Saving Up SBD for Steem Powered Raised Beds

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

farmstead farmsteadsmith steem powered raised beds

My newest goal planned with Steemit is to save enough SBD in order to build ourselves some raised garden beds. This is the only way we will be able to garden here at all. The dang vermin eat everything. We're dealing with multitudes of ground squirrels, rabbits, pack rats, and other small pests. We're not even dealing with deer here. I tell you, I would much prefer to be battling deer...

The Backstory

I tried hard to garden this year, husband and roommate worked really hard and got the garden dug up. It looked great. The dirt was wonderful. Haha Weird to say that, but it's true. It was exciting. Even if I wanted to start out with raised beds to begin with... Husband did a great job. We got a fence up and it looked great! I made a mini bed and planted my peas...

farmsteadsmith farmstead gardenfarmsteadsmith farmstead garden peas

I spent money on starts because I didn't get a chance to start seeds. I bought a bunch of lettuce, because LETTUCE. I planned to use it for myself and my animals. In one night, 20 lettuce plants were decimated. Completely. Pulled from the ground, gone. The peas started growing and once they were nice and a whole inch tall. Gone. Done. Sigh. I was so excited from some sweet peas.

So, I did some research, of course. I read that some ground dwelling creatures didn't enjoy mulch. So we mulched the garden beds. I then built a cover in hopes the critters just wouldn't think it was worth it. I also planted the perimeter with onion and garlic.

farmsteadsmith farmstead garden lettuce

And this all worked for about... 20 hours. All that work, for nada. It was all gone. Except for the onions and garlic! Well, that was until last month when the last onion or garlic plant was pulled under the ground by some... heartless creature. That's right, everything was eaten! Haha.

The Goal

So here we are today no garden. So, raised beds have to be the answer right? I plant to make them tall and have the bottom covered with hardware cloth to prevent tiny little rodent critters from digging under. Hopefully the height will discourage critters from climbing up. They will be made of metal and wood... But mostly metal. The metal should reflect the heat from our hot summers, and that would be good here. I feel that the metal will last longer in our interesting climate as well.

So, they would be similar to these that I found a nice little how-to on eHow. However, mine would be as tall as the corrugated metal is wide, so about 26 inches tall. This will be beneficial for my back, in the long run! I was thinking about making them 4ft wide by 8ft long.

raised bed farmsteadsmith farmstead ehow

Having wood on top like it shows, creates a nice bench seat! Perfect for lazy bums like me who have bad knees and need to sit down to continue to work in an area. The design is still up in the air, but, this is really close. Though things can change.

What We Need

I would essentially like 4 of these beds, but 2 is a good start as well. For now I will talk about the price of just one. So I can wrap my head around it.

Materials Needed:

I may be over estimating on the lumber (golly, I hope I am!). Thankfully, adjustments can ALWAYS be made. If I figure out a "cheaper" way to get something done and have it look like I want it to, I will usually do that. Decided to go with pressure treated lumber vs cedar due to cost.

I can tell you now that I am actually surprised at the cost of this! But I REALLY want to do things right THE FIRST TIME. And sometimes, that costs more. Other materials that have been suggested to me, just aren't resonating with me as the right way to go for the long haul.

So what? Why am I sharing this with you? Well, as I have said in the past, it is my goal to be genuine with you. Part of being genuine is being honest. So, because you lovely people support me by reading and commenting on my posts, I feel like you deserve to know what I plan to do with my earnings.

This will be the first purchase with anything from Steemit, and only with SBD! All Steem Power will stay as Steem Power so that I can upvote the community with higher and higher valued upvotes!

Hopefully it happens sooner rather than later. I would like to get these in this fall, that way I can start composting in there also!

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I feel ya', unfortunately. My first garden spot was decimated as well by moles, voles and rabbits. I too planted raised beds by using hardware cloth on the bottom. The good news, it worked!!! The not so great news was that it created another problem for me. (If you have running water it is not a problem.)

