As above. As below. Easter Rising. No 2. Day 8. Original Art. Collage. Photography.

in #art5 years ago (edited)

Day 8
As above. As below.
Violet and Gold. Connect.
Earth and Heaven.
For Easter.

My Second Seven Day Covenant.

After completing my Seven Day Covenant of making an artwork (or part of an artwork) and sharing it here at Steemit every day, I now have a much clearer understanding of what an immense undertaking it would be to continue this personal challenge for an entire year.

I can already see where this may be close to impossible: Like I intend to go away for a week in a few weeks time. Although I guess I can and need to be able to bend my own rules when I really need to. And I could still make an art piece or part of, every day and share it when I return.

Easter wasn't a practical time at all for me to create and share an artwork every day. However not giving in to the 'inner protester' has made my resolve to continue even stronger.

I've also seen how my Creative Muse has loved to play more consistently with both montage and collage. And has been telling me how to introduce watercolour into my collages now.

Weighing up the time I'll have available to 'create' this week, knowing I'll need to adjust 'something' when I go to Canberra to see the exhibition: Pre-Raphaelite Masterpieces from the Tate: Love & Desire I'd like to very boldly state that:

I am now starting my second Seven Day Covenant where I will create/make an artwork or a stage of an artwork and share it here at Steemit every day for the next seven days.

Artist's Journaling and my new Eco-Collages.

After completing a short course recently on Artist's Journaling with Sally Cooper: I'm starting to make some small Eco-collages: Which eventually will pave the way for other pieces that will incorporate drawing and painting. ~Ally. Day 2. A Gratitude Tag.
For now, these Eco-collages are more like 'warm-up exercises' for me and they'll be pasted into my personal Artist's Journal: A small notebook that I purchased from Silvia Beneforti's Homesteaders Co-op Store VUMAP. Day 2. A Gratitude Tag.
And another range of Eco-collages based on different aspects and/or details within these small Eco-collages will then be created for my Homesteaders Co-op Store.
As above. As below.

I shared the beginning stages of As above. As below. Easter Rising a few days ago.

I knew the piece needed some purple/violet: To complement the golden triangles and to give the general flaxen tones of the dried hydrangeas a bit of a 'lift.' Gold and purple, black and white are also the traditional colours of Easter.

I hadn't pasted down the spiral of silk threads because I still wasn't sure if that was what was needed. And after playing with the spiral again this morning, I decided the piece needed something more geometric and striking ~ Like a shimmering violet 11:11: Four elongated rectangles made from handpainted rice paper.

This is now the finished version of As above. As below. Easter Rising.


The foundation of As above. As below. Easter Rising.

Images in the shape of a square, a narrow oblong and three triangles were 'photo transferred' onto the watercolour paper.

A golden triangle was placed on each of the triangles: The bottom ones pointing up and the top one pointing down. Six golden triangles were then placed pointing up on the bottom oblong.

Dried Hydrangeas formed two larger triangles: In the reverse direction to the initial triangles. As above. As below. Easter Rising


Violet 11:11

Four elongated rectangles made from handpainted rice paper were positioned and pasted down. Now a shimmering violet 11:11.


As above. As below. Easter Rising.

Four lines of teased out jute string form a 'curtain' of squiggles in the centre of the piece. For me this area always represents the energy surrounding the 11:11 ~ The influences upon it and in turn how it influences.

Two pieces of jute string, teased out and entwined with blue, green and violet silk thread were placed in the middle of both 11s. For me this area has always represented the energy within the 11:11. The energy that communicates to people who resonate with the 11:11. At times I also see this area as being like a Tree of Life.


A detail of As above. As below. Easter Rising.

The beautiful shine of the white and coloured silk threads can be seen even more clearly in this detail. And even more clearly in the enlarged view when you click/tap on the image.


Another Current Project.

Feathers that have been incorporated into so many of my art pieces from collage work to ephemeral arrangements are a prominent part of a range of eco-friendly products that I'm in the process of developing. They'll be available soon from my Homesteaders Co-Op Store: Eco Curios: Magical wands and hats, poles and figures as well as small baskets and containers.

And eventually, images inspired by these curios will also be available in my MakersPlace Gallery.

Magical Wands.

Just a glimpse of my first Magical Wand: With all the feathers freely given by the wild ducks at the Roseville Lake.

All the wonderful things.
That you could wish for. If you had:



A heart that is holding infinite possibilities.
A creative who is learning to trust the mystery of what will be.
A spirit that is willing to fly into new creative realms and share the journey.

My Fourteen Day Covenant.

Photography: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7.

makers place gallery.png

Power House Creatives Logos FINAL_float.png


T H A N K ✽ Y O U ✽ F O R ✽ Y O U R ✽ V I S I T1 copy.png

Posted from Earth ♥︎ Sand ♥︎ Water ♥︎ Ice with SteemPress :


seriously stunning work!

last year, my goal was to do a post a day, and by my perfectionist ways, i had to do this perfect post, with a designed cover, footer and photoshopped photos. Most weeks I got four to five posts out, and it really became work, it got to the point where it was not fun anymore.

