Winners of ARTchallenge#4. New Theme Announcement. No Need To Be an Artist or an Art Expert to Join This ARTchallenge!
Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!!
I want to thank everybody for participation. I am so happy that I have initiated this challenge as I even couldn't imagine how different and awesome interpretations could be to the same photo.
The task was to give the interpretation to a surreal photo by Igor Morski:
It is funny but in my mind I had only one version. But I didn't meet that version at the participants. And you impressed me again. So many different versions!!!!!!!!! I really appreciate it!!!!!!!!!
My version: On the photo I have seen the woman who took a role of a man in the family. In many families it happens by many reasons. In some families there is no dad and husband and a woman has to be strong. In some families women are stronger than men and they have to take responsibility for the family. In some families woman who got used to be strong can not relax and keep being a man and rules everything in the family but only wise and strong man can save the family. When mom is being busy with men's duties kids can feel lonely and forgotten. But I like your versions more!!!))))))))))))
This time it was too difficult to choose the winners and the prizes were shared
The little girl says: I miss you daddy! Mom says you moved to another
world, and no way back. I try to imagine that world. Everything is
upside down there, but very similar to our world. Time is also reverse
there. You are turning much younger and younger, you'll be a little
boy, than a baby. Than you'll move into your mom's tummy. Than you'll
born back to our world. Perhaps, you'll be my little son, when I'll be
big. I'm already not so sad now.
My interpritation (from the name of the girl)
My mother and I often
visit this place. Here she met my Dad ... And when I grew up, my
parents also took me to this lake. I liked to watch them. When they
were talking to each other, it seemed that the whole world faded and
admired their happy voices. Sometimes they forgot about my presence
and my father tenderly embraced and kissed my mother. She invariably
blushed, pointed at me, said: "My Love, we make our daughter miss."
Dad picked me up and said: "My girls, how happy I am that we have
you!" ... This spring Dad has gone... When the pain becomes especially
unbearable, I take my beloved bear and we go with my mother to our
lake where I still like to watch them...
He was gone one day
what shall I say?
We got by just fine
without the father of mine
Only when my husband left
I knew, father was a theft
He robed me of the ability to trust
I know my daughter must
break the circle
For me, this picture represents our current society, a society in the
family is less and less valued. Stress and time pressure drive family
apart and each "rowing" in its own direction. Those who are always
suffering from it are the children who do not understand it yet. To
put it in a formula:
Love + Passion = Child (Family)
Child + little time for the partner + work = stress
(Stress + problem in everyday life) x 2 = separation
I made a basic rhyme/poem to put my sad feelings somewhere.
Relationship without a captain, rowing but they go nowhere.
She sits there without mirror image, holds on to her teddy bear.
Mommy always busy stirring, has no attention, no love to give.
Daddy is a vague reflection, that can't show her how to live.
She sits there without a peddle, without a compass, without a clue.
In a boat that's going nowhere, without a captain, without crew.
And on the ship with no affection, no destination, no hands on deck.
She is lost, without reflection, no eyes like mirrors that look back.
How will she ever reach the shoreline, when there is no one that can row.
Or teach the lessons of adulthood, on how to learn and love and grow
This was a hard one but here I go: Based on the cloudy skies, it seems
that the parents' parting was unpleasant. Both mother and father are
resolutely focused on where they’re going (opposite directions) as if
nothing else matters. The little girl in the back of the boat is the
only one with a broader view of the situation. She hugs the bear for
comfort and watches out into the distance as her father rows away. She
doesn’t have the power to pick a direction or make everyone take the
same boat. I think the painting is about her inability to solve a
problem she didn’t create.
I liked the below versions too but I didn't know how to add everybody to winners, so for now it is like that and I hope you will take part in the artchallenge again!!!!!!!
Honourable mentions (1 steem each):
My Interpretation
Man and woman and later a family is formed together
with an offspring. Such is life. Was man attracted to woman or woman
attracted to man in the first place. It does not matter. Sometimes,
it seems opposite attracts. And, sometimes we find our similarities a
reflection of each other. We are in the same boat mostly. Why is it
we seem to be going opposite directions? Our child wonders.
I will title it the guiding angel. Here the mother and the child
embarks on a journey without the husband. However his presence is ever
present with them. Assisting the wife in rowing the boat, while the
child can feel the presence of her father and keeps on looking into
the water hoping to see him.
THEME FOR ARTCHALLENGE #5 will be again a painting by Rene Magritte:
Because it is Easter week!!!!!!!!!
Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!!!))))))))))
The RULES are very easy.
- Write a comment with your interpretation of the photo I posted. I will be happy if you make a separate post with the tag #artchallenge. Please don't forget to leave a comment to this post with a link to your post.
