
Forgive me I could not help myself !

shire .png

LOL! OMG that is brilliant! Fellowship of the Havey? 🤣

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HAHA! This is the best!

So after saying, you don't want to be 'that guy', you end up being 'that guy' LOL. You had me laughing.

Being up there, on top of those mountains, must have given you quite a feeling. Of conquer and god like to have achieved such greatness.
And the view is just breathtaking! Even the fog! (Cause, you know me, I dig eerie and all that fun stuff)

When you were on the mountain, Ben Nevis, what was it like?
Scotland always seemed like a magical place to me and the pictures you took definitely makes it look that way. Such a beautiful place.

I applaud you for doing this challenge and by my understandings, more than once? Or did you hike up the mountains at different times, not being a challenge?
But anyway, you had quite an adventure! Doing all that in just under 24hrs! Whew! How did you feel after that? Were you able to walk the next day? I bet you were even running :p

Love, love, love your colossal post. It's not just a post you wrote here. I dont have the words for explaining what I mean, but it is definitely a serious, heart felt memory you shared with us. Good for you for doing something so amazing! <3

Adding something to my comment; I was scrolling down the comments and saw the picture Tygertyger put in the comments and reminded me of that picture. You look so cold! And not just cold but maybe even a bit pissed? "Ima make it up this mountain dammit!" :P LOL Here is me throwing you a blanket!

Haha yea do as I say not as I do 😂

If you're into eerie you'd have loved hiking up scafell when I did. Wow, we were close to getting lost up there because we couldn't see 5 metres in front of us it was that foggy. You could hear the odd voice and sheep bleating but it was deathly quiet otherwise.

Ben Nevis is a pretty magical mountain for sure. Even as you get to the top, there is a lot of green to be seen on neighbouring peaks. I'd do it again at a more leisurely pace for sure!

I tried the challenge twice. First time in 2013 I failed as I did something pretty bad to my ankle. It wasn't a blister but a huge chunk of skin came off as I fell over coming down the mountain. The rest of the team stormed off and I couldn't keep up, slipped and fell so I couldn't continue. So I was even more determined the 2nd time round to do it with a different team, making sure everyone knew the situation and sticking with the slowest walker rather than storm off. The 2nd attempt was in July 2014.

I also walked up the mountains separately for training and a bit of leisure at various times before and after the challenge - very enjoyable when you're not against the clock!

Haha I definitely wasn't good for anything the next few days after the challenge! I was sick of eating sandwiches and cold pasta, wanted a shower and a cooked meal so basically ate and chilled!

Haha thanks for reading it meuf! I wanted to make a guide for someone who would be interested in doing it themselves and I was just trying to remember everything I did and then why the track I made came into existence too. So it ended up being about 5,200 words which is bigger than my undergraduate thesis lol!

TygerTyger's modification is hilarious! It was a bit cold at that point as we had to stop. One of our team mates got a blister (that guy haha) so it was getting cold quickly. But I was too determined too not make it. Didn't organise all this to fail dammit haha!

Thanks for the epic feedback meuf ❤

Posted using Partiko Android

Just looking at the foggy pictures and you saying that you hear voices and sheep here and there without seeing them... EPIC! Best chance to make a short horror film.. scene thing LOL

Im glad you had a better team to go the 2nd time. I can see how frustrating that is when people dont stay together. Brilliant to keep the pace with the slowest walker, no one is left out that way.

Leisurely would be my way of doing it. I like to connect with the things around me and I would probably stay connected in Scotland! LOL If I ever go though I would end up living there :P

How could you ever get sick of eating cold pasta?! :D Pasta is pasta, its yummy LOL.

I think this is a wonderful guide and definitely one to take seriously. You have many great points here that are so important to take seriously so people do not get injured. Especially when it comes to doing it as a challenge. That is one heck of a challenge!

Ah that guy didn't put blister things on him. Was he one of those that skipped out on the training? :p
I hope you warmed up quickly after that!

So your logo image of the mountains, those are the 3 peaks, if I understood that right? I wanted to ask last night but it was another thing I forgot. It was late :/

I also kept this post open in my tabs because I wanted to listen to the track. And I forgot. Something is wrong with my brain that is making me forget so much! On it now though.

Haha absolutely one of the best places to get that horror film scene going. You'd love it :D

That's exactly it. After my first experience and knowing how it felt, I wasn't going to let the same thing happen when I was organising it. There is absolutely no point in running off and leaving your friends and team mates behind. Not only because the fact that you're only as fast as your slowest walker but it can potentially be damaging for team morale.

