Ulog 8 Manifestation: Keep Going - Don’t Stop

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

ulog Manifestation_ Keep Going - Don't Stop fitinfun.jpg

First the good news today. I have had a lot of it and I am so grateful.

Still More Success with @trufflepig

I now have THREE posts currently Number One on the @trufflepig bot list of posts that should get better votes than they do! Yesterday’s Ulog has joined the last two with that honor.

Additionally, my post to wish my son @bxlphabet a happy birthday today is also on today’s @trufflepig list at Number 25. That post was so hard to write and I felt sick about what I had to say. I feel so sad without my son near me now at this difficult time and miss him so much on his birthday. @trufflepig recognition makes me feel a bit better. I posted a lot of photos of my son in that post but just found this one. This is the "Caleb look" I know so well.

Doubtful Caleb.jpg

As a reminder, @trufflepig uses an algorithm to determine posts that should get better upvotes than they do. This is all explained on that blog. It is a very interesting project and I have been listed before, but not so consistently. I never reached number one until ulogging, so thank you @surpassinggoogle for this wonderful idea.

Ulog 7 Manifestation: Reaching out to Whales, Witnesses, and Other Nice People #1 on @trufflepig
Ulog 6 Manifestation: Should I do Porn Now? #1 on @trufflepig
Ulog 5 Manifestation: Working the Weight Loss #1 on @trufflepig
Ulog 4 Manifestation: Hard Day Today
Ulog 3 Manifestation: Working for Money #11 on @trufflepig – past payout date
Ulog 2 Manifestation: I am a Money Magnet
My first Ulog was older and not related to my current situation.

Contacting Whales and Top Witnesses

Yesterday, I talked about trying to contact whales and witnesses to see if they can offer support for my blog or my son’s. I did not know who I would go about this. Today I had an idea and tried it.

I’m going back to the trending page at steemit and commenting on those posts where I see big people commenting and there certainly are good pickings up there on the higher ground. They may be funded by bots, but a lot of them get loads of comments by big fish, and are on topics I can speak on.

I just got going on this today and will keep on it all weekend. So far, so good. I’ve had some comment upvotes and conversation at least. I have lots of reasons I feel like my son and I should be people steemit wants to have post here. I am trying to get that across where I can without being spammy. I hope for a great result this way.

Searching the whale and witness lists does not seem to be the best idea. So many of them are inactive and I think I would waste a lot of time this way. By commenting on active posts, at least people might see me.

Another Wallet Transfer Arrives

I mentioned yesterday that @kiwideb transferred 50 SBD to my wallet. This is much needed money as well as a great boost to my spirit. Then on that same Ulog, I heard from @goldendawne with good wishes, an upvote and 20 SBD to my wallet. I can never thank these two ladies enough. They give me hope and support I truly need right now.

My Thai friends

Again, the Thai family that takes such good care of me invited me to dinner tonight. They once again sent me home with all kinds of food. I only wish I could do something for them. This picture is unprocessed and not from tonight, but it gives you an idea of a typical spread. The food comes quick and in abundance. It is a very special treat for me.

Yummy thai food fitinfun.JPG

My Thai Visa Renewal

Still no Visa extension!

I was feeling bad about missing my son’s birthday and all the arthritis symptoms were bad still. The steem/sbd prices are awful and I just did not feel up to any of it. So I worked and napped instead, and now it will be Monday – do or die!

Amazon! Don’t fail me now!

This month, of all months, I realized I did not receive a notification of my Amazon Book royalties at the time it normally comes. I should have received this a few days ago and did not. So I contacted Amazon and I am praying the royalties will be here at the first of the month like they should be. They will get back to me with information in 24 hours.

Here is the link to my Amazon Author Page. Just clicking around on my books helps me rank better, and please feel free to buy a book if you are interested in my health and weight loss ideas. Here is a short video I made about Dry Skin Brushing, which is one of the topics I wrote two books about. If you do this, you will feel better.

My Money Needs

Today is June 29, 2018, and nothing much has changed expect for the fact that I am increasing the amount I want to manifest. I will still show the detail below for my immediate needs, but my new total I am looking for is $5000 usd. I am doing this because of a manifesting video I listened to last night. This is by a “manifesting coach.” He mentioned the idea that is hard for him to work with women sometimes because they think too small.

His example was of a woman he worked with that was only asking for the money she needed in the immediate future. Huh? Was he reading my ulog? No, his video was a couple of years old.

He said men will come in with requests of $1M or $10M. Women come in, requesting to be able to buy groceries. This is wrong because once they get what they need, they will still be in need.

So now I will be chanting:
"I am a money magnet. $5000 is mine and on its way."
Along with many other good thoughts about money. This manifesting information is in huge supply on You Tube so I have plenty of variety to choose from. When I go to sleep, I'm listening to subliminal messages that put me out like a light. When I wake up, I listen to shorter "affirmation" videos to start the day out right.

This coach also mentioned that the big dreams manifest easier than the small ones. Maybe I need to manifest ten thousand instead! I would love any input about this since I know 90% of steemers are men. Please tell me your thoughts about this idea.

If I dream big, will the small amounts keep coming and adding up? You will have to stay tuned to find out. But time is slipping into the future, and my needs are now.

The money I need now is in US Dollars though much of it is really in Thai Baht

nowSan Diego Bus Passes and Supplies50.00
nowThailand Food and Supplies 50.00
Before July 1Thai Visa Extension86.00
07/01/18fitinfun Wordpress Renewal107.40
07/01/18Domain Renewal14.99
07/03/18San Diego Rent650.00
07/05/18Thailand Rent350.00
07/02/18Thailand WIFI15.00

The total of those amounts is $1323.39. How much do I have now? About $120 and another $150 coming from work other than steemit. The $150 will be here about July 1, I hope!

My domain renewal and site renewal may be off this list next time you see this post. I am not going to pay for my site if I cannot pay the rent. I cannot afford either one right now anyway.

Help Us Stay on Steemit

If you would like to help my son @bxlphabet and I stay on steemit, but your upvote is just not enough, here are my wallet and PayPal addresses where I will am so grateful for any help.

BitcoinCash - BCH


Bitcoin - BTC


Dash - DAS


Litecoin - LTC


PayPal Thailand:

[email protected]

PayPal US:

[email protected]

before and after stomach poster fitinfun.jpg


Working toward your goal with determination, dreaming big in essence is positive thinking. When you go to sleep at night think positive thoughts, apparently when you sleep soundly thoughts and ideas come to mind, have a notepad and pencil next to the bed, if you wake with a strong idea write it down immediately, in the morning start to take action @fitinfun

Following your posts and really hope that life adjusts after this long road traveled.

Thank you so much, Joan. Your support means the world to me. I'm sleeping as best I can with a lot of nightmares, I'm afraid. I have always been a good sleeper, so this is something new. I'm going to try a YT video tonight that is supposed to run while you sleep and help with this trouble. I'm am praying for a good result.

And yes, I'm am working the positive affirmations as well. Life goes on until it doesn't and I am confident something better is around the corner.

Congratulations @fitinfun ! You received a 1% upvote from @kryptoniabot & @kryptonia.

Remember to receive votes from @kryptoniabot

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Due to an increased amount of tasks, we have changed up the voting power to evenly spread out the Upvote amount.

Follow and upvote u ...plz follow me back.

You will not do well here with that type of comment and approach. Please take a look at this older post with better ideas for succeeding on steemit.

Make Money Blogging on Steemit Top Tips and Checklist for Better Results!!

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