I built raised beds outta two materials. The first was all wood. I knew the longevity of that one would be less than I desired so for the second I built it much like your picture. I used metal for all the sides. Here is where "my" problem comes into play.

It was very obvious that the metal bed's soil temperature raised dramatically over the wooden one. This can be a great thing in the beginning of the year when soil temps are still too cold for some crops, so I just planted them in the metal bed. Well, later on it became problematic because the metal beds dry out much faster (by 3x) over the wooden ones. It is attributed to the metal transferring heat into the bed.

I live off-grid and have to supplement watering the gardening by hand. No hose or faucet. I have to carry 5 gallon buckets by hand so extra watering needs are frowned upon.

I will say this. My tomatoes and peppers absolutely loved the metal beds, even though I had to water them daily. The cold crops not so much. They faired very poorly in them in all but the coolest months. You know nothing can kill kale (except insects) and even the kale didn't like them. I mean it grew but never flourished like in the woods beds.

Just thought I'd pass along some first hand experience. If I were to do it all over again. I would still build a few metal beds but the majority I'd build outta wood. Hope this helps.

Thanks for your experience story!! I appreciate it!! Considering the price of wood, I think this is cheaper for now. (Especially since I don't have a pickup to go grab whatever comes up. Boo :( hopefully someday soon we will!)

I will have to do some experiments and I appreciate your input! I can't wait to test it all out!! Thanks!

It turned out to be an unintentional experiment. Those discoveries are the best ones. Regardless of what materials you choose to use. You'll love your new beds.

Thanks so much for your comments of knowledge! :)

Great idea, with all the rocks in my ground I'll probably need raised beds as well. Another idea I've seen to keep critters from burrowing in underneath, is using chicken wire or some type of metal fencing on the bottom instead of the hardware cloth. That way any excess water can get through the bottom along with the roots if they grow that deep, but a gopher can't get up into the bed.

I've also seen where people have made hugelkultur- type raised beds where they put in a layer of old trees before filling with soil, to cut down the amount of soil they needed to fill it. I've never done anything like this, but just thought I'd throw those ideas out there. Getting started this fall is wise, I think, good luck gettin' 'er done.

Oh hardware cloth is like metal fencing. :) it has small holes like half inch squares.

You're reading my mind! The Hügelkultur was part of the plan. :) haha

Ah, that sounds perfect then. I was picturing something different, maybe like a tarp. So many terms for that kind of stuff, I can't keep track. :) Thanks.

There are a lot of terms! Hard for me to keep up too! I always wanna call it "hardWIRE" cloth. Haha

I don't have critters but I DO have raised beds and they're ace. SO little maintenance required too. Only downside is they drain well, so make sure to water!

Good luck with your challenge. Upvoting and resteeming for you :D

Oh yes, absolutely. I like watering so that's not too tough! :) and I like timers. Haha

Aha. Yes, timers are your friend. I don't even have an outside tap here so it's all hand watering!!

Oh gosh, I'd die! Hahaha.

I often feel that way! I must get a plumber in and get a quote...but, ya know, $$$$!

Hahaha that’s for sure! Well you get a workout for it gen! Good for you!! Haha

I see you are really bringing it to Steemit, showing people what you are working hard on and I really hope you achieve it! Getting the garden going well will be great for the farm and I shall give you my life energy for it to grow! 😂

Thanks so much! Hahah your support AND life energy mean a lot to me! I know I will need it! Hahaha I really do want to show people what their upvotes will help me achieve. I urge everyone to do that. It can also show newbies what is possible with the power of Steem! Haha hope this goal pans out. It will be so much fun to show people the process and how they have helped me. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! I really appreciate it! :)

Starts getting wrinkly skin from the loss of life force 😆
Always happy to help how I can, even just through comments and upvotes etc.

If all else fails and you only get some or half, at least that's a big goal and help towards it! I can't wait to see you posting about the success of it. 😉

Hahha oh noooooo. Don't wrinkle to death! Hahaha

I think so too! I think it would be great to even get half to help with the burden. I can't wait to post about it either! I just hope this is the right solution to all these hungry critters! I'm definitely at a loss if this doesn't work! I mean, I couldn't even grow sunflowers for goodness sake!