Make it a dream to go to Scotland, you're going to love it :)

Believe me, when it's all you eat because you have to, it does get a bit on the "bleugh" side haha!

It certainly is one heck of a challenge, definitely one of the biggest ones I've had to organise and getting money from everyone to pay for things, getting everyone fit and coming along, getting them to take it seriously and not just a "walk in the park". Funnily enough, the guy who got blisters did come on the training walks, found out where his hot spots were and didn't put a blister plaster on!! I couldn't believe it! He only made it 2/3 of the way up Ben Nevis.

My logo image is of mountains but not specifically the 3 peaks, I just love mountains. The challenge of getting to the top and then looking back at what you've overcome. For me, life is a series of mountains representing challenges to overcome. You feel on top of the world when you achieve and I love that feeling.

Ah it's a shame steemit doesn't allow embed players of anything other than Soundcloud or YouTube. They need to accept Choon and Spotify for sure so I don't need to put "alternative" links in but alas, it's a work in progress one hopes!

The fact that you put so much effort into organizing everything from start to finish, A-Z.... You should be paid to do that :D

Scotland is definitely a dream, one day when the kids don't need me anymore, it will come true ^_^

Haha well this post has been doing well at the moment but if some one wants to pay me to do an A-Z of anything travel I'd happily do it! Maybe I will revisit my Bluffer's Guide to Cryptocurrency and expand on the A-Z of Steem seeing as this is quite a vast platform!

I know it will come true for you!

Posted using Partiko Android

I can definitely hear it in your track and what an awesome track!!!!!! <3

Ah man thank you so much meuf 😊

Going to be playing this one out very soon on the MSP Waves show so you can hear my soothing voice talk about it even more 🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

After I read your reply on my post, I had to come over here to see what Nicky was all about!

Wow! No, seriously. This was an amazing post of humongous proportions, and I am not talking just about the length of it. The breadth of it, the scope, the information, the very detailed account. This has got to be one of the best posts that I have come across in such a long time!

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us!! I am going to be stepping off in a bit myself to pick up on a trail of National Park exploration and I can hardly wait to start. I would like to blog about it and just seeing this, I know that my blogging skills are lacking, however, it is something I can work on.

Thank you ! Thank you!


Well you came over to one of the most colossal posts I've written, over 5,000 words this one and I really don't think I will write another quite so long haha!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read it and trudging through the formatting hiccups from my website, I appreciate the detailed feedback too!

What National Parks are you going to be traversing? I look forward to reading up about that! Make sure you use travelfeed as a tag and put your post on the steemitworldmap too 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

I am looking at recreational vehicles and plan to take a chunk of time in the next probably 2 years going to each of them. I have done them once already, but, some were long enough ago and I never posted anything on them. So this will be a fun trip and I have a couple people that will also be doing much the same although we will meet up at different places and travel independently of each other. We all have family and obligations to weave in and out of. :)

Not until the fall as I have a few things left to take care of. But, yes!! #Travelfeed is the one I never remember to put on my travels! I will have to look at the world map also. Thanks!!!

Yes!!! It was an amazing post!!! I had to read it twice to let it all sink in!! Great job!!! You are a phenomenal blogger!

That sounds like a really awesome adventure you have lined up and when I get back from my travelling, it will be good to catch up with your road trips as well!

Yes I keep forgetting some tags, a few get taken up automatically with communities I am in so it leaves room for very little else!

Going to have to see about rotating that picture around or just deleting it as it's really bugging me now lol

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, I loved this so much I put it in the relay and resteemed it! I want to share this amazing piece!

Ahhh wow thank you so much for the nomination my friend 🙏🙌 I'm so pleased you liked it!

I also made the edits to the blog. I couldn't face the fact that the formatting would ruin all that effort of writing it from my website. I should be able to sleep tonight now haha!

Posted using Partiko Android

The pleasure is mine.

Congratulations! Your high-quality travel content was selected by @travelfeed curator @smeralda and earned you a reward, in form of a 100% upvote and a resteem. Your work really stands out! Your article now has a chance to get featured under the appropriate daily topic on our TravelFeed blog.
Thank you for being part of the TravelFeed community!

Learn more about our travel project by clicking on the banner above and join our community on Discord

Ahhhh no way! Thanks @travelfeed and @smeralda! Hoping to have many more when I go travelling to Aus and NZ for you guys and gals ❤

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That is definitely a challenge! I can run pretty well, but hiking is a whole different story. Especially three peaks in a day. Near me one of the big things is hiking the Appalachian Trail. It goes from the North Georgia all the way up to Maine. I had a friend who attempted a thru hike (she took six months off of work), but she had to pull out after about a month because it was just too challenging. So many really cool ways to not only challenge your body and mind, but see some of the most stunning spots on Earth! Thanks for sharing your experience!