I find that creativity cannot be on tap - i'm interested to see how you will go, your work is so beautiful - to do this daily, I would imagine, would be very time intensive

Thanks ever so much @princessmewmew. I truly value your comment.

Yes, the one thing that a creative can least afford is 'burn out' which will flow into all aspects of one's life. Which is the main reason I haven't taken on a commitment such as this before and also why I've decided to just take it one week at a time.

There'll be days when I'll be away and I'll arrange something beforehand for those times. Like tomorrow when I'll be on a train for 10 hours in total, to see an exhibition of the Pre-Raphaelites.

The thing that I feel will be valuable is the commitment to produce something NEW every day. But yes, whatever I do always seems to be very time intensive and I don't want the care that needs to be taken to lessen. So I've decided to be OK with sharing work in progress and OK with simplifying my articles ~ Although like you this is one of the hardest things for me to do.

Something else that I've noticed already is that it's challenging to do the work, share it and then keep up with responding to people about it. Having a balance is so important and I feel I'm about to learn a whole lot more about how to come to that balance. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


You have an amazing eye for art @allyinspirit, these are fabulous. I'm curious to the size, might you share the measurements?

Posted using Partiko Android

So pleased you like this little collage @wonderwop. It measures 140 mms x 95 mms, which is just a fraction smaller than the notebook it will be placed in.

After the present series ~ I have about three or four more to do ~ I'll work on a few small square collages. And then take the elements that I feel 'work' and start on another series of slightly larger pieces. That's the plan anyway. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


So much love put into your pieces...I feel it ♥

It's wonderful when what we have been able to feel when the creative process is in full swing, can be felt by others looking at the result. Thanks heaps for sharing this Liza. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


Congratulations @allyinspirit! This post was selected by the Power House Creatives as today's Rally Upvote Post :)

You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our FB Page and Twitter feed.


Thanks so very much for sharing this Easter message with all the @PowerHouseCreative members @steemitblogger. I receive so much inspiration from being a member of this high energy community of Steemians. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


I can imagine that working on this art a serene feeling comes over you, love the craftmanship

Once I have a feeling for what is needed in any particular piece, the process is very exciting @brittandjosie. Sounds absurd, but it can be quite intense, as working on a small scale can be very fiddly and I have a bit of a perfectionist streak.

But yes, sometimes it can be very 'stilling' to work with these collages. They actually demand it of me. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


I understand, @artbyclark asked in a video too , needlework gives me peace but also excitement

It's funny sometimes the impressions we have isn't it? I would imagine that needlework was very relaxing but I can understand how it would also be very demanding as well. Recently I knitted something for the first time in ages: A simple beanie but I had to be so very attentive. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

I forget everything around me when I am soing needlework

Oh, I really can relate to forgetting everything else when I'm 'in the zone.' Have to be very careful to attend to other 'life matters' before settling into the creative zone. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

When i am int he attick room doing needle things the family knows that the other life is not for me for about an hour, and the alot me to have creative time how cool is that

They are really amazing

Thanks so much @wales. So pleased you like this Eco-collage. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


Very neat. I love to see the process behind works of art. What is the significance of 11:11 though?

Thanks so much @mattifer. They call the 11:11 a reminder to just stop and be present to whatever is happening within and without you the instant you see it.

People see this symbol most commonly on their phones and screens. I love to see it in nature too. I explained a little about it and how I've worked with it in a recent post: Feathers in my Artwork ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


Ooooh, interesting. I'm sure I'll start seeing it everywhere now that you've mentioned it. I thought maybe it referred to a Bible verse or something similar.

I really love your creations. How are you doing on Makers Place?

Thanks so much @blueeyes8960.

I love the Makers Place site and what it offers. So far there hasn't been any 'interest' shown to my own imagery there. Which doesn't surprise me for a number of reasons.

The concept of owning a Digital Art Gallery is one that may take some time for people to adapt to and so I view having a Gallery at Makers Place more of a long term project. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


Another wonderful creation for us to enjoy and feel all the love and passion you have put into making it.

This one really took some extra time to let me know what was needed. I knew it needed purple. So I played with a few purple 'things.' And then as soon as the 11:11 was in place, it flourished. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


I so agree, the 11:11 truly finished the piece.

This is truly beautiful, so much love and inspiration. I wish I were so talented, can't wait to see your next 7 days of creation :)

So pleased you like this little piece @birdsinparadise.

I think many women have an innate sense of arranging objects so that the features of each object, its colour and shape, can be brought out and at the same time there's a cohesiveness of the whole arrangement. Think of arranging flowers in a vase or a table setting or organizing a kitchen bench. Making 'Art' can be just a short step away from the things we do so naturally in our so called 'everyday lives.' ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


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