WITNESS WEEKLY @ 10 September 2022steemCreated with Sketch.

in #witness-category2 years ago

Back with another Witness Weekly.

Compiling last week's edition was quite fascinating. It really is interesting to explore and discover what our Steem witnesses are doing.

As a result of publishing Witness Weekly a few more witnesses have made contact to update me on their current activities.

That is all good to help Witness Weekly provide more comprehensive coverage.

The Current Top 20 Witnesses

There have been no new entrants into the Top 20 in the past week. The only movements being very minor jostlings for position in the lower half.

The mega votes of @dev365 and @upvu.proxy are very much locking down all the top slots.

Comunidad Latina's @cotina witness remains just bubbling under at #21.

The current top 20 witnesses for the Steem Blockchain on 10 September 2022 are :


There are a further 30 or so active backup witnesses mainly in the #21 - #57 slots.

All top 50+ witnesses are running the current 0.23.1 version.

Most of the witnesses from #55 and below are 'former' witnesses that are running old witness versions (0.23.0 or 0.22.1) and have now moved to another blockchain.

Details of all the witnesses can be found in @steemchiller's Steemworld.org or on @symbionts's list at...

This listing in the Steemworld.org has the added feature of showing who is voting for each witness.

@steem.history and @future.witness both publish daily witness listings...

New Witnesses

No new witnesses have been spotted since the last edition of Witness Weekly.

However, from @rexthetech's latest posting it does look as if a new SteemWOW! witness is about to be launched...

Witnesses News & Updates

@steemchiller (#1) continues to hold the top slot and continues to maintain the top app on the blockchain in the form of Steemworld.org.

@justyy (#2) reports on how Google's Bot is impacting on his SteemYY.com service...

@symbionts (#4) rerports that their Steem_Insight tool for disseminating Steem posts on Twitter is now available for use...

@steem.history (#6) puts out a number of very useful daily posts covering witness listings, Steem Power rankings and the STEEM system config...

@upvu.witness (#12) publishes a daily list of which witnesses it is supporting with the massive @upvu.proxy vote (29M SP)...

@upvu has made a number of posts giving more information about how it selects the witnesses it supports...

@etainclub (#13) continues to work on the development of his AVLE app which is now in public beta...

@alexmove.witness (#19) is working on Steem-Song, a Telegram Bot for Song Exchange...

Alex also runs a post uniqueness checking service for various communities...

@cotina (#21), has published its monthly witness report for August...

Blokfield Inc, the team behind the @roadofrichwitness (#22), has just published an update on their activities as a witness...

One of their main projects is the Steem DeFi service, Steem-Fi...

@blockseater, the tech lead behind the @stmpak.wit witness (#50), has started a series on how to set up a Steem witness...

She also recently did an interview with @ubongudofot as part of his Interview Showcase series...

I hope people find the Witness Weekly digest useful to learn what the Steem witnesses are doing.

It will take a while to track down all the witness information. My apologies to any witnesses who I have missed. Please comment below on anything I have missed or contact me on Discord (Pennsif#9921).

In the meantime do remember to vote for witnesses...

Thank you


[ graphic by @pennsif ]


Most of the witnesses from #55 and below are 'former' witnesses that are running old witness versions (0.23.0 or 0.22.1) and have now moved to another blockchain.

Very right! But unfortunately, some of these witnesses still appear in various lists.

I have noticed that, for the sake of simplicity, only the signing key is checked. If this is the null key, the witness is marked as inactive in the lists. But the null key is mainly intended for temporary manual deactivation of the witness node. In the case that a witness has not produced any blocks for some time, this witness would also have to be deactivated. This is however not reflected in the various lists (e.g. gtg (#57), scissor-sisters (#33)).
In my opinion, unfortunately, only the page https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses still contains an up-to-date and correct listing of active witnesses.

The steemitwallet additionally checks whether a block has been produced in the last 7 days. The witness is shown deactivated if the null key is deposited or no block has been produced in the last 7 days:

const noBlock7days = (head_block - lastBlock) * 3 > 604800;
const isDisabled =
    signingKey == DISABLED_SIGNING_KEY || noBlock7days;

Code aus steemwallet

update 2
I wondered why witnesses who have obviously not generated blocks for a long time are no longer automatically shut down.
After a bit of research, I found the answer:
The automatic deactivation described in the Steem whitepaper and introduced with Hardfork 14 was removed again with Hardfork 20. Here is the detailed conversation about it: https://github.com/steemit/steem/pull/2835

Here my appeal is once again very appropriate to check the witness votes regularly!

Extremely useful to know, thank you.

Yes, unfortunately, there is a lot wrong with the situation.
The display on steemwallet.com is more correct, but it is only a display. The witness nodes are still active on the system and reduce the performance of the blockchain. If I then see that from number 50 onwards there are almost only inactive nodes, the reduction in performance is not just minimal.

Therefore, it must unfortunately be stated that all the lists you mentioned in the article are not useful and are even misleading.

As an active witness/developer, I should be very interested in changing this. After all, all votes cast for inactive witnesses are lost!

How could this problem be fixed?

Can the witnesses sort it out?

If automatic deactivation of witness nodes is to be reintroduced, a hardfork is necessary.

However, the witnesses (and anyone else presenting a witness list) could take care in the meantime to present the inactive witnesses as inactive as well.

Possible (drastic) measures such as automatically deleting votes for inactive witnesses must be discussed elsewhere and with more participation :-)

Hopefully the witnesses will step forward to make the needed changes.

Lo estás haciendo bien amigo, lo leí en mañana pero sin mucho tiempo para comentar y votar. Me alegra mucho que cotina esté en popa para entrar en los próximos 20 testigos.

Aún no se como funciona muy bien esos de los testigos en la cadena de bloques, pero si me daré a la tarea de investigar. Por cierto, me preocupa que los que dejan de ser testigos por un tiempo luego se van como si nada vendiendo grandes cantidades de Steem en el mercado, fue un momento triste que encontré en tu publicación. Sigamos en la marcha, buen trabajo querido

Hopefully Witness Weekly will allow everyone to learn more about what the witnesses are doing.

Very intricate and informative, this would not only help guide members with regard to witnesses to support but also enlighten us on what those we are supporting are about. Thank you

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