It was a challenge to write as well haha! Thanks for checking it out, little bit bummed that the whole blog didn't transfer very well across from my website but appreciate you sticking it out!

I've heard of the Appalachian Trail and sounds like a pretty mad challenge! I do like seeing the world by walking around and going up mountains offers some pretty amazing views!

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow! That's a pretty ambitious challenge! I can't imagine doing all 3 in one day! One would be plenty for me!

Haha one should be plenty enough for anyone in their right mind but I've told I've got a few loose screws! I just put that down as a by product of being awesome though 😁

Thanks for taking the time to read this! I don't normally write 5,000 words I swear 🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

In the days when I did hike, it would be the hot tub and a bottle of wine after 1. You did a great description of the adventure in your post.

Hahaha that's what the sensible people do... I think I will be doing that in all future hikes 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy sir nickyhavey! holy moly! Is this the worlds longest post? jeez I could have climbed Mt Snowdon before someone got through this thing. Good thing I'm a speed reader, only took me 30 minutes that way!
but anyway, ya'll are totally daft!

Hey there Lord Janton! If it isn't the world's longest post, I'd like to know what is haha! Wait you speed read and it still took you 30 minutes? Did you run out of beer half way through or something and go to the shop on your mowercycle?

We're certainly a mad bunch but you weren't expecting anything else over here were you now? 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

haha! I DID totally run out of redneck beer because I was trying to make it through your marathon post! Because I'm not really a speed reader. lol. I try to go by the attention span rule. The studies show that people start turning our, minds start wondering and they start skimming at 800 words.

But I've found on steemit that it's more like 500 words! I wonder how many thousands of words you had?? lol. Did anyone read every word? I hope so because it was a great read.

Haha I'll give you that one Lord Janton, it is a marathon post. I won't be writing anywhere near as much again in future. Funny that in my last 3 blog posts, I've written a 4,200 word and a 5,200 word blog.

Now when I first started on steemit, I was hammering out 1,000-2,000 word blogs but only getting about $0.12 per post. However, I have noticed things change a little bit as it looks like there's been some curation teams looking at the two colossal ones I've written which is inspiring hope that things are changing around here. But don't worry, I won't be writing another 2,000 word post for a while... need to keep it succinct for my travels as I don't want to spend all my time in front of a laptop writing blogs (fun though it is!)

You had me there Lord Janton, I thought you were harnessing your inner Redneck reading skills! I haven't heard about this attention span rule. To be honest, I wasn't expecting anywhere near the response I have got here. Part of the challenge I love is keeping it entertaining so people want to read on and continue the adventure but that 800 word rule is fascinating. Where did you hear about that?

How have you found out about 500 words on steemit too? This blog has 5,200 words in or thereabouts. Maybe they did read every word, maybe not but hopefully whoever wants to do the UK 3 Peaks Challenge will read every word as there's a lot of valuable information in there for them to consider if they want to embark on the mission!

howdy sir nickyhavey! In regards to the length of posts it just depends on what you're going after. .the rewards or the readers. curie and them love the long posts but nobody reads them because they won't take the time unless they are very very dedicated to your subject.

I've learned this through posting everyday and asking everyone questions, focusing on some of the most experienced authors on here...actual, real, published authors who told me what the studies show about human nature and attention spans.

At first I adherred to the 800 to 1,000 word rule and people would still complain about my long posts and I noticed they wouldn't be reading them because they would consistently ask questions that were clearly covered in the post! lol.
so I went with 500 and that seems to be about right, it's still a little long for some people but most will read at least most of it.

Of course I have asked almost everyone on steemit about this subject and most say that no one reads anyone's posts, they just skim! lol. I do know they skim even if it's a 500 word post because of all the stuff they miss or misunderstand.
My guess is that maybe 5% read the whole post, I'm one of them but that's rare.

People either have no patience(human nature) or a lack of time to read and they want fast and succint information. but if you want to go for the rewards and have tons to say then by all means through in some large posts for curie.

Hey Lord Janton! That's a good question as I just write the blogs for my own feeling of closure rather than think about readers or upvotes, that comes 2nd for me. Of course if people enjoy reading them then that's a bonus! I haven't been curied at all since September and don't think I will again because my rep is too high and it has to be "exceptional" so I have no chance haha!

