Finish the Story Contest - WEEK #35!

in #finishthestory6 years ago (edited)


A contest with a pot of 5 STEEM + 5 @steembasicincome shares? You're in the right place!

165 @steembasicincome shares awarded till now, plus 22.558 SBD and 33 STEEM, through the contest in 34 weeks!

Here are today's yellow finned prize categories, caught fresh for you:

1st place : n. 5 STEEM

2nd place : n. 2 steembasicincome share

popular vote: n. 2 steembasicincome share (remember to vote your favourite!)

Best comment to the stories: n. 1 steembasicincome shares

@f3nix here, your pocket necromancer for all seasons. I'm here listening to Narcissistic Cannibal - Korn to keep me awake and tomorrow I've got a long long road waiting for me. Having said this, I'll leave the bridge to our psychedelic @theironfelix, who's the author of today's picaresque prompt. Isn't there a bit of a narcissistic cannibal in each steemian?

Hello fellow potassiumnite writers, I hope oure lovely @bananafish has paid good lip of thee. I’ve been privileged with drafting up a totally not pirate prompt this week so @f3nix can go to sleep finally. For now it’s time for you to labor again after just resting from all those contests in October! Yay!~

On an even less serious note, I’ve loved last week’s prompt (actually all of the recent ones, including yers @dirge; they deserve more #love all things considered). So, in turn of a political-judicial drama, why not to have a pirate prompt? Now you may be saying and citing that this wasn’t supposed to be a pirate prompt, and well you’re right. So flog me, as I shall force you to intake more pirate in your life.

To take a more serious note, I’m just purposefully making an explicit prompt that’ll cite violence. Much like Yayo Che. So for those not wanting to have blood stained on their white gloves, always consider using that blackjack instead of the sword. Anyways, happy Penguin Wars!

Map of the Bananafish Realms from a squirrely perspective!

  • Tell to a friend about the contest!

  • Join the Bananafish Realms discord chat for fresh updates and other amenities.

  • Vote, vote, vote your favourite story (and win 2 STEEM)!

  • Use the #finishthestory tag.

  • Try to post your story the earliest possible and not at the last moment (or after the results! argh!)

  • Respect the 500 words limit.

  • Help our contest & workshop to grow by giving it some visibility.

And now.. let's dive into today's story!


Pirate hunters

by @theironfelix

Boots calmly walked towards an open window-hatch, a bottle of rum is lowered down onto the sill. Upon the placement, the pirate places his scarred-induced hands on his wailing back and pushes.

“Argh! Me back be free of this wretched ache! Well, guess I learned a lesson: take a break when the Cap’n says so. Welp, time to rest...”

Taking his cue, the sill creaked in annoyance as the pirate’s body self-inquired the best resting position while perched on a sill. With a hairy arm supporting his night-colored beard, he spent his leisure-time mentally capturing the seas itself. There the familiar specs of white dots danced about the blue sky; he gasped before slowly releasing the captured air, he remembered how deep in the seven seas the ship was. With the mind returning to boredom, his eyes scanned under the blue sky.

“Ah poor ship, how these blue, blue, waves harass yah. I can hear yer wails, but I judge not. And even when the harassment be over, the aches only then take over; yet only can I respond with ‘such is life’... Huh, what be a ship in these waters be doing here? Where’s me spotting scope!”

The boots thus began a chaotic dance recital; the arms took the center stage as it flailed around to uncover the hidden telescope. As the telescope may have enjoyed the scene, it soon squeaked loud upon the firm clasp on its metallic skin. The pirate returned to the window-hatch and his arms stretched the telescope wide-wards. Eyeing in on the odd element, his eyes darted around to find any friendly symbol but soon froze.

“Oh me Flyin’ Dutchman! We’ve been tracked! Hey ho! Sound the alarm, pirate hunters come and in full-mast they set sail towards us!”

Whatever wail the ship can ever muster, the cacophonies of a hundred bodies darting around alone had easily drowned out such sorrows. The pirate unsheathed his sword, the sun’s naïve light touched and bounced off the sword. Sheathing his sword, he unholstered his flintlocks and his arms helped his eyes scan such. Cocking and holstering them, his body emerged from his room and joined in the traffic of the workplace as pirate bodies shuffled and kicked around to ready on their position. Albeit the humidity would’ve granted a hasty rest through stroke, the adrenalin surging about the bodies had protected them from unwanted advances of humidity.

Finally getting to the deck, he about-faced and attempted advancing towards the Captain’s spot. However, the Captain echoed:


And the pirate mass dropped dead and clung hard to any support they could find; as soon the ship screeched thanks the holes formed from the steel cannon-shots who mercilessly ripped through her. With that, the pirate mass resumed its circuitry and soon he met with the Captain; he screamed:

“Madame! I’m here, let me take over the steering and yah the commandin’!”

“Finally yer here, Wither! Please, they be gainin’ too much ground. So steer us towards oure enemy! And when we get close, steer us parallel to their starboard side and avoid portside! Today, I must accept my bounty and let them hath none of it!”

“Cap’n oh Cap’n! Are yah mad?”

“Mad? No! Blimey, avoid their hull Wither!”


Let’s the Bananafish Tribe grow together!

The wise potassium kami Bananafish wants all of its beloved people can benefit from rich upvotes. For this reason, knowing that unity is strength, it asks for SP delegations and for numerous commitments to the voting trail.

With delegations, @bananafish VP will grow and consequently the upvotes given to every contest entry will be higher. @f3nix, @tristancarax, @theironfelix, @raj808, @brisby, @maverickinvictus, @cyemela, @marcoriccardi, @calluna, @oivas, @anixio, @ntowl are the names of the proud Bananafish Knights who already delegated a fraction of their SP to this project.

