Little Quail Adventures

in #homesteading7 years ago

farmsteadsmith farmstead quail bobwhite

The three quail that were hatched last month are doing decently well! However, I do have a little runt who is having all kinds of problems. He has splay leg and toes that want to just curl inward. I am trying all kinds of things to fix this problem, but it's up and down with how the solutions are working. Thankfully he seems strong and healthy otherwise. I just worry that if he's deformed, the others will pick on him and probably kill him. So far so good though.

I first noticed the possible splay leg, soon after hatch, in the incubator. I really wasn't sure what to think at first. My breeder suggested that I put it in a teacup in the incubator for a day. This is meant to immobilize the chick so that the legs can learn to stay under its body instead of go willy nilly off to the side. The silly thing would just hop right out of it, they're like little Mexican Jumping Beans.

Since he wouldn't stay in the cup, I had to resort to something else. I made him a boot. I noticed that one of his outside toes was curling under his foot. I assumed that was one reason for the splay leg, unable to get proper traction. So, I made it a little "boot".

I left it on for a few days and once I removed it, I barely could tell which chick he was. But, a few days later, the issue returned. I was using paper towels as their bedding (I typically use puppy training pads on my chicks, but had ran out and hoped that the paper towels would be a decent substitute), but since this was not working for the chick... I tried using some kitchen towels in hopes that the chick would be able to get more traction. This was not working either. So I switched to pine shavings. Noticing this wasn't helping either. I had to do something else.

To keep its leg under its body, I decided it was time to create "shackles" for it. (This is something a lot of people do to assist with splay leg). I used a small bandaid to hold both of its legs together (like handcuffs). I also put another "boot" on him to hopefully flatten out his toes that were all curling inward now. This poor little thing, it was having such difficulty getting around in the shavings with these contraptions on him. Somehow he was able to remove both the boo and bandaid shackle. So I resorted to first aid tape around his legs, rather than the bandaid. I did not create another boot for it.

farmsteadsmith farmstead quail bobwhitefarmsteadsmith farmstead quail bobwhite

I've now since changed over to puppy pads (so much easier to clean!). After I took off its shackles, the foot and leg seemed fine. However, a few more days went by and it went back to being splay leg. At least the toes are straight? It's pretty unfortunate. But, he does seem like he is growing and healthy other than his gimpy leg. He isn't showing any signs of pain, so my hope is that he can take care of himself... at least until he is meal sized.

More Quail Eggs in the Incubator!

I've got 10 more quail eggs set in the incubator. They were place in there on Thursday, August 31st! So realistically, I should have some more baby quail this weekend!

Bobwhite Quail are seasonal layers, so this is one downside of the Bobwhite Quail breed. So if you're looking for a constant supply of eggs, I don't recommend Bobwhite Quail. But they sure are gorgeous, and I love the sounds they make!

The quail have been a ride, I am excited for this newest hatch. I have found someone local that I can buy a few more bobwhites from. It will be good to add some new blood to the brood! I'll let you know when I get them. Should be entertaining, I'm sure of it.

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Its never fun having problems with baby chicks, but its inevitably going to happen if you hatch them. I've had the same issue happen a few times and not trying to get your hopes up, but by this point it probably cant be corrected.

More times than not, the feet issue stems from too high of humidity in the incubator in the later days of incubation, which then easily leads to the leg issue. If your plans are just to get him to dinner size, he will do just fine. As long as you don't put him with other older quail, his hatch-mates should be good with him and not pick on him too bad.

Best of luck with your upcoming hatch!

Ah yes, this was my first ever hatch. :) I know I will have problems, for sure. Especially being a newbie. I have a hovabator incubator and was suggested to fill up reservoir #3 throughout the whole process. But maybe that's incorrect. I am not really sure! Tonight I am removing the autoturner and refilling the reservoir for "lockdown". Do you have any suggestions for me? This will be the last session for the year of the bobwhites for me, I think, and I've got 10 eggs in there. I'll candle them tonight before "lockdown".

We did have four hatch last time, but had to cull one. And then there's this one with the splay leg. Yes, it's pretty severe and did all that I could to help him out. But I know you're right, it's super too late now. So I had to let him just take care of himself.

I was planning on introducing this batch (they're 6 weeks old on the last day of the month) to the quail pen on the 30th. Do you have any suggestions on integration? I suppose I could put him in a separate cage within the quail pen, I was hoping I wouldn't have to.

I know it takes about 20 weeks for them to reach maturity, but do they become "of size" before then?

Also, thanks so much for coming over! I saw that you upvoted (thank you) and went over to your blog and I have your post up and ready to read!! I thought it was all super serendipitous! Hahah.

There's a few people in our @steemithomesteaders community who raise quail. :D You'd be a welcome sight in our SLACK community! Check it out, if you want!

It's definitely an addicting hobby, you'll be wanting to expand in no time so start building some new pens now!

If you've got the hovabator 1588 forced air, thats a good one to have and that is one of my incubators as well. You'll definitely get great results from that. I looked in my reservoir, and didn't notice a #3. Are you talking about the three small ones in the middle? Ive got the 2 outter bands, labeled #1 and #2, and three small ones in the middle.

