Laying the Foundation - What were your successes?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Estimated Reading time: 3-5 mins

In my previous post, we answered another important question - what were your failures? Here, we'll answer the opposite of it - What were your successes?

We're also in the middle of the series. It's a good time to do retrospection. Let's do that at the later part of this post.

What is Success?


The same with what we previously did, let's look into the definition of success. To make it simple, let's just take the opposite of how we defined failure - NOT achieving the result that we have set. Thus, success in this context is achieving the result that we have set.

What Were Your Successes?


This time, I'll share something I achieved a long time ago - I passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N2 of December 2008.


Why do I consider this a success?

First, it moved me from being an elementary Japanese speaker, to a fluent one. So there's an aspect of progress. Second, it was something I aspired for because there was something that came with it - a Php 7,000 (around US$ 140) allowance. So there was something tangible - a reward.

From these two criteria - progress and a tangible reward - what do you believe your successes were?

Are You Successful?


Let's now take this a step further. If you'll allow, I'd like you to add the following to your definition of success:

Success is the steady progress towards predetermined goals.

Why bother with this? What do I get from it?

First, I want us to be on the same page. Second, I want us to shift our focus from a goal to what we need to do.

What Does it All Mean?


Why Steemit? What were your failures? What were your successes?

These are the questions we have answered so far. Let's take a step back and see if something emerges.

Why Steemit?

"I believe in Steemit's principle to reward its users."

"I saw someone I know use it and have succeeded."

Steemit is the platform we use. It's important that we know and trust the vision and people behind it.

What were your failures?

"I wanted to be a Silver director (earned $1000), but I only became a Director (earned $600)."

Our failures prepare us for something better. Something we can't foresee coming.

What were your successes?

"I passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2 of December 2008."

...there's an aspect of progress... there was something tangible - a reward."

To move forward, we need to know where we're going. We need to define how we measure our success.

Putting it all Together


Being a Steemian is a career. You'll be spending time, effort, and STEEM. There are also intangible things like faith and trust. So to make our stay here fun and meaningful, I'm inviting you to lay a foundation.

With the new definition of success, what do you think will make you a successful Steemian? What steps can you take that will move you closer to your goals? What are your Steemian goals?

Share in the comments below.

What's Next?

Have you discovered your gifts and talents? Are you developing them and putting them to use? Have you set goals? These are some of the questions we will answer in my next post, God willing - How do I set Steemian goals?

About 'Laying the Foundation' series

'Laying the Foundation' is a series of posts where I share with you questions I believe are important for every Steemian to answer. It aims to add value to every Steemian. I also share with you my answers to these questions and challenge you to come up with your own set of questions and share your answers to them.

Come for the rewards. Stay for the community. - Steemit

Photo credits: [1][2][3][4][5][6]

To Tomas @czechglobalhosts, I would like to take your offer to read my posts by tagging you in them. Looking forward to your feedback.


I do not believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil.

- Albert Einstein

Wow, just wow.

As a promise from my previous comment, I'll share what success means to me.

The meaning of success is different for each person.

Some think that having a lot of money determines your success while others measure your success on your educational background etc.

And for me, I consider my success is when I got married and started a family.

Sure, having a family is common but sometimes, we learn something extraordinary in the most common things.

Before I met my wife, I was a self centered bastard who only knows how to spend without thinking of the future, you know, one day millionaire.

I didn't change after our marriage but when she gave birth to our daughter, man, I felt so complete.

That's when I realized I wish I could have done better before she was born for her to have a better future but I have to cope with the present and reality so me and my wife tried my best for her.

And now, she's very healthy and always happy, we work from home so we always have time for her and for me, that's success as time is something we can never get back.

Thank you for sharing your story. I was happy sharing mine too.


Hello @rye05. Thank you for sharing your story. "We learn something extraordinary in the most common things" I love this. Isn't it amazing how having a family, becoming a father affects people. :)

You're welcome Sir :-)

yeah, it's true, iba ang kayang gwin ng pagiging ama sa u, it makes you matured and see the world in wonders.

Wish that all fathers would love their child or children no matter what :-)

This is beyond amazing.

I particularly liked where you talked about steemit as a career I agree, right now this is something we should all work hard at so that in the future we are all winners at this platform.

Yes @crazybgadventure. Each person in Steemit has the power to contribute to Steemit's growth. Steemit's growth also means growth to us as a community. Each one has a role to play.

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