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RE: You thought it was over, but there's just one more... These are stories inspired by Singapore

in #fiction7 years ago

It was indeed great, no problem at all with the resteem mix up LOL. I love how you exercise your writing, doing a hectic pace for the last one and a slow steady pace for this one, and pulling off both masterfully.

And I love that you kept us all guessing, and I for one expected a whole different direction. A perfect mystery ;


I'm just glad that I didn't stumble with those. In my attempt to keep things fresh, it's easy to lose my way. Only one more post for tomorrow, and it's the first time I've ever posted daily for a week haha! Hoping to strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.

I'm glad you let me know, having a hectic day, might be heading out camping for the night :)

Ooohh! I haven't camped out in a while. Enjoy, sis! I hope it provides the much needed relief :D

Unfortunately it rained on my parade...again! I can't string two days together this summer, boo! But then again a new friend is living in a place where there's a serious drought, so I shouldn't be complaining.

It literally rained while you were camping?? Awww boo! Yeah, with the global network that we have here, most of our complaints seem trivial compared to the ones others are facing. Doesn't make it less real, but still. Gives you a lot of perspective, doesn't it?

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