You thought it was over, but there's just one more... These are stories inspired by Singapore

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Train Source

The smell of fuel and burnt rubber wafted from the outside. After all, Changi Airport was considered one of the best in the world, so unwanted aroma like that never lasts long. It was the gateway to a melting pot that was Singapore, but it held up surprisingly well, considering all of the cultural influences that passed its walls.

A man, wearing a plain white t-shirt and denim jeans, alighted from a recently parked aircraft, and walked into the airport. His face was clean shaven, and his hair was neatly cut. He passed the security check with no problems, then pass the immigration desk without any raised flags. Security personnel never even took a second glance at him. He had no bags, so he strolled through to the Skytrain, en route to Terminal 2, without any delay. There was nothing significant about the way he looked. He could easily disappear in a crowd of whatever nationality. The only remarkable thing about him was how unremarkable he was.

He alighted from the Skytrain at Terminal 2, went down the escalator, and made his way to the TransitLink ticketing counter. From there, he took out the only cash he had in his pocket—around SG$12. He purchased an EZ-Link card with SG$7 in stored value. With it, he was able to gain access to MRT. He smiled at the cashier, then walked towards the turnstile to tap his card on it.

The man took in a deep breath as he waited for the train to arrive. '3 minutes,' the screen displayed, with regard to the next train's arrival. He stretched his arms high above his head and let out a long-drawn yawn. There wasn't anything for him to hold on to, and he felt a sense of freedom from that realization. All he had in his pocket was an EZ-Link card, his passport, and that was it.

The train screeched to a halt, and its doors opened at roughly the same time. Passengers alighting it were given priority, before the people boarding made their way inside. Considering they were coming from the airport, the sound of rolling strollers inevitably filled the air. It was music to his ears, but he didn't contribute at all to the rubbery symphony.

Upon boarding, the man rested his back against the train wall. He positioned himself exactly where he could get a good view of the outside without needing to move around the carriage. The man squinted his eyes at the first sight of natural light. It was blinding, but he felt giddy once he caught a glimpse of it.

This was the sight he was staring at only a few minutes ago while he was high above the sky, he thought. It wasn't entirely what he had expected, but it was exactly the view he had hoped for. The buildings stacked up neatly against each other without looking too cramped. There was a perfect balance of nature and man-made structures. He couldn't help but notice that the roads were scantily occupied by cars, so he couldn't help but wonder if driving would've been the better option for him to have taken. The lack of funds he had in his pocket only served to solidify his decision.

The carriage was filled with all sorts of nationalities. Singaporeans, Indians, Chinese—all of which he could easily blend with without any problems. He smiled at everyone he made eye contact with, but most just averted their gaze. It didn't discourage him, however. He just continued to go about his way.

In a matter of minutes, the train stopped momentarily at Expo Station, then at Tanah Merah, where the man got off to transfer to the East-West line. He was faced with a conundrum of whether to board the train heading for Pasir Ris or Tuas Link. Going by sequential order, the man chose to go to Pasir Ris, since it was labeled '1.' He boarded it, and he made it all the way to the end of the line, but he didn't get off. Instead, he chose to ride the train all the way to Tuas Link.

The train ride to his destination was longer than the previous ones. As the train traveled through the sights that he had seen before, he instead passed his time making attempts to converse with the passengers. He didn't always have a successful outing, but there were some who indulged his desire for a conversation.

The man was neither old or young. He looked and sounded like a middle-aged man. If his features were to be plotted on a bell curve, he would be sitting exactly at the very top. He didn't look intimidating at all, but some people became unnerved at how calm he was. The man had an air of being inviting, but with the way the world was, there was only a thin line between being inviting and being a serial killer who was luring potential victims. All of the people who chose to converse with him were either too trusting or too ignorant.

What was impressive about how the man operated was that when he conversed with people, he talked to them using their native tongue. It was an attempt, on his part, to make the conversation more comfortable, but it also served to eliminate any chance of misinterpretation.

He inquired about their thoughts of the country, and the people, and the culture, and everything and anything concerning Singapore. The man was careful not to overstep his bounds and go into personal territory. He seemed like a professional interrogator, with the way he allowed the information to freely flow out from the people he was talking to. Some passengers who he sat next to were intrigued, and even volunteered to converse without him needing to prompt them.

As he reached the Tuas Link station, he, again, chose not to get off. He sat on a vacant chair and waited for the train to fill up. When the train arrived at the Tuas Crescent station, an elderly woman stepped inside the carriage. With no more seats available, he called to the woman and offered her his seat. The woman was thankful, of course, and didn't question if he had any ulterior motives. He had none.

