Laying the Foundation - Have You Set Your Steemian Goals?

in #philippines7 years ago (edited)


What are Steemian goals? How do I set them? Do I need one? What do I get in setting them? These are some of the questions we'll answer here.

Consistent with what we did in our previous post of this series, let's start by defining what a goal is.

What a Goal is Not

When I hear the word goal, the first thing that comes to mind is the goal of a soccer field. Sometimes, it's the basketball ring, or the golf hole, or in volleyball, it's down the opponent's court.

Given these images, it's easy to misunderstand what a goal is not. The things just mentioned are not goals, but targets.


This requires us to distinguish between a target and a goal.

Targets are small, easily executable tasks, while goals are something bigger.

Let's take basketball as an example. Shooting baskets is a target. Winning a game is a goal. Hitting your shots consistently contribute to your goal of winning a game. Winning a game contributes to your goal of winning a championship. Winning a championship contributes to your goal of winning a three-peat.

Targets and goals are chained. Hitting your targets consistently contributes to you achieving your goal.

The Need for Consistency


Have you watched a game played by amateurs? How about a game played by professionals? Do you see the gap between how amateurs play and how professionals do it? I believe one of those factors is consistency.

How do professional athletes hit their targets consistently?

Let's look at Stephen Curry, one of NBA's best, as an example. According to this article:

He puts up 1,000 shots in practice every week, not counting those he takes in games.

It needs repetition. Applying this to Steemit, if we want to hit our targets consistently, we need repetition.

What are Steemian Targets?

I've trimmed it to the following:

  • Posts (including re-steems)
  • Comments
  • Followers
  • Reputation
  • Wallet (STEEM Dollars, STEEM POWER, and STEEM)

Posts and comments are the things that we have most control over and are what affects the others. So let's focus on these.

What are Steemian Goals?

Anything bigger than our targets can be considered a goal.

Let's take this post by @vallesleoruther as an example.

I have set a goal to surpass the 10,000 rank in the next couple of months. Cannot wait to see if we have surpassed that 10,000 rank.

What are Reasonable Goals?

Anything attainable is reasonable. For minnows, any of the following is reasonable:

  • Posts : 5 quality posts per week
  • Comments: 5 insightful or engaging comments per day
  • Followers : 100 followers in two weeks
  • Wallet : 500 Steem Power in 1 month
  • Reputation : 50 in two weeks

Play with the numbers.

Here are some who have actually accomplished them.

If you're like me who didn't set any goal when I started, I suggest you create a baseline, a number of posts in two weeks, a number of comments, and a number of articles or posts read. The lessons you learn in your first few weeks will determine your success in Steemit. Remember our definition of success?

Success is the steady progress towards predetermined goals.

This will be your baseline. Not another's, but yours. The only measure you should set for now is your own.

What's Next?

Now that you've set your goals, how do you move towards them? How do you achieve consistency? These are some of the questions we will answer in my next post, God willing.

About 'Laying the Foundation' series

'Laying the Foundation' is a series of posts where I share with you questions I believe are important for every Steemian to answer. It aims to add value to every Steemian. I also share with you my answers to these questions and challenge you to come up with your own and share your answers to them.

Come for the rewards. Stay for the community. - Steemit

Sep. 9, 2017 - Updated reasonable goals based on this question by @goldygoody

Image sources: [1][2][3]


This is a great post. I think it's helpful for new members to keep this in mind when using the platform.

Even more than that though, setting targets and goals is something we should do in every aspect of our lives. Thanks for the reminder!

I appreciate the feedback @ethandsmith. Yes, that's the ripple effect I was looking for - to apply it in other areas. :)

I've almost finished all the goals you said minnows should strive for in the first 2 weeks, I'm going to make sure I stay as consistent as possible I can't wait for the future so that I can watch steem grow!

Congratulations @s10. Just keep up what you're doing and challenge yourself to the next level.

Thanks for the inspiration. Well set goals and a disciplined work style can always ensure success

You're welcome @sayee. As it is in life in general. :) I appreciate the feedback. Stay awesome!

Great post! I'm still pretty new to SteemIt but I'm right at that point you mentioned, where the things I'm learning now are revealing a lot about what I need to do to succeed. I've also started finding articles that are really useful for expanding your presence in the SteemIt community, which has helped shape some necessary targets in order to reach my goals. I've been trying to focus on good quality content but I haven't been doing enough to gain exposure and really understand Steem Power. I'm learning though and this post has some very good advice.

Just take it one leap at a time. From your comment, I think you already what you need to do and just learningthe ropes and techincalities of Steem. You'll get the hang of it eventually. Experiment!

I'm not a fan of curry but got mad respect for his hard work and dedication :-)

Anyways, great content as usual, I used to write my goals before Steemit but couldn't now because of family and work but maybe one of these days, I'll put it in writing here on Steemit.

Thank you for reminding me my friend and also by making me realize the difference between a target and a goal.


Hahaha Lebron fan ka ba? It's always an engaging post ang mga comment mo bro! Perhaps we should write about people who inspire us? :) example, LBJ vs SC hahaaha

Spurs dude lol, yeah I always try na valuable ung comments and posts ko especially for great blog posts like yours :-)

Sure, I'd be happy to do an article about people who inspires us, got a lot

Thanks bro! Now I know na Spurs fan ka pala. :)

This one is inspiring especially for new members. I am just a week old here, and it encouraged me to continue.

Thank you @iyanpol12. I'm glad it encouraged you. Just keep on Steeming. :)

This is very informative. Thank you for coming up with this article. More power!

Thank you @ryssa. I'm glad you find it informative. Steem on!

Inspiring thoughts thanks @eastmael :)

Thank you @aclenx. I appreciate the feedback.

Hi sir! im fairly new so thank you for the tips :)

I would like to clarify however about the 100 posts per week part. I read in another article that you shouldn't post more than 4 in a day since you will receive penalties so as to discourage spamming.

thank you again!

Hello @goldygoody. Thank you for the clarification. Actually what I had in mind with that 100 posts goal was including comments. But I get your point, when I mention post, it means a story you submit. I'll update my post and clarify this to avoid confusion.

Thank you for the feedback!

Nice post. Love the diving goal, would be great if it is a Redskins.
Voted up.

New Roll Call is here.

Follow me @Yehey
Thank you

Thanks @yehey. Will just repost this post as my checkin to the new roll call.

That's ok.

New roll call is here.

Follow me @Yehey
Thank you

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