- You can make up to 3 versions
- End of challenge will be Sunday at 12:00 noon (UTC +3).
Sorry but I had to reduce prizes as like most of us I didn't earn much for last 2 weeks and spent almost all my money))).
- Winner - 15 STEEM
- Second place - 10 STEEM
- Third place - 5 STEEM
I would like to THANK again those who supported this challenge.
Please VOTE and RESTEEM this post.
I will be also very happy to any support of the artchallenge! If you want to be a judge or a sponsor, you are very welcome!
Thank you in advance for your support! Let us have fun together.
I will leave my second entry here. This painting could also be interpreted from a Christian perspective. The three eggs represent Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Trinity) and the light of the world. The Trinity gives life. John 8: 12 says 'Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."'
love it! love it! love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This artist you chose has so many witty , thought provoking images that i find really cool !! This is one i dont understand , im surprised its actually in with all his other art is so different , such as my image below ! Question ? You put up 2 photos is it the top one or the candle with 3 eggs ?! Im assuming its the candle one you want us to write about , thanks again for putting on this contest while the rewards are currently so low on steemit ! Good luck everyone !!👍👍👍

I love this artist , just wanted to share an example for fellow steemians hes so cool !!
Thank you very much for taking part and supporting this challenge! Sorry for misleading. I have put 2 images by 2 reasons. First I wanted to keep the intrigue of the next challenge and didn't put a picture for the new challenge as a thumbnail. The second reason, as either me or other steemians are not art experts and it would be great to learn more works of artists. I like Rene Magritte although his works are difficult for me to interpret.)) So, I might use his paintings for the artchallenge rather often as the participants always give so interesting ideas. Thank you again!
Wow!!!!!!! Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!! It would be honour to use your paintings! Could you please make or send if you already have one. It should have kinda hidden meaning and give thoughts for thinking!!!!!!!!! I am very happy!!!!!)))))))))
ohhh))))))))))))) I thought you have something for me))))))))))) hahahahaha But I will check that profile))))))))))))
Thanks I love the artist as well ! 👍
🐣Heres my first entry , hope you like it , im short on time to do a post right now , maybe tomorrow ! Its short but sweet lol ! Thanks @aksinya fot putting on another challenge , i love contests ! Good luck everyone !🐣
🐣🐣🐣 Three Easter Chicks ! 🐣🐣🐣
The candle shone bright on three eggs tonight
Keeping them warm , cause the mama took flight
Soon they will hatch by the warm candle bright !
Three easter chicks , by the light in the night ...
So sweet!!!!!!!!! I love it a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it gives so warm feeling!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwwe !!! Your reply is the sweetest ! Im so glad you liked my entry on this easter Monday ! Thank you very much ! 🐣🐤🐥🐣
Happy Easter week!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks @aksinya ! I love entering contests just for the fun ! Congrats to everyone , and I will enter again , upped
and resteemed 👍👍👍😊
Hello @aksinya
I run a contest on @literature-trail and i know hard it is to get prize money, i am supporting the reward pool with 10 steem, sending it right away.
Thats awesome what a nice gesture @ogochukwu !! 👍😊
WOW!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You get the honoured place in the history of the Artchallenge as the FIRST sponsor! ))))))))))))) I will support your challenge in my next artchallenge post! Good luck! Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!
You are very much welcome
Thanks for the mention @aksinya. This latest one is interesting though I suspect few will be quite close interpretation to each other. I put some thoughts for this.
I will be happy if you take part again. You presence enlightens my posts.)))))))))
Here's mine:
Thanks and congratulations to all the other winners! On to this week's challenge :)
Thank you for taking part and amaze me with your interpretations))! Look forward to the new one)))
Several days later, I've completed my interpretation! It's a little odd but I'll let you decide what you think of it:
As in history there have been times where a child has come at the worst of times, we've all read about stories about newly born being cast away in a basket along the river - to find a better future that couldn't be provided at home.
So are these offspring left also to find a better future but not without mother's warmth.
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!! Very good interpretation and I like the image supporting your story!
My first version :)
It seems to me that here it is necessary to talk about the relationship between the two main symbols - eggs and candle.
The egg is a new beginning, a creation. The whole world derived from the Primary Egg - heaven, earth, water, everything that exists. At the same time it is necessary to say about the so-called "egg paradox": the egg is "dead", immobile, but it gives life, and the "dead" egg itself is born by the living being. Egg is a constant alternation of cycles of life and death.
The candle is a divine light shining in the world, a symbol of grace, faith, spiritual joy, which are illuminated by love. While the candle is burning, the cycle of life and death will not be interrupted and after death, life will always come.
Very very very good one!!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you! I'm glad you like it :)
thanks... and congrats all the winners.....
Welcome to the new one!
That's how it should be...