He transferred to the North-South line when the train stopped at Jurong East. The man made sure he bid proper farewells to everyone he came into contact with. He made a slight detour at Choa Chu Kang, but he returned to the red line of the MRT once he was done. When he arrived the Marian South Pier station, he alighted the train to stretch his legs for a while, but he was careful not to leave the station. After all, he only had a few credits stored in the card, and he didn't want to waste a single cent.

Once he had a good enough stretch, he went back at it, and continued on with the same routine for the entire day. He went from end to end, then transferred to the nearest line. By the middle of the afternoon, he had already visited every station of the MRT at least once. He strolled through the carriages, grazing his fingers on the metallic railing, the hard plastic walls, and the fiberglass windows. Closing his eyes, he made sure to feel every sway whenever the train curved and the frigid wind that was blasted by the airconditioner.

From the distance, he could see the sun slowly setting. He couldn't help but smile, remembering how his day went ever since the plane landed at Changi. There were no red carpets, no private escorts—just a simple man simply touring the country via train. He wouldn't have had it any other way.

As the train rolled through the Somerset station, several security personnel boarded the carriage and asked the man to come with them. They took him to a holding room, where they interrogated him about his motives. Several passengers had alerted the authorities of the man's presence, and they had been observing his movements on the CCTV ever since.

    "Not once did you exit to go to the bathroom, or to eat or drink," a security personnel queried. "What's your deal?"

    "I didn't feel like I have to," he replied.

After a few minutes, several men in suits barged in and took custody of the man. The security personnel resisted, citing jurisdiction, but they eventually folded. They took the man to a plated car, and drove him straight to the Office of the Prime Minister.

    "Well?" the Prime Minister asked, as he welcomed the man to his heavily-guarded office. His hands were shaking as he poured the man a drink of his most preserved liquor. "W-What do you think?"

The man paced around the room, feeling the books with his fingertips. He then turned his attention to the mahogany desk that was resting prominently at the center of the space. Letting out a deep grunt, he curled his hand into a fist and knocked on the wooden table two times. He looked outside the window and gazed at the city skyline.

    "I'll take it," he proclaimed, with a smile.

    "That's great!" the Prime Minister gleefully exclaimed. "I'll have our lawyers draw out the paperwork. Would you ... Would you be changing the name though?"

    "No. I think I'll keep it. It already has a nice ring to it."

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Wow nice story bro, keep up the good work, couldn't take my eye off when I started, anxious for what's happening next.. 👍🏽

That's so great to hear! Thanks for taking the time to read, I really hope you enjoyed it :D I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment, brother!

Fantastic man. A completely unexpected turn!

I was on the edge of my seat thinking that some kind of terrorist style audition was about to occur before he started talking to people. Really liked it!!

You read the last one first! That's not the proper order, dude! HAHA!

I'm glad you were surprised :D I definitely wanted to add a whole mysterious vibe here with a totally unexpected twist. I mean, who does that right? Who tours an entire country without leaving the subway train system. It's like he's either a cheap bastard or a dastardly type casing the whole place for an explosive exhibition.

Thanks for stopping by, dude! I'm glad you liked my first (and possibly last?) shot at fiction after that whole epic novel haha :D

It will never be the last!!!

Always a pleasure dude. I enjoy the reading!!!

If I start counting backwards, or if I fail to distinguish real from fiction, then yeah, it will definitely never be the last haha! Pleasure is all mine, dude! Your enjoyment is worth more than most cryptocoins in the market. And, I do mean that literally. Have you seen all the red!? Oy vey!

A lot of the red is turning green! However it is still way down from before. Apparently after the bitcoin stramash on the 1st of august things might moon again. Fingers crossed!

Gotta get in position in then! The countdown is on, dude! Hopefully I could get in on the action with an ample amount in my arsenal.

I hope you do!! Thinking long term is defo the way to go!

Crypto millionaire city here we come!

I'm waiting on some SBD to be encashed so that I can buy with volume haha! It's a great thing my other sell orders completed before red day!

Love that ending. The build up was very interesting. Slowly at first, building up. Like an old fashioned steam train, moving over to the new transportation system. All heading in the same direction. But to where?

Dangit! I knew I couldn't slip that by your observant eye! This story was indeed inspired by the whole MRT system. I guess you could say it was my love letter to the SMRT. After the adrenaline-packed journey that was the previous chapter, I wanted to slow things down and script a solid piece.

Thanks, mate! I'm glad you loved the ending :D

It was indeed great, no problem at all with the resteem mix up LOL. I love how you exercise your writing, doing a hectic pace for the last one and a slow steady pace for this one, and pulling off both masterfully.

And I love that you kept us all guessing, and I for one expected a whole different direction. A perfect mystery ;

I'm just glad that I didn't stumble with those. In my attempt to keep things fresh, it's easy to lose my way. Only one more post for tomorrow, and it's the first time I've ever posted daily for a week haha! Hoping to strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.