I've experimented around with 'recommended' humidities, dry incubation, along with tweaking my own. I've had best results with 30%-40% in the first part of incubation, and bumping it up to around 60% for lockdown. With the hovabator 1588, that usually came to using #1 and #2 for the first part, and then filling all the chambers for lockdown. If you have trouble hitting the 60% mark, add a sponge or two or some wet paper towels.

And be sure to not get too excited and want to remove each and every chick as they hatch, especially if others have pipped but havent hatched yet. You really want to keep those temps and humidity steady. I usually try to remove mine within 24-36 hours if others aren't in the process of coming out - the yolk provides them more than enough energy to go that long (and even longer) without food or water.

When you say introducing them to the quail pen, do you mean with other birds already in there? Or just transferring them from the brooder to an empty pen?

As of the getting to size part, I would say 16-20 weeks is typical for most bobwhites. While they'll still continue to grow some past 20 weeks, they will be past the peak of their growth by then.

And I'll definitely check out the community!

I have a "flight pen" that's 12x14, I choose to raise them in the ground. You can see it here

I have only three adults in there right now.

Sadly, no I have a still air incubator. The 1520? Or 1502 something like that! Haha it has four water wells in total. I was trying to find good info on it, do use, but couldn't find anything solid.

I didn't remove them right away from the incubator but I'll be even better at it this time cause, you know, it's old hat. ;)

Ground pens are a great way to go, you just gotta remember to ocassionally worm them when you've got them on the ground, but the birds are definitely way happier that way.

Whenever you introduce new quail, its best to put the new quail inside of a cage, inside of the of the big pen. Its best to leave them like that for atleast a week, if not 2 weeks so they can get used to each other. Then just open the cage up and let them integrate on their own. And I wouldn't worry about seperating the special bird from the others unless you see some serious issues going on. I think you'll see that he gets around a whole lot better too once he gets to the ground as well. Add a coffee can or two, or some other type of smaller hiding spaces for the new quail to get inside of if they need to. There will be some pecking as they set their chain of command in place, so that will be normal.

You can still get good results from still air incubators, so I wouldn't stress that part. Just try your best to get humidity around 55% 60%, and maintain steady temp at the topside of the eggs and all should go fine.

Well it definitely sounds like we're on the same page! I've actually got some plastic mixing bowls in their with entrances cut out. They love them. They built the best nest in one of them! I was really happy they liked them. We want to add more things in there for them, for sure. Plants, whatever, things are just slow going financially, so everything is taking a bit longer than I'd like.

I am so glad you found me and offered your support. :) I am glad you're on Steemit!

I'm not too familiar with the types of trees and what not that yall have out west, but if you have any pine trees or other types of evergreen in the area, those branches with the pine needles still attached work great for cover too, and stay green for quite a while. They'll typically last a couple months (atleast they do on the humid east coast). And they're perfectly safe for the quail too.

Pine trees are a little hard to come by in the desert. I live in Central Oregon the "high desert". Haha. But I will definitely research what kind of trees and plants are good for them, for sure. :D

I am so tempted to pull the trigger on quails now, gah!

Do iiiitttttt!! Haha you have my full support! Ha

I agree. DO itttttttt!

I hope that you do get more baby quail hatching this weekend. Nice work caring for the runt with the issues too!

Thanks for the well wishes!! I hope so too! I did all that I could for it, I wish it worked. But, at least it is still alive and kicking! It seems healthy otherwise. :D

So, welcome to steemit! I see you're on a new account! I would love to hear how you plan to help build the homestead community! :) We can use all the help we can get! :D Hahaha. Can't wait to see posts from ya! Thanks for stopping by!

Edit to add: Oooh I see who you're connected to - after digging ;) . Good idea to make an account like this. I am very interested in seeing the logistics and how this rolls out. :D

Yup, we are here just to upvote and comment, and build the homesteading community.

That's awesome. :D Thanks for that!

That boot photo had me saying... AWE! He's so cute. I wish I had some advise to lend. I will leave that to your fellow homesteaders! Great post, I enjoyed the read.

Hehe awe well they are super adorable when they're tiny! Only the heartless don't awe! Haha

Poor little Gimpy! Any ideas on what causes splay leg? I hope he does well enough at least until, like you said, he is dinner sized. I love the little boot idea!

There's a few factors that I read... Could be genetic, or it could have been imperfect incubator atmosphere. Anything's possible. It's unfortunate that all my efforts didn't help him. Poor guy. I wish it did because life's gonna be a bit more difficult for him.

They are so cute...tempted to do quail as their eggs are anti-cancer! do they stay close to home?

Oh they're pretty wild things! You must keep them enclosed at all times. They'll run away and be free! Haha here's my set up, but here are a couple ways to keep them:

Thank you so much!

No problem! Let me know if you have any more questions! I can talk birds all day!

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You could make him a little peg leg if his doesn't work out. Add an eyepatch and nobody will mess with him.

Hahaha I would totally consider that if his leg like, fell off or something! Hahaha

Great post. I'm pretty much convinced I need bobwhites in my life now. Though, that means new runs so I need to do some organising if I'm to fit them into my teeny smallholding.

Well done on the runt - whatever his future, it's good to see care being taken :D

Hahaha well I'm anxious to see you get everything ready for them then!! That's exciting!

Yes, I try to give them the best chance I can. :) thanks!!

Wow nice one @farmstead quals... Good work you doing... Keep it up...

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