Steemit Trading Card 4 @tecnosgirl

in #art7 years ago (edited)


The fourth Steemit Trading card is of @tecnosgirl. A wonderful Steemian I met through Steemit Chat. You can often find her in the #yunk tag while she blogs about learning photography, hidden tourist spots in Indiana, home schooling and other things that spark her interests. Check out her blog and get to know another member of the Steemit community!

Thanks for all your support with these trading cards, the next trading card up is the veteran Steemit blogger @Stellabelle! I hope you enjoyed and if you are interested in getting your own trading card done I have 3 more spots open for the introductory price of 30sbd. Hope to see you around and keep on Steeming!


Previous trading cards




steemit adventure logo.jpg
Hope you enjoyed and please check out some of my other illustrations! And don't forget I have a coloring contest going on!
Dragon coloring contest
Into the breach
More soldier
Weekend woman


Hey, I love your artwork and the trading cards.

As I noticed you are the artist, I'm sure nobody will make one of you so I painted trading card of you.

Way to upstage me in my own thread @apsu! :) Your collection will be in a gallery in no time. Thanks for checking it out and also for the laughs in chat!

You better keep blogging about those dwarves I am curious what is going to happen.

Happy to be a joy to you :)

I'll do my best, lucky for me it'll just keep on going interesting usually. I'll try to add some more graphical images for those who are not natural with ascii.

Hey now I noticed why the drawing looks a bit odd.. I forgot to draw the eyebrows. Sorry.

No need to add more pictures I know enough to "see" it I just thought it would be an interesting concept. One other thing, I think you should link the previous posts in with the story so people can find it earlier.

Ah, good to know :) It's a fun idea and I think more visual tools like what you mentioned should be developed.

I should actually do that. Thanks for the good idea for the future!

LOL <3 @apsu ... and @steemitadventure too

Oh thank you satchmo. But don't die :(

I love it thank you so much for making this up

Glad you like it, its a nice addition to the collection! and you have fun hair to draw. Thanks for the support and wanting a trading card!

Congratulations, looks nice!

These cards are always awesome. Have you thought of what you will do if a user has a stylized avatar/randompicture/cartoon? All have been of people who we know their face lol.... just a pondering I had

I was thinking about that before. Its why I don't have my own trading card lolol I am not sure what I would do because I don't think people would have the same attachment or interest if it wasn't a card of "them". But if you have any ideas later let me know!

Love the creativity, @steemitadventure. You're very talented. Maybe you can make some whale/dolphin/minnow emblems to go with the cards? Just a thought.

Thank you!!! I was thinking of something along those lines so its nice to hear someone else bring it up as well. There also will be a "back" to the cards with stats etc when the time comes to print them. I just wanted to start out and see if anyone was interested. Appreciate the input and the comment!

Definitely interested. I just read a couple days ago about a platform being released based entirely on this theme. (Trading Cards based on rarity). I don't recall what ICO it was but you are ahead of the game.

really cool idea. Great work

Thanks and was nice to meet you in chat!

oh wow.......i read about you mentioning cards here and there but never seen one...i love the concept and they truly look gorgeous!

Glad you checked it out and thank you for the compliment it keeps me inspired to work on them when people enjoy them!

the next trading card up is the veteran Steemit blogger @Stellabella!

It is @stellabelle, not Stellabella.

@stellabella is a recent account that has never posted and is not following anybody.

Thank you so much for that! I am editing now. I keep typing it the wrong way for some reason :(

Wow this is incredibly cool! If I had the SBD, I'd be securing a spot on a card as the new kid on the block-chain! Haha, keep it up!

I don't care for the meaningless (except that it's a great self-promoting tool for a specific professional​ photograph) #yunk tag, but I like those cards.

Thanks for checking it out and glad you like the card. I have been trying to help support some of the lesser known people and work towards a nice set of them.

They look amazing and great idea using this medium as a way for greater visibility for people being a bit more under the radar.

May I suggest putting a link inside the code of the pictures so that we can click and directly access the profiles?

Great idea and thank you for that! I wasn't aware at all of being able to do that so I asked in chat and they gave me the code. I will figure out where to put it in so they can be clickable.

Appreciate you checking it out and leaving a comment! glad you like.

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