Thanks for sharing your experiences and insights but interested to know who were "complaining" about your post length. Seems odd for a blogging platform that noone wants to read posts haha!

I probably read the majority of the text but I do like the challenge of creating an easy to read, nice looking post even if it is super long like this latest one I did.

Very interesting Lord Janton! So how long have you been on this platform to pick up on all the knowledge?

Howdy sir nickyhavey! first of all, how is your foot or feet?
I joined last Feb 2018 but I am such a recluse, hermit and total introvert and not any kind of writer and never been on any social media site and don't even like them that I didn't make my first post until almost May so I've been on here about 10 months.
Hey if you don't care about readers or votes but are just doing this to get your own thoughts down then that's great and you can throw out everything I just said! lol. That's super cool. I'm just trying to grow my account so I can show something for my efforts to Mrs. J who still has her axe!

I've gotten so many people mention how long my posts were, before I started trimming them down, but I didn't keep track of who they were, but most are regular readers.However, I do have a few that WANT them to be long if I'm doing a series and they tell me they like to read them late at night when everything has calmed down and it's one of their night time rituals, that's how much they enjoy the story telling so that made me feel good.

Sometimes I'm torn between making them short or average but I know human nature so I try to avoid long ones. But your situation is very different and I like your attitude.

Heya Lord Janton! My foot is starting to get better thanks. The swelling and soreness is definitely much reduced today than it was last week. There does seem to be bruising now around the big toe joint which suggests to me a "wrecked tendon" rather than gout (having compared pictures of both and seen how both conditions can arise + symptoms). I should be running around next week hopefully - still on ice and anti-inflammatories though but thanks for asking!

Hey you've done well then in only using the platform for 10 months then and you aren't a recluse surely! What about all the lavish drives up and down the high street on your mowercycle haha!

I have to admit, there have been times I was tempted to try and write to gain more followers and get post payouts and all that but I think it comes over time so I figured I'd just brain dump on my own blog, sync it up to steem and whatever happens, happens!

Maybe I am a bit more fortunate as I don't have an axe being wielded in the vicinity of my jugular haha! I am sure you will be OK though, your account balance is decent for only 10 months with some investment.

For you, I'd listen to your readers as you seem to have developed a good following and so you can cater to them. Maybe you can have a second account which gives you a bit more freedom - Lavish Janton lol!

Posted using Partiko Android

Your Ben Nevis photo got rotated coming over from SP but that makes it a bit unique I guess!

Thanks for the feedback though. I got rid of that picture and redid all the formatting. It was like a twitch that I couldn't let go so it should be tickety boo now... I can sleep tonight :D

Oh no! You were battling with it all night 😯
Anyway, glad you found a resolution in the end

Worth it, I slept like a log haha

Posted using Partiko Android

Yea seems a lot of things didn't work too well on the transformation to steem unfortunately... There does need to be an update to make steempress compatible with WordPress 5.1.1. I don't know how to change the photo rotation as no matter what I do in Windows images, it forever puts me sideways!

Hope people venture to the website to read it in all its glory 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

You're right. That was a beast of a post. I'll give it a read when I get back home.

Posted using Partiko Android

Not happy that the formatting has been completely knocked with steempress so you may find it a bit easier on the eye in the website link at the top. Plus you can comment via steem log in from there too which may help. Plus plus the music players don't seem to embed on here either...

Hope you enjoy it! You're in fast lol

Posted using Partiko Android

An epic blog for an epic journey my friend.

At times that sounded gruelling and the transitions in particular. I would be a nightmare for dropping of to sleep and struggling to get started again. I think the actual climbs would be fun if rather tough to do in that short space of time.

I know of one other person who did this with the Venture Scout group he was in and he completed it but found it hard. I have climbed Snowdon before when I was a teenager and in the summer so a tad easier..

Full marks for effort, persistence and determination.


Thanks a lot Gaz mate! Appreciate the feedback and you coming back to check it out. Think I won't be writing another blog for a while now lol!

It was quite a grueling challenge and the hardest part was definitely mount Snowdon as I was dozing off in the minibus then to get up and go for the 3rd mountain when all you want to do is sleep but we dug deep and it was more mind over matter at that point!

They are all beautiful walks though. Now I can enjoy them a bit more at leisure rather than race up them haha

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You've conquered them! There yours! 😁

Haha that's it, they must all be renamed now:

Ben Nevis to become Nicky Nevis
Scafell Pike to become Havey's Pike and,
Mount Snowdon to become Mount Havey


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🎁 Hi @nickyhavey! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

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