Following the voting trail is a way to make sure you always support the other participants to the Bananafish contests, automatically upvoting the posts (but not the comments) @bananafish upvotes. @foffelius, @steelochlaver, @f3nix, @marcoriccardi, @anixio, @gwilberiol, @brisby, @calluna, @ntowl, @dirge, @iamthegray, @seesladen, @theironfelix, @letalis-laetitia, @vdux are already in the trail.

If you’re interested, here you can find all the information needed.

Bananafish Tribe supports @anarchyhasnogods project called Collective Intelligence. Cheers to our yellow-finned buddies @theironfelix and @dirge who are moderators in the @co-in community together with me, @f3nix.

This is a promising model, which rewards quality based on a decentralised consensus protocol… what does it mean? You can submit worthy posts to the @co-in platform and hopefully this will result in some interesting upvotes for the author. Many submission to Mizu No Oto and Finish the Story contests have already received upvotes from Co-In.

Join in at Co-In site here!

Or join on Discord channel to interact with the community!


Join the fun! Here is how this contest works:

  • An unfinished fiction story or a script is posted.

  • You finish it with your own post or a comment in the comment section. A limit of 500 words is recommended.

  • WIN 5 STEEM + 5 @steembasicincome shares to the writers with the best endings and comments.

The result will be out on Wednesday 14th November, 14:00 PM GMT+7 avg. (U.S. West Coast time zone). Submission and voting deadline: Tuesday 13th November, 12:00 PM - noon GMT+7 (U.S. West Coast time zone)

A special thank to @tristancarax, @theironfelix, @raj808, @brisby, @maverickinvictus, @cyemela, @marcoriccardi, @calluna, @oivas, @anixio, @ntowl for their precious delegations, making this project a reality!
If you like this contest..SPREAD THE GOSPEL! We're grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Everything helps to grow together!



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I can't find the comment under which to cast my vote, but I want to vote for @dirge!
His story ending is that I liked more, for the point of view change, the vivid dialogues and the final cliffhanger.
If I could choose a second one, it would be @michaias because he made me laugh with his "ship of fools" ;)

Fuuuuuu! 🐙

I believe that I'm too late to cast a vote but if you need another then mine is for Agmoore's story.

Voting didn't even start! (Indeed, where is #vote for yer favorite entries?)

Gunna take this comment as a good looking place to vote ;)

please can i split my vote, between @michaias who executes the alternate setting very well (albeit the first one in there with it) and @marcoriccardi who gives us such a poignant and contemplative ending

thank you

Chaos! Chaos!

I forgot it! 😭

It's kind of hard picking a favorite. I do believe will be casting a vote for @marcoriccadi for a truly deep and inspiring piece that was extremely well written. I will follow suit and say for a second @stever82 for the most piratety tale... Plus I liked shooting gold at them, that was a great idea...

Chaos! Chaos!

It be the undead monkey in a jester suit. Somebody shoot it...
Layer upon layer of chaos makes the world turn...

Nah, it’s just Jevil from Deltarune (best secret NPC Boss ever!).

Duly noted! I forgot the voting space this time 😂

My vote goes to @marcoriccardi. Enjoyed the log book and getting inside the mind of the character.

Congrats, you started the vote train!

My vote goes to @tristancarax

Will be here with a stirring Ashley while ye chops duke it out:

Huzzahhh! First blood spilled!

Fo’ sho’!

Who's this guy Fel?

Why one of the best Video Game characters (which includes Sgt. Cortez from Timesplitters and Ashley from Warioware), his name is Vernon Locke from PayDay 2.

Ow! Forgive my ignorance! Ashley I knew at least.

Oh feel not sorry, for I was nae offended. So calm thy quivering, ‘tis best to save that energy for when the cold strikes hard these followin’ months!

I almost forgot to post here! I’m on time. whew 🥶🥳😘

@brisby One curie vote behind you. Then we’ll be even at the bar you set so, so very high.

Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations on your curie vote Tristan! As for even, I'm looking forward to it! ;^)

Only in the Bananafish Realms!! (Moment of pride) Bravo Tristan!

This time I'm participating for the fun of it and not as a valid entry. (I hope that makes sense. Next time, I'll be competitive. ;^)

Chaos! Chaos! (But no, what a fun entry to me pirate eyes.)

It makes sense a lot. One fun entry is like a pirate treasure chest.. yo-ho-ho!

Weee! Look who's here! One of the first participants. Welcome back super Pixie, it's nice to see you 😎✌️

Must have sensed der' be some pirate talkin' goin' on. :)

Hmm, a returning chop. Well yah chop chopped fast to come back and be second blood.

What a challenge, @theironfelix.

I'm not likely to adopt a pirate tone, nor am I likely to write a battle scene. And yet, I wanted to respect the essence of your story... Hmmm...

I tried. My character is on board, but he's no pirate. He is, however, in the midst of the battle. Hope I did OK.
Young John, Adrift on a Pirate Ship

Yarrr! As my entry, I wrote a Logbook page. ;)

Probably one of the great entries amongst this contest. By the Rum o' Cap'n Morgan, where did all yah come from? I guess yah chops really are dukin' it out, well duke harder!


Avast, ye mateys!

Eradicate the pirate menace!

Someone's gonna die tonight, and that death better worth it. I'll be careful with those fighting words like "Eradicate the pirate menace!" on this ship 'ere. Otherwise, please, come on and muster thyself.
Tick'd off.GIF

Pay attention @dirge when talking against pirates:

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