Haha too late, you took all my life force!

Yeah definitely, would be both a great adventure and reward to progress with the Steemit community while continuing on it. I think it will work, we must believe that it will! Haha

Well that really sucks! Wonder what critter was so cruel. I hope you get all your funding. We are also trying to have steemit posts pay for our garden project. 1/3rd of the way there!

Let me tell you, itvwas conpletely disheartening. They even pulled up my bee balm and other awesome plants!!!

I hope you are able to get your funding too!! Glad to see you back with us!

That's terrible! Are you planning on planting any perennials? I hope they don't end up going after them if you do!

Only temporarily unfortunately. Hubby still has 3 weeks of class left but hoping to get some articles up during that time! I still owe people an Irma update.

They even took out a rhubarb plant!! Can you believe it? And no, I didn't find any dead critters!! These critters are RUTHLESS! Ruthless I tell you! Ugh...

That is a great goal! I hope you keep us updated on this when it comes to fruition. We did raised beds this year and it was so nice.

I think once it happens, I won't be able to shut up about it! Hahaha that will be so fun to share the whole process with you guys!

I think raised beds will be so much easier on me and my husband. I try to think about when we're old. Hahah

My beds in the greenhouse are tall enough i can just pick produce right in front of my face. Also, no weeding!!!

That is soooo cool! I loved seeing your greenhouse post you shared not too long ago! I wanna see more of it. :D

Thank you, @farmstead. I have some work to do in there before I post about it again.

Enjoy an upvote towards your goal!

Thank you so much! Every little bit counts!! And believe me it is so appreciated!!!

Bummer! Sorry to hear about your loss. That's always a huge let down, especially after putting all your time and effort into it. Best of luck to you in reaching your goal! I know you'll make it with the quality of content that you bring to the community here!

Thank you so much @bobwhite!! Yeah it was a super bummer, made me pretty discouraged! I've only been able to garden for the last three years since moving back home! So that was pretty lame. I am so glad you found me, I really do look forward to your posts! You have so much knowledge to share!

While it wont prevent all animals from eating your plants, planting tobacco plants as a perimeter will deter many types of animals from going near your crop. Deer are my number one pest, and they avoid it like the plague. Seeds are super cheap too - you can get several hundred for just a couple bucks.

If it'd be of any interest, I actually did a writeup on homemade and homegrown insecticide earlier tonight.

Thanks for the tips! But other than the obvious, and possible deterrent, what can the tobacco plants be used for? Fodder? Well I guess not if it deters deer, it's probably not very great.. Maybe, living mulch or chop and drop "compost"? What do you do with it?

Definitely not good for fodder, the nicotine content prevents that from being an option. Other than using it as deterrent, alot of people grow it as ornamental plants. They're are some really pretty varieties out there, especially when they go to bloom.

I grow a few varieties - some to be used solely for insecticide, others as perimeter control for my gardens, and also grow a few others for personal use to save money by making my own cigarettes, plus the added benefit of not having the extra 500 chemicals added to it by the factory (yea, bad habit, I know).

Oh yeah that's what I figured! I will have to look into it to see if it's something for me! Hey no judgements from me man! :D

Oh man, you do have critter problems. Brutal!

I think you're spot on in going for raised beds. It will solve a lot of the issues from the get-go. You deserve to have your fresh lettuce and peas!

It was really disheartening... I was so discouraged. I think this will solve a ton of problems, you're right!! Thank you so much for all you do!

Very cool. Sorry to hear about your bad luck w varmits. We've been pretty fortunate this year thanks to our hard working cattle dog. That and the hawks. Our rabbit fence might've helped too but I think if they were around they would've found a way in.
Anyway raised beds are awesome, love the idea of putting your hard earned SBD to good use!

Yeah it was really crappy. I would love to see your rabbit fence! I have wild rabbits... Thank you so much for your comment!!

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