, buildings and wildlife. They were chosen because they show something lovely or interesting ... or simply because the photo appealed to me.

Our spectacular and remarkable planet is changing at astonishing speed. Rarely are these changes for the better. Few people seem to know ... or care ... or have the will and power to do anything about this. It may not be long before the world humans have known and lived in for centuries is forever lost. We certainly won't be able to make repairs as fast as we destroyed it.

So a few years ago I began collecting pictures of the way things were ... and still are for now, a record of the beauty we have while it is still ours to love and honor.

The photos here are part of that collection, with sincere thanks to the artists who saw these moments ... and with their cameras ... preserved them. All of us at Enchanted Spirit are profoundly grateful to them for their generosity and skill ... and for the added grace, depth and dimension their art brings to ours.

Original images used under this Creative Commons license or this Creative Commons license and modified by added text.



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Oh good, so I can blame my paranoia on Pluto?

Well laid out, as always. Thanks for keeping me up to date with the goings on of the cosmos! :)

So, I've had this gnawing, nagging thing that I just know that I have to start on but it involves some heavy duty feelings and memories. Does this have a part in that? It's pretty much moved to the front burner anyway... I need to jettison most of the stuff that sits around my house. Much of it belongs to the guy I inherited from in 2009 (just a coincidence, I'm sure). It's time for it to be my place.

Trauma is a normal guest at my table. I lost two more friends this last week. It's part of the process of living to the end. Doesn't make it easy, just that I know it.

What you're describing here suggests something serious going on with Pluto in your horoscope. The duration and intensity are what give it away. (Like maybe an aspect to that Aries Moon?)

What I'm describing here in this post is more apt to be an "enlightening disagreement" -- a quarrel that suddenly shows you something you need to know and consider. It doesn't even have to be unpleasant -- just a real difference of opinion that winds up showing you something important -- and affects the decisions you make because of it. So while it may be influential overall it's kind of minor in the Grand Scheme of Things.

It may reveal something you've suspected for a long time -- but couldn't prove. (And now you can!!) Or it may push something you've tried to ignore into the spotlight -- so you have to admit what's what. Or it may clarify an opinion or belief -- to show you either you're spot on with it ... or it needs further adjustment.

Mer / Plu squares often reveal uncomfortable secrets ... or bring information you'd rather not know -- but can't avoid any longer. (As the Bob Seeger song says ---> Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then. ) But it doesn't have to be earth-shattering.

In another week the Sun will square Pluto -- and that will really bring the message home in the two weeks or so following. You'll see how you and your partners need to change to accommodate this "new life direction" that is affecting you both. For now, just watch and observe -- and see what comes up relative to what I've described. We'll see more of the picture pretty soon.

Mercury aspects adjust your thinking -- often with new data to consider. Sun aspects adjust your self-image -- your sense of who you are, what you can do and what you want ... now. That's the one coming up in a bit.

I'm sorry to hear about the friends you lost lately. But I know what you mean. I'm watching people I knew and grew up with move on -- or realize on new levels that the time left is a lot shorter than the time lived. I've started consciously making the most of today myself. Every day.

I really enjoyed reading your post today, excellent advice and just what I need right now! The past six weeks have not been good but I can feel the changes for the better, and your advice is going to be very helpful, thank you @enchantedspirit!

but it's going to take some more trauma and time to get all the kinks straightened out.

ahhhhh...........NO. No more trauma please and thank you :D

I wish I could promise that. Believe me, I'm with you on this one. But Pluto energy can be absolutely merciless when it comes to "rearranging your life to line you up on a better course." It can take years before you appreciate what he was up to with what happened. In my latest case it's taken nearly two decades to come to terms with it. That's some serious "adjustment" he can throw into one's life.

Most people fuss about Saturn -- because he's so stingy and rigid ... and demands a lot of hard work to produce even meager -- let alone adequate -- results. But when it comes to fearsome prospects, Pluto wins in my book hands-down every time. I've seen what he can do ... and it's frightening. I give him a whole lot of respect -- and it's hard for me to like him, even when he's in a good mood. (Other astrologers feel differently ... so go figure.)

Those silly scientists can call him a "dwarf planet" all they want. There's no way this guy is some kind of minor player.

I can tell you transiting Mercury / Pluto squares aren't usually too awful. Best of all, they get done quickly. The Natal ones ... the ones to points in your horoscope last longer ... and depending on what they're working with, they can be ... heavy. The ones to the Sun and the Moon are the worst. But right now, Pluto is in a pretty good spot for you. He's playing very nicely with lots of your Natal planets. So, settle back and enjoy the peace while it lasts.

Thank YOU so much for the time you took to write all this out for me!! hugs

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