I'm glad you let me know, having a hectic day, might be heading out camping for the night :)

Ooohh! I haven't camped out in a while. Enjoy, sis! I hope it provides the much needed relief :D

Unfortunately it rained on my parade...again! I can't string two days together this summer, boo! But then again a new friend is living in a place where there's a serious drought, so I shouldn't be complaining.

It literally rained while you were camping?? Awww boo! Yeah, with the global network that we have here, most of our complaints seem trivial compared to the ones others are facing. Doesn't make it less real, but still. Gives you a lot of perspective, doesn't it?

It was only my paranoia suspicious nature that had me waiting for the catch when I otherwise wanted to be lulled into the "oh he's probably some rich famous guy who's enoying a bit of anonymity poor thing" kinda vibe you were trying to give off there.

Some beautiful descriptions in this one :)

After that adrenaline-fueled SINGA-THREE, I just wanted to dial it down a bit, kick up my feet and just chill with this. What about the title, huh? Haha! I wanted to go meta and break the rhyming pattern. Since you're the first one who noticed that, I know you'd appreciate the reference to it haha! I'm writing the culmination post as we speak, so prepare for a shoutout :D

Thank you for the kind compliments, mate! Since I wasn't paying attention to the story or even the character all that much, it gave me the chance to focus on the descriptions. I'm glad that it translated well. Thanks for your continued support! :D

One was coincidentally cute, two indicated a possible pattern XD

What I liked about this one was the first one crossed out and then correctly spelled quite blatantly XD

Looking forward to the culmination post :D Hopefully you're done before I go to bed otherwise I'll just have to try and read it tomorrow either before or after the insanity that's planned XD

HAHA! "The Foureigner" was too on the nose even for my weird taste. When I got around to changing it, I felt my tongue creeping towards my cheek, so I left the corrected one there haha!

Rest easy, mate. I have scheduled the post for tomorrow. I've already made two posts today. Personally, I feel like I've exceeded some unspoken quota haha!

The last quota was four a day and even that isn't in effect now XD

Iknow what you mean though, there have been a couple of instances where I've done TWO posts in a day and I was like D:

Oh, was there a real quota? When I said it, I meant it like I don't want to flood people's feeds with all my posts haha! Hard to get oversaturated.

Apparently there was a limit of 4 a day once upon a time but it disappeared shortly after I joined (not that I was likely to ever post more than one anyway XD)

Ohh, first I've heard of it! Haha!

Beautiful work dear friend @jedau I must admit that miestras read nu I could avoid remembering the first time I travel to Buenos Aires Argentina, in the Federal Capital there are different ramles of subways, as you approach the income a very particular smell persists as To fuel and a fresh wind, that you do not know if you like or you digest, another passage that mellevo the story was a train trip to Corrientes, trip in cabin the trip hard 24 hours, although it seems incredible slept the whole trip, that is What I like about your work, while reading takes you to a passage of everyday life, many thanks for another wonderful material
Have a great day

That's an awesome story, thank you for sharing that, my friend! Wow. Is Corrientes not where you were born? You're right when you said that it's like reading from a passage of everyday life. I really try to inject reality whenever I can to my fiction. Even if it's fantastical, I still try to make it seem grounded. After all, real life events are what inspire me, so I try to honor them by including their essence into what I write. Have a great day as well, my good friend! :D

Ha! A not so subtle and hidden sell off of a country :-( Never suspected that was where it was going!

Haha! You completed it! I applaud and thank you, my friend :D The hook at the end was indeed the prestige I wanted to pull off in this trick. I bet the people he talked to (and didn't talk to) never expected that either! With this, I kept thinking, what would be the best way to buy a country. If I announce it, then they'll either roll out the red carpet or create picket lines in protest. With every other scenario, I wouldn't see my potential investment the way it is normally. Oh, look at me, talking like I have the resources to buy a country when I can't even buy a brand new house and lot hahaha!

I just loved Singapore (particularly the SMRT) that I wanted to subconsciously buy it haha! I hope you enjoyed this mini-series, my friend :D

hi I live in Myanmar Countty.
Please , follow and vote me.

It's not how this works. Sorry. I'm sure you have lots to offer, but you would've done better if instead you left a thoughtful comment without begging for a vote or follow. If someone you commented on thought that your comment is interesting enough, they would naturally go to your profile to follow and vote you without you needing to ask them.

Lovely stroy and narration dear. I loved it, see how my photoshop manipulation went through.

For the love of! MEEP! !@#$

meep, yeah sure.

Don't worry, I didn't forget to leave the door unlocked.

Sure thing. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story :D

Yes I enjoyed it.

Awesome! Glad to hear it :)

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