Pirate Hunters (Finish the Story Contest-week 35)

in #finishthestory6 years ago (edited)

"Ye ain't pulling a fast one on my eyes my @bananafish and of course @theironfelix. I love meh some pirating gander.

Pirate hunters

by @theironfelix
Boots calmly walked towards an open window-hatch, a bottle of rum is lowered down onto the sill. Upon the placement, the pirate places his scarred-induced hands on his wailing back and pushes.

“Argh! Me back be free of this wretched ache! Well, guess I learned a lesson: take a break when the Cap’n says so. Welp, time to rest...”

Taking his cue, the sill creaked in annoyance as the pirate’s body self-inquired the best resting position while perched on a sill. With a hairy arm supporting his night-colored beard, he spent his leisure-time mentally capturing the seas itself. There the familiar specs of white dots danced about the blue sky; he gasped before slowly releasing the captured air, he remembered how deep in the seven seas the ship was. With the mind returning to boredom, his eyes scanned under the blue sky.

“Ah poor ship, how these blue, blue, waves harass yah. I can hear yer wails, but I judge not. And even when the harassment be over, the aches only then take over; yet only can I respond with ‘such is life’... Huh, what be a ship in these waters be doing here? Where’s me spotting scope!”

The boots thus began a chaotic dance recital; the arms took the center stage as it flailed around to uncover the hidden telescope. As the telescope may have enjoyed the scene, it soon squeaked loud upon the firm clasp on its metallic skin. The pirate returned to the window-hatch and his arms stretched the telescope wide-wards. Eyeing in on the odd element, his eyes darted around to find any friendly symbol but soon froze.

“Oh me Flyin’ Dutchman! We’ve been tracked! Hey ho! Sound the alarm, pirate hunters come and in full-mast they set sail towards us!”

Whatever wail the ship can ever muster, the cacophonies of a hundred bodies darting around alone had easily drowned out such sorrows. The pirate unsheathed his sword, the sun’s naïve light touched and bounced off the sword. Sheathing his sword, he unholstered his flintlocks and his arms helped his eyes scan such. Cocking and holstering them, his body emerged from his room and joined in the traffic of the workplace as pirate bodies shuffled and kicked around to ready on their position. Albeit the humidity would’ve granted a hasty rest through stroke, the adrenalin surging about the bodies had protected them from unwanted advances of humidity.

Finally getting to the deck, he about-faced and attempted advancing towards the Captain’s spot. However, the Captain echoed:


And the pirate mass dropped dead and clung hard to any support they could find; as soon the ship screeched thanks the holes formed from the steel cannon-shots who mercilessly ripped through her. With that, the pirate mass resumed its circuitry and soon he met with the Captain; he screamed:

“Madame! I’m here, let me take over the steering and yah the commandin’!”

“Finally yer here, Wither! Please, they be gainin’ too much ground. So steer us towards oure enemy! And when we get close, steer us parallel to their starboard side and avoid portside! Today, I must accept my bounty and let them hath none of it!”

“Cap’n oh Cap’n! Are yah mad?”

“Mad? No! Blimey, avoid their hull Wither!”
"Come on ole' girl ye can do it. Git yer nose away from them." He grabbed tight of her wheel and cranked her hard. The hull of the pirate hunters vessel scraped the ship.

"Turn yer ass girl! TURN yer ass!"

"Fire yer cannons at will!," yelled the Cap'n.

Wither held as tight as his leathery hands allowed. The side impact threw the crew around, but they been trained for this and all them boots jumped right up and readied to fight. He pushed the throttle full speed, putting distance between them.

"Wither! Turn this ship around and come aside them. We shall show them what happens to pirate hunters."

"But Cap'n, we are clear to run full board. Yer sure yer not mad?"

"Thar's gold on that vessel, and it has our names on it!"

"Aye' Cap'n."

Upon his orders, Wither turned the ole' ship around and warned crew to prepare for impact. His eyes shone with the idea of more gold. His brain talks to him, wondering why the Cap'n is intent on revenge instead of getting away. "Brain, she is just nuts about shiny things. As men, we don't ask ye' women what they be thinkin' if ye wants to live."

All the crew were swingin swords as they climbed the hunter vessel. "Ha ha, we outnumber yer worthless crew," yelled the Cap'n. "Now ye' gold is all MINE!!!"

Wither saw the look in her eyes and cringed. After they looted the ship, he was given orders to sink it. "Aye aye, Cap'n."

and there ye have my bit o' pirate storytellin'. Welcome aboard my vessel.


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Welcome back @pixiehunter! How are you?
You nailed the spirit and the language (alas, a thing I can't do) of this pirate story! Arrr!

Thank you. Hanging in there. Took much needed breathing space.
Glad you liked my tidbit of Pirating. :) You have had great stories yourself. :)

Yay! Pixiehunter is back and the first thing she does is claim some gold and sink a ship! (That's one hell of a return, lady! 😀 👏)

"Turn yer ass girl! TURN yer ass!"

Just picturing Wither screaming at the ship had me 😂.

Lol, the way I see it, we all talk to our cars, so why should a pirate not talk to his ship. Glad you liked my rendition to the story. :)

I couldn't tell where the first part was ending and yours was starting! A breathtaking action, humour and accurate pirate terms create a full enjoyable reading. It's a pleasure to have you back on the bridge, buccaneer!

Why thank you kindly. It was a bit of a spell I have vanished. Maybe there will be more to come in the near future. :)

You know that this is always your safe harbour for stories and laughs 😁

That I do know, my friend. That I do know. :) Hopefully the tides have subsided a bit for me, so I can enjoy some new sailing. :)

I wish so, me matey! Finger crossed and take care!

:) likewise Cap'n

Brutal! Take no prisoners, and damn sure don't take no ship!

Lol, that's me. Brutal story teller :)

Indeed, can have no trace that they ever exist’d. That’s fo’ sho’.

Fo' sho'.jpg

Here’s a serious, golden-age pirate material ‘ere. I love it when a good lass Cap’n does a serious act and follows through with it. Love the mention of leather skin, fits well with the name of Wither. Also lived up the deed potential as well, good on her to follow through with that. Upvot’d and resteem’d.


Why thank you. Glad ya liked my rendition. Thank you for resteemin' and upvotin' me story. Aye, if only me wee upvote would be more en' a meer shiny golden penny. :)

Ha hargh, I like yer usage o' apostrophes. We'll get a true wholesome environment goin' on speakin' like pirates.

Lol, why thank ya :)

Fantastic commitment to full pirate immersion, love that they got away with the gold, and like how you kept the focus on the established characters. The light hearted sense of humour carries from the first half so well and sinking the ship they looted gives the ending a great finality.

Thank you so much. I cracked up the whole time writing it, (er typing it) lol. :)

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