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RE: Saving Up SBD for Steem Powered Raised Beds

I feel ya', unfortunately. My first garden spot was decimated as well by moles, voles and rabbits. I too planted raised beds by using hardware cloth on the bottom. The good news, it worked!!! The not so great news was that it created another problem for me. (If you have running water it is not a problem.)

I built raised beds outta two materials. The first was all wood. I knew the longevity of that one would be less than I desired so for the second I built it much like your picture. I used metal for all the sides. Here is where "my" problem comes into play.

It was very obvious that the metal bed's soil temperature raised dramatically over the wooden one. This can be a great thing in the beginning of the year when soil temps are still too cold for some crops, so I just planted them in the metal bed. Well, later on it became problematic because the metal beds dry out much faster (by 3x) over the wooden ones. It is attributed to the metal transferring heat into the bed.

I live off-grid and have to supplement watering the gardening by hand. No hose or faucet. I have to carry 5 gallon buckets by hand so extra watering needs are frowned upon.

I will say this. My tomatoes and peppers absolutely loved the metal beds, even though I had to water them daily. The cold crops not so much. They faired very poorly in them in all but the coolest months. You know nothing can kill kale (except insects) and even the kale didn't like them. I mean it grew but never flourished like in the woods beds.

Just thought I'd pass along some first hand experience. If I were to do it all over again. I would still build a few metal beds but the majority I'd build outta wood. Hope this helps.


Thanks for your experience story!! I appreciate it!! Considering the price of wood, I think this is cheaper for now. (Especially since I don't have a pickup to go grab whatever comes up. Boo :( hopefully someday soon we will!)

I will have to do some experiments and I appreciate your input! I can't wait to test it all out!! Thanks!

It turned out to be an unintentional experiment. Those discoveries are the best ones. Regardless of what materials you choose to use. You'll love your new beds.

Thanks so much for your comments of knowledge! :)

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