The Biggest Prison You Can Live In- The Fear Of What People Think About You.

in #anarchy6 years ago


The fear of what other people think of us is the greatest prison we can ever live in. It holds us back in life, living a false and inauthentic life. It means that our lives have been a lie in effect because we just wanted to be another robot to ‘fit in’. When you express the TRUE version of yourself life changes. You feel an inner peace which is coming from being in alignment with your soul, and being true to yourself. You move out of the inauthentic and into the authentic life. I know I’ve been there. For years I tried to fit in, never upset the apple cart. It was boring. I literally felt a life half lived. My life started when I started to question the programming, and I’m infinitely grateful that I did.

So clearly a key solution is to lay off the policing of each other, lets encourage growth, encourage free thinking, and encourage our uniqueness and individuality. Until the vast majority of us start doing the inner work needed to lose the fear of what others think of us then we will continue to hold ourselves back. I’m not just talking about not caring what strangers think, I’m talking about not caring what our friends, teachers, siblings, parents, spouse, or the government thinks! Yes respect, sure. But being dictated by others either directly or indirectly on how you choose to express yourself is a mental cage. It is fact that one of the biggest reasons people are scared to express their uniqueness is for fear of what those closest to them will think or say. Well it’s not their life it’s yours.

fear 3.v1.jpg

Always walk your own path. No opinion of some guru, teacher, or even parent is higher than your own. Be you, be amazing, and by default you will be helping the World immensely. Let’s regain our confidence and move out of this defeatist mindset once and for all, and that horrible ‘little me syndrome’ which is basically the idea that you have no power to do or change anything in the World. You CAN.

We are ALL ripples in the pond, and by stepping up you also inspire others to do the same. Ghandi once famously said ‘Be the change you wish to see in the World’ Never has a truer word been spoken, He also came out with another great quote when he said ‘my life is my message to the World’ what is your message going to be? When you’re on your death bed what mark did you leave on the World? Or were you just another number in the system? Somebody that never questioned anything, lived in fear, or just wanted to be like by everyone so you could be safe in your comfort zone?

These are harsh questions but I feel absolutely necessary for anyone who wants to grow and help make this World a better place. I haven’t always asked them myself, but I’m dam sure I’m glad that I eventually did in the end, because in asking those big game changing questions in life, you will find your purpose I guarantee that much, and ultimately your very reason for living.

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Tony Sayers,
Love, care, courage

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Author of the book 'Are you Living or just Existing?'

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No man is more free then the man who doesn't give a damn what society thinks of him.
Free men don't have no government issued form of identification.
Free men don't need permission to put a gun in their pocket.
Do no harm but stand your ground.

Nice post, Peace!

This is so true, you should never let others shape you, let you shape yourself into what YOU want to be! Thanks for this!

~ @cadawg

We are all waves in the pool, and by intensifying you also inspire others to do the same. Gandhi once said, famously,'Be the change you wish to see in the world'. Never has a truer word been said. He also came up with another great quote when he said'my life is my message to the world'. What's your message? To be? When you're on your deathbed, what mark did you leave on the world? Or was it just another number in the system? Someone who never questioned anything, lived in fear, or just wanted to be like everyone else to be safe in their comfort zone?

Definitely not all of us assume our truth with courage, the fear of being questioned, judged and rejected can remain in us all our lives, being this the worst deception (the one you do to yourself), I think that somehow we all start out that way, until that spark or inner strength that makes us see what we are and exactly that we must project, even though I am myself, I have had situations with people close to me, to whom I always ask respect and tolerance, since not everyone is equal and being so, everyone has something different to contribute, so the best way to live is by letting live! Excellent reflection, grateful for your contribution, my English is not very good, if I have a mistake, let